I started lifting a month ago at a small gym

I started lifting a month ago at a small gym
I'm going 4 days in a row every week and the guy wrote down a split routine which targets on one day legs biceps back and the other day triceps chest biceps and abs
It's probably not the best recommended out there but it's okay to start off I guess
I've been eating about 2800 to 3000 kcal a day trying to hit my macros
I've only got 1kg during this month and I think some of it is fat because I noticed some in my waist area (I'm still Auschwitz mode though)

Is this okay progress or should I gain more as a noob

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Post program

post body pic

Ok let's see if I can remember it

Day 1

Pullover 2x20
Bench press 3x8
Pec machine3x10

Lateral dumbbell raise 3x10
Shoulder press sat down 3x10

Cable rope pulldown 3x10
One arm tricep extension 3x10

Sit ups on bench 3x20
Sit up with legs 3x20

Day 2
Leg extension 3x10
Leg curl 3x10
Calf raise 3x20

Lat machine 3x10
Pulley 3x10

Alternating dumbbell curl 3x8
Barbell curl 3x8

Dog shit. How old was the guy who gave you this program? There are too many people in this world who think themselves experts. He had no business giving you a "routine".

swap to icecreamfitness 5x5 program and do that for a year

A month ago

Attached: crop.jpg (391x586, 57K)

Current weight and height?

Pretty old, what's so bad about it

6'0 and 150lbs

Pretty ass routine, no deadlifts, rack pulls, rows for back? what about ohp for shoulders?

You could try fasting first till you get hungry again.

A lot of that is intermediate to advanced stuff. You shouldn't be doing fucking calf raises or that much chest like that. Do something simpler that focuses on the basics, squat, deadlift, bench, OHP, etc that prioritises strength over those weak ass rep ranges you got going on.

Isn't the shoulder press similar to overhead press?
I've no idea why he didn't include squats either

absolutely crap mate, do a proper beginner routine like SS

and eat more

Fellow Auschwitz survivor here. I started at 115 lbs at 6' I've worked up to around 160 now but seemed to have hit a plateau where I won't gain ve upped the calories to 3800 a day but seem to put on only a pound every other week

Wtf mane 115lbs is low af

I'm eating more but it's shit feeling full all the time

Yeah dude I never ate and ran cross county I was a skinny motherfucker

Just do SS or strong lifts your first 6 months or year

Why is that better than my current routine?