Is protein powder a meme?

Why not just eat protein rich foods?

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gawdammn whodat

I was considering buying some whey but Rich Piano said they are a meme, says just eat a bunch of egg whites and shit

Of course it's a fucking meme, a meme sold to you by big pharma companies like GSK as part of a multibillion dollar industry. You can get all the protein you need from chicken, red meats, soy and fish.

It's a shit load cheaper than food, easier and faster to prepare, quicker to consume than food, and most of the time it contains a higher percentage of protein.
I ain't saying you should try to replace food, but it's good for a quick supp

Its just an easy way to get the protein you need without having to think to much about it

There are some studies suggesting fast acting protein after lifting is more beneficial than a meal, but if I'm trying to gain weight I'd rather just fill my stomach with food than shit tasting powder. I already have a problem being able to eat enough and protein makes me feel bloated af

who is this spunkie monkey?

Protein shakes makes dieting very easy. Saves you making big meals and counting everything. If you feel like being lazy just have a double scoop and a banana.


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convince me to purchase whey protein... gimme brands.. im right on the edge of doing it but can't seem to pull the trigger

but... isn't protein powder just protein? where is the nutrition?

i use it as a low kcal meal replacement because im losing weight, i eat breakfast, then dinner, then work out, then i drink a shake before bed. 1600 calories a day total and i feel satisfied before i go to bed. i use dymatize iso 100, 120 kcal 2 g carbs.

>Is protein powder a meme

No, it's a real product you can buy. You've seriously never seen protein powder in a store?

It's not magical. It's just food. It won't do anything for you that regular food won't do. But it's a cost efficient way to add protein, and it can be a good way to satisfy your sweet tooth in the process.

It's a lot quicker and easier to mix a protein shake than to cook up a batch of eggs or grill some chicken. Time is more valuable to me than money at this point.

If you're trying to gain weight, eat food instead. Don't rely on powder

are you trying to add weight or lose weight?

I am trying to add muscle and lose fat.

>inb4 thats impossible

If you need external motivation you probably don't need it.
Just makes bulking and getting your daily protein requirements easier; if you're already getting your 200g protein a day you should be fine


Lol. Def not getting 200g protein a day. MAYBE 75-100g

I mean everyone says its a meme and there is this whole know it all hipster to cool for supplements faction of fitness culture (like Veeky Forums or this guy who constantly say you don't need sups just reeeaal food and squats bro etc its all a scam.

But its pretty handy, all you need is a shaker cup and add water whenever you want it. You can keep it in your backpack or car forever, take it to school, work etc. Way easier then lugging around a tupperware + knife and fork with a smelly decomposing chicken breast that will go bad after a few days.

You don't need to drink it religiously after each workout to make gainz but people who hate on supplements ignore the convenience of it and it annoys me. Also when you are bulking its whey easier (hehe) to get a weight gainer and have like 1000 calories in a cup with 60gs of protein then have to cook it + eat it.

They save time.

To gain muscle you need to eat at a surplus which will also make you gain some fat. You can try to lose fat and maintain muscle, but without a surplus you won't gain anything

he also died of cardiac arrest at 46 so probably shouldn't take health advice from him. one egg has like 60% of your daily cholesterol levels.
>where is the nutrition?
the protein...

He died because of a head injury. He was actually fairly healthy, and dietary cholesterol is just fine

Understood. I've been hitting up the local store and buying those faggoty $4 muscle milk things, it fills me up big time, destroys food and sugar/carb cravings for hours, and I did notice a difference in gains before and after I started drinking them, as shitty as they are, I guess I wasn't getting enough protein? I dunno

Dude I'm overweight and I'm seeing tremendous muscle gains and fat loss.

Can I replace an entire meal with brotein and still get vitamins and shit or do I need to add other shit?

I've read over and over that not only is dietary cholesterol fine, but healthy as will up your t levels

A head injury he received while collapsing from cardiac arrest

The man literally had eggplant coloured skin and was out of breath talking in his videos don't tell me he was fairly healthy.


first of all he said egg whites, which have no cholestrol.

secondly, stop spreading the eggs are bad for you meme

Cardiac arrest due to years of steroid and opiate abuse. His food diet was fine and you can look to his autopsy to verify that

protein powder is fucking awesome, you don't even know until you're a beginner and wake up bigger than you were

you're changing your argument. I'm sure his diet was fine, I'd agree with that. But you said he was healthy which definitely was not the case. He's not an authority to receive health advice from.

his autopsy was incomplete and the coroners office just threw out all the toxicology shit without looking at it

no one knows why he died
its fucking bizarre

You have a bunch of stored energy in your fat. I assume you also just started lifting and are experiencing newb gains as well. You will plateau

Real food will always be superior

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I didn't change anything. You implied he had a bad diet due to him going into cardiac arrest, but it was other factors in his life that ultimately caused his death

I drank protein powder 3 times a day, every day, for a month.

My lifts stayed the same from day 1 to day 30. It just made me fat.

I never implied that, some other dude wrote >he also died of cardiac arrest at 46 so probably shouldn't take health advice from him

He also never implied he had a bad diet, he stated you shouldn't receive health advice from a guy who died of cardiac arrest at 46 l2argue bruh

Its really helpful at the end of the day when you need to sleep and cant cook but need some more protien

Its also helpful in places where you need to be out for a while and cant keep food at safe temperatures, I bring it to meets for example as part of my pre-meet meal

Also it just tastes good so its a solid choice to supplement your diet for extra protien

And this was the post that guy was replying to
>I was considering buying some whey but Rich Piano said they are a meme, says just eat a bunch of egg whites and shit
Learn to read the thread. The implication was that you shouldn't listen to his diet advice because he died early

Taste and convenience. I'm not hungry in the morning but I can drink a shake made with almond milk, a frozen banana and a scoop of chocolate whey.

what brand should I buy bro?

Learn how to construct an argument. No where did the guy say diet advice. Show me diet advice. Quote the word diet. He said health advice.


You are using deductive reasoning. There is literally no implication in there verbatim it says health advice. I dunno why I am defending some strangers post but yeah I am.

Making due with some nasty pure protein right now. My favorite is jarrow though, it goes up a dollar a year on amazon every year it seems. I'm thinking about just seeing if I can make it out of whatever greek yogurt costco has. It can be that different.

keep goin

Way more expensive and will eventually make you hate food by forcing you to maintain absurd intake rates.

MyProteinWorld mocha is great

>buying those faggoty $4 muscle milk things,

Horrendous waste of money

This is quality stuff and the vanilla tastes like pudding if you mix it with milk

He literally brought up the cholesterol content of an egg because of that post after criticising rich pianas health from said post about his diet advice. What other idea am I supposed to get from that?
There's no argument here.

who is this bitch

>2lbs for $40

wtf bros i was just viewing this some "gold standard whey protein" and it says it has soy in it. wtf is goin on? the fuck is the right kind of protein to buy?

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Soy lecithin is fine


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You get what you pay for with supplements honestly(for the most part)

Their ingredients list is really small and wholesome you aren’t getting a bunch of filler and other shit

I use it myself

Also if 40 dollars for a 1 month supply is too much for you might I reccomend employment of literally any kind

>Way more expensive and will eventually make you hate food by forcing you to maintain absurd intake rates.

please explain? I don't understand.

Shit even includes the AA profile

I really would reccomend it

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Protein is useful but not a necessity. It's like asking why drink eat carrots when you could eat baby carrots.

You have to eat like 6 times a day if you want over 100g a day unless you're some rich cunt cooking 4-5 porkchops a day

After 200 purchases of any soy product, get a FREE Nintendo Switch!

i'm hearing bad things about protein being 'spiked' and filled with soy. Still on the verge here. Not buying this shit that recommends. Looks good but too expensive.


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there BETTER be videos of her having sex

I eat 3000 calories a day and usually eat the following

Breakfast: bagel, 2 cups milk, 100g nonfat yogurt

Protein total: 42g

Lunch(example): 5oz dry pasta or like 180g dry rice, 12oz raw chicken, some sauce and veggies n shit

Running total: 140

Snacks am and pm: 2 cereal bars

Running total: 148g

Dinner: 8oz of some leanish meat, maybe veggies, rice, potatoes, pasa ect...

Running total: ~200g

If I’m short somebo or not eating lean meats I use my protien powder to supplement up

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200g yogurt not 100

>dude it's not REEEEAAALL food!!!11!

what do you think whey protein is? virtual food?


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>12oz raw chicken
>8oz of some leanish meat

that's a fucking lot of meat
where do you get a lunch like that every day? don't you have to go to school/work?


Never going to make it

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Most protein powder has soy lecithin in it except for a few brands, like pic related.

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>is protein powder a meme
>powderize milk
>take out sugar
>add chemical bullshit so it doesnt taste like foot powder
>sell for 10x cost of milk
just drink milk

what the fuck is soy lecithin???

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I bring it with me to work, is it that hard to concive of that?

The 12oz kinda is a lot of chicken

But 8oz is kinda a small portion

lmao probably one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on here.

Started jacking of to OP's pic.
Now I',m thinkimng bout food

I cook 4 days of lunch on sunday and buy lunch from a like mongolian bbq buffet on fridays btw

thinkin about thos beans?

only 200g of protein?

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An additive that supposedly improves flavor. It's just as estrogenic as regular soy.

literally the same thing I thought kek

find me a fucking good protein powder that doesn't contain this shit on amazon for same cost that isn't spiked with bullshit

Significantly doubt you need all of that

I’m nearly getting 1g for every POUND I weigh thats literally fine

Unless you are really heavy thats probably a waste

What are you, 400 lbs?

It's for people who don't have the time or hunger to eat meat and other protein rich food

Yea thats me dude. Trying my hardest right now to find some protein on amazon that does not contain this soy lethicin shit.

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>thinks 3000kcal is a lot for a bulk

>for same cost


300g protein is what someone who's 400lbs would need.

Unless you're on gear, you really don't need over 200 grams of protein a day. Any excess will be converted into glucose.

If you eat half way decent you will get all the protein your body can handle plus vitamins and other things powder doesn't offer. Just drink a glass of chocolate milk and maybe eat some peanut or a banana after you workout

it's literally any basic bitch that you won't remember tomorrow, who the fuck cares retard

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whey protein is very quickly absorbed. directly after a workout, myostatin is very low, and the quick absorption of of whey along with glucose or maltodextrin could take advantage of that fact well. i cant be assed to find the study now, but i did read one where the protein-after-workout group gained more than placebo. any other time than immediately post-workout is better suited towards food-based protein sources; partially because of costy and partially because of phytos/micros, and the phytos/micros of side dishes assoiciated with protein sources

Sometimes it's difficult to find time to get or cook foods with high protein
Whey gives me the ability to ensure I get what I need no matter how school goes

Why not just eat raw meat?

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soy lecithin 9/10 times is so purely microfiltered that it contains ZERO phytoestrogenic compounds. soy lecithin is also 1/4 of the god tier cum recipe that makes you jizz like a pornstar.

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Shout out for Stop & Shop!

S&S Bran Flakes are the best.