I’ve tried Kratom five times and I don’t feel much of anything...

I’ve tried Kratom five times and I don’t feel much of anything. My herbal-loving hippy sister was complaining of back pain and I suggested she try 2 grams of Kratom. She wakes me up in the middle of the night, throwing up, shaking, feeling like she’d have a seizure at any moment. I had to take her to the ER. What the fuck is up with this shit

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Maybe it was an allergic reaction.

She took too much then. The same thing happened when I tried 5g of the stuff when the previous biggest dose I'd had was 1.5g.

apparently she took a level teaspoon and a half

You should not dose anyone whose body chemistry you don't know because it can result in them getting very sick

I don’t even know my own body chemistry

You should know your body chemistry and what makes you feel good versus what makes you feel sick and you should listen to your senses and redt when you feel tired and try to eat what you need and feed your emotions too

It makes me feel good in the morning and carries through the day.

Gives me heart burn though so I;ve been cutting back which just made me go back to the percs which creates a whole mess of problems in my life.

She took too much. I've felt like this when I first started taking it. 2g was too much for me at 265lbs.

thats 7.5 grams

She should sleep on the floor and also fast. It's not like it's going to hurt her more than some shady plant powder.

I ordered some kratom recently, haven't recieved. Got 4 different strains, two red vein and two green vein.

Anything to consider when using it? I'll dose carefully of course. Does it inhibit your mind/body much? Like could I take it before school or before lifting?

took it a few times before. just made me feel nauseous basically. i wouldnt use it before lifting

Kratom contains active mu-opioid agonists. I was addicted to opiates for 2 years. You do not want to go down that road.

It basically feels like an opiate high but not as strong. I wouldn’t take it before lifting but I take while I’m studying a lot. It puts me in a good mood and makes me feel motivated. I try not to take it very often because it feels too nice to not be at least a little addictive.

From what I've gathered there is a significant difference between strains (white/green/red), or is it bs?

Ive been using it for years and personally I think its just marketing.

>ctrl + f
>salmonella not found

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> I try not to take it very often because it feels too nice to not be at least a little addictive.
This, I smoked weekd for 14years everyday and I was psichologically addicted to it. I took kratom a few times and I got cranky as fuck the week after.I know myself well enough to realize that if I make an habit of being high on kratom, life will be miserable without it.

Retards like you are why this stuff is going to become illegal, faggot

*your sister

this, especially from headshop shit

I've done 10g, along with uppers and booze and weed. Buzz from hell, 4/10

Also it has a reverse tolerance. The more often you do it, the more effective it is.

Quality is very important, spend extra and buy from a good quality vendor.

Also protip, don't use more often than twice a week and don't take more than 2.5g.

Shes going to be fine.

2 grams is fucking nothing your sister is a retarded pussy.

I make a kratom tea of about 5 grams every morning.

is this a joke? do you understand how to weigh grams? a teaspoon of kratom isn't 7 grams you braindead fuck

>Also protip, don't use more often than twice a week and don't take more than 2.5g.


are we taking the same kratom?

I took my 5gram kratom tea before lifting and I practically felt coked out, had an exceptional chest day

HAHAHA holy fuck. I google kratom to see what is about...first thing I see is kratom has caused 47 cases of salomonella recently. Solved. /thread

>HAHAHA holy fuck. I google kratom to see what is about...first thing I see is kratom has caused 47 cases of salomonella recently. Solved. /thread

yea if you're retarded and buy it from a bad source, gg

I thought Kratom did not have significant addiction potential yet acted as an opioid which is why addicts use it to recover. I don't use it or ever plan to use as I don't really care for drugs of that class but I am curious about the biochemistry there.

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So that image just inspired me to finally look up who VIPER is, and holy shit what an odd lad. Dude makes 300+ albums a year of just weird ass vaporwave mumble rap. A real human bean

>doesn't know who is viper
>hasn't killed himself my man

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Y'all are pussies, I'm at 160 pounds I take 10g for a relaxing time...

So you dosed your sister with something you don't even really know anything about. You're some kind of idiot

>a teaspoon
it was A teaspoon and A HALF
not just one
dumb monkey

That story is so dumb. It doesn't even mention which supplier(s) were tainted.
It'd be like an e coli out break and the news just says yeah it's some lettuce. Cool. Which brand? From what region? What type of lettuce?
I seriously call bullshit on that "outbreak". Maybe got contaminated at a head shop or some dumb shit

Less is more with this stuff. 2 to 3 grams max.

Inb4 hurrdurrmytolerenceishigherthanyourshurr


I gave my parents 5g and they both puked, i normally dose around 7-10g and it works, it's not over the top and to feel it more you take on an empty stomach, but i definitely feel it. Nice mood lift and relaxation

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she took more than 2 grams. I took ~10 thinking it was 5 and threw up all day. Does she have a scale? I got one after that incident.

ive been taking kratom for 4-5 years now 2-3x a day for chronic back pain.
0 complaints, liver and blood good. no increase in tolerance.
buy by the kilo.

It can have varying effects depending on your dosage or the type of strain. If you take a small enough dose it can be energizing but a larger dose can have sedative effects

kratom is kool

It's like a maintenance medication. I mean, would you rather be addicted to Kratom or heroin?

Kratom withdrawal exists. The "it's like coffee withdrawal" is a myth perpetuated by a bunch of retards in denial. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to helping people quit.

I have personal experience with Kratom withdrawal. I've gone through hydrocodone withdrawal and I would say Kratom is about 50% less painful. Still sucks balls and is not something you should take lightly.

Miss this cutie

confused how you even get to this supposed withdrawal threshold. I take 5grams a day, but I can decide not to take it any day and I have no ill effects.

You're one of the deluded retards I was talking about.

Try taking 30g/day for a month and then come back to me. I was up to 40g/day and there are plenty of guys out there who take even higher doses.

"Hurr I take 2 grams of Kratom every day and I'm fine therefore withdrawal is not a thing"

"Hurr individuals biochemistry does not vary at all therefore everyone's experience will be like mine"

You are literally telling people to not worry about addiction with an OPIOID RECEPTOR AGONIST!

I'm just asking bro, I don't know.

How do you even manage to get to levels like 30 or 40 grams a day?

Why would you even want to take 30 grams a day for a month straight?

going above 6 grams in a tea is uncomfortable for me, bordering on puking.

So these ill effects only truly matter when you get to godly dosages?

i posted this shit before and someone will come along and shill for kraton or criticize my grammar. I've done most drugs you could name except roids.

its the only drug where the line between good time and vomit is so fine. if you don't take on an empty stomach this drug does not work. if you want hemorrhoid inducing constipation this drug is for you. if you are an addict who wants to get clean it might give you a few days of a shitty high to try and shake whatever drug you want to get off of. if you have that level of discipline you can probably find a good way to taper off. most people don't have this level of discipline. if you take it 3 days in a row there is no high.

You gotta bOOf that shit nibba

>if you take it 3 days in a row there is no high.

but I'm confused. So much conflicting anecdotal things, I don't know what to make of it.

I've taken a 5 gram dose for 6 days straight and it's the same thing every time. The empty stomach thing is true, it will hit you harder.

actually now that I think of it maybe it has to do with ingestion, cause I assume you people are just straight up eating the powder in pill form?

If you go off the erowid page those aren't really godly dosages. 10g for me is a high dose. I was doing 4 high doses a day. At 10g with a good strain there's no nausea and for me it was close to a full nod. Felt like maybe 20 mg hydrocodone at that dose.

I only used red Bali from a specific vendor because it was the only strain that gave me no nausea at that high of a dose.

5g is a moderate-low dose of Kratom.

What people fail to understand about opioids in general is that addiction really manifests when you're taking multiple doses a day so you're constantly high. At that point I could not go 5 hours without a dose or I'd start getting the cold sweats and anxiety.

I also believe I was more susceptible to the withdrawal having been addicted to traditional opioids, but when I started Kratom I had been off those drugs for about 5 years.

So don't become a person who takes it repeatedly multiple times a day. Noted. I just have a kratom tea with my morning coffee and that's it.

Sounds like your sister is a bitch ass nigga

As long as you keep your dose low and take frequent breaks. There are some people on the quitting Kratom forum that were only taking one dose before bed every day. They all said the same thing; withdrawal came on about 48 hours after last dose as opposed to after just a few hours.

If I were you, I would maybe do 4 on 3 off. Maybe 5 on 2 off if you're feeling frisky.

Also interesting thing to note is that for me, Kratom eventually kills my receptors. After about 4 days of frequent use, I will just stop getting high from it. I've done as high as 25g in one dose in a desperate attempt at getting high, and it didn't even give me nausea. It was my normal strain so I know it wasn't bunk.

I think Kratom might have an opioid antagonist in it's mix of alkaloids that certain people might be more susceptible to. It ties in with the other user saying after 3 days it doesn't get you high. It isn't that fast for me, but it does happen. Maybe for you that won't happen with such a low dose.

Well you got me spooked. But I guess it's better to be cautious.

Hey man, there are other people who swear they get no withdrawal even from frequent use. It might be true but I find it hard to believe. In the end it's your body and you can do what you want.

Every time I see a Kratom thread anywhere I just have to join in and give my experience hoping I can help someone out there who's been misinformed. I hopped on Kratom after reading that there is no withdrawal and all that, but I was naive to believe it. I wasted over a year of my life struggling with it. I just don't want that to happen to someone else if I can help it.