What's the purpose of life Veeky Forums?

>achieved great physique and some heavy lifts
>had multiple girlfriends and treated them like shit
>friends are and have been a bunch of assholes I'd toy with on free time
>mom and dad are getting old so fuck them
>travelling isn't fun anymore once you see most places
>drugs and partying got boring since teenage years
Is there a point to existence because it's getting pretty boring here? What reasons do I have not to finish myself off?

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Presumably trolling but anyways: actually care about other people and be kind to them. You'll be happier.

Nope, this is not a troll and you seem unenlightened.Humans are egoistic in nature and very self absorbed. Anyway, how does your life become any better or worth living by being a cuck to other hostiles?

That's your body telling you to have kids, dude. Yes men get it too. You'll feel much more meaningful once you have kids, although literally everything else will suck more.

I'm pretty happy, bro, and you seem miserable.
>Humans are egoistic in nature
Nope: plato.stanford.edu/entries/egoism/#1'
>by being a cuck to other hostiles
Really ate up that ideology, huh. I thought it was a big joke, or maybe a way to sell things to the sexually frustrated.

Anyways, it's a difficult question as to why the things that make life worth living do in fact do so. But things like achieving difficult and interesting things, developing close, caring relationships with others, and doing things to help others all seem to make life valuable.

But if you're really committed to misanthropy, I guess my backup recommendation would be to find something interesting and difficult to try to achieve. (what this is really depends on your skills and interests, of course)

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Have you tried helping others? Raising a family? It sounds like you are looking for something with a meaningful impact, but I have no idea what your hobbies or interests are. Do you want to run a business? Hell by your description of friends, it sounds like you don't have anyone really close to you. My friends would take a bullet for me and I for them.
it could be this, but kids are at the bare minimum a 16 year commitment unless you don't care at all about them.

The idea of breeding with other women has always interested me but that's it. I detest children and don't see them more useful than a puppy. Can't see the bigger picture other than getting cucked by my wife and later by my kid when he inherits all my life workings.

Discovering your own purpose in life

wow OP, what’s it like being 15 and discovering nihilism? you literally sound like a high school edge lord, have fun dying alone and realizing how much you fucked up.

Sounds like a tall glass of thirst-quenching bleach is in order.

I have had a lot of interests in many fields but eventually they all fade away with time.
You do not understand. I am not lonely but pretty social compared to most of everyday people I get to see .I do not care if my close friends would take a bullet for me. Means nothing.

it doesn't matter anyways

/x/ here

The purpose of life is to experiment life, plain and simple. You are a soul currently trapped in a vessel of flesh, and you will go to other realms once your body ceases to function. You are here to learn and grow

The worst thing you can do is basically waste your life (ie: being an alcoholic loner that plays videogames all day)

The best thing you can do is to be compassionate toward every living organism on this planet, to explore the earth while spreading love, to establish strong bonds with your fellow humans and to help anyone you can, to honor your parents. Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.

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WOW babbys first existential crisis. Man the fuck up you pussy

I am nowhere near 15 and sorrounded by a lot of people in my daily life while my routine keeps consisting a lot of activities. However, it does get boring through the years and seeing randoms work hard to achieve dreams you've already tasted is disappointing and even depressing at times.

>/x/ here
opinion discarded

Yeah dude, life is meaningless and eventually you achieve all your goals. That's why you have children because then you can try endlessly to help them achieve their goals, but they'll suck at it because they have far less experience than you. It keeps you entertained until you die. People have known this for thousands of years but because you're too smart to open up a history book, you didn't realize. It's okay now you're less dumb.

Sometimes I wonder if a good portion of people browsing here are actual retards. Spare me that paranormal and religious crap because I have been through that phase when you were playing with lights around your mother's house.
My question is what's in for a man who've tasted everything he wanted out of life? Don't bring me down to your autistic level of playing vidya.

You could spare me a lot of time of reading that crap by saying life is meaningless only. Retard.

It's not meaningless if you have kids. That's the whole point of what I was saying. Pay attention.

Listen up faggot.
You are here because you must reproduce and have white kids.
It is imperative that you do so, because your race, your people and your country need it.
You're here to fight for your country.
You're here to fight for justice.
You're here to fight for God.
This is the meaning of life.
If you don't care about none of these things, you're a fucking disgrace and you should just neck yourself.
Nobody will miss you anyways.

The mystery of life is not a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. You are here, now, at this moment in time, at this place in space; This moment has never happened before and will never happen again. You are the universe experiencing itself as a human being; the universe has a tendency to evolve into ever more complex conscious beings because it is a... THING... that seems to WANT to know itself. The universe KNOWS itself! How incredible is that! And it does it... THROUGH YOU!!! And once you take the veil from off your eyes, you will see that everything you've looked down on is actually exactly what you were looking for this whole time.

So remember: harbor resentment and cynicism and you will never find it! but if you gently rekindle naivete, and joy, and felicity, you will see what i'm talking about. it's in everything... this sparkling aliveness. this perfection. remember who you are.

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I'm 35 y-o btw

So you've tasted everything you wanted in life but didn't find something you were passionate for? You haven't met a soulmate and started a family?

Damn dude that is depressing. I would recommend just helping others somehow and if you honestly feel nothing after doing it for a while, at least you will have left the world a better place for the rest of us.

Life doesn't really mean much, there have been many "lives". But it is how one molds this existence to make themselves competent as possible.

>you will go to other realms once your body ceases to function

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I honestly don’t believe you’re any older than 18 years old, and you LITERALLY type like Elliot Rodger talked man. You need to take a serious look at yourself bro

But you clearly didn't pay attention of my previous post explaining my opinion about having kids. Besides that, I did pay attention to your post but it was utter bullshit about how entertaining having kids is until you don't breath anymore. Seriously, why did I even wasted time on reading that crap!

One day you will see the truth my friend.
Though I don't blame you, I was once like you

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>Hurr I'm alpha, I act like an asshole, I can't help it, it's human nature
>Oh god anonymous internet board, my life is so boring and meaningless despite being in the 1% of the world, what do I do?

>"Hey, you should be nicer to people"

Sigh, clearly, you don't even seem open to anything. You question your current purpose and yet refuse anything outside of it.

Go fuck yourself.

>Act like a piece of shit
>Associate with other pieces of shit
>Life sucks
Really makes me think

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin, and asked: "Is there really a paradise and a hell?"

"Who are you?" inquired Hakuin.

"I am a samurai," the warrior replied.

"You, a soldier!" exclaimed Hakuin. "What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? Your face looks like that of a beggar."

Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword, but Hakuin continued: "So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably much too dull to cut off my head."

As Nobushige drew his sword Hakuin remarked: "Here open the gates of hell!"

At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, sheathed his sword and bowed.

"Here open the gates of paradise," said Hakuin.

yo elliot, back at it again from the dead, hows it hangin man u gonna make a manifesto part 2?

Learned this hippie talk by my mentor when I was 10. Thanks anyway.
The answer to every question is YES.
I know Elliot Rodger. He's the virgin race mixed kid who killed some random people,right? To clear things up for everyone, I am 27.

Abrahamic religions are fucking retarded and you should feel ashamed of yourself for believing in it.

read some books

reading that dumb shit made my head hurt. good job if that was your intention.

>I am 27.
Yeah you need kids dude. I know you don't think you want kids, but you really do.

>Don't trust anything but the made up bullshit I tell you goy, those are the things that matter!
Can you be any more of a braincuck?

Suicide, clearly.

>What's the purpose of life?

I hate this question so god damn much and it's always from the normalfags.

Answer: There is no purpose. It is exactly that simple.

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t. varg vikernes

To secure the existence of our race and a future for white children. :^)

Take a look at the racial distribution of the world population, brainlet. The white race has already failed. The future belongs to Indians and the Chinese.

Pieces of shit. More like pieces of useless meat I'd say.
Yeah they are. Luckily, I didn't waste a year of my life believing in that idiotic fairy fiction.
Nope. Not going to risk my inheritance go to a spoiled brat. Even if I did make the effort to have the kid, pretty sure I'd divorce and not want to see or meet the kid in my life again.

The only correct answer.

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you sound like a narcissistic faggot. off yourself

I've been visited by the holy spirit at a moment when I was face down, ready to kill myself. And it changed my life forever. I don't expect you to believe me, but that is the truth

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Looks like we got a CIA bot over here

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There is a purpose in life. Unfortunately it's incredibly depressing and mundane. The purpose of life is to create entropy.

Have you even read the bible my friend?
Of course you haven't. So can we agree your opinion on Christianity is pretty much irrelevant? I am guessing everything you know about it is from watching/interacting with christians or reading some bullshit the pope said. Those aren't real Christians though

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I have thought about it and there is a high probability to actually do it for real. Will find the painless way, of course.
I remember when I used to think that we humans had a saying on the current situation of the world or could somehow change it . Go to sleep, goy.

ever played a videogame? seems like you are just living the normie life for the sake of living the normie life. If you've got the time and the money, then just find a hobby you like and go bananas. There's plenty of entertainment in this world. Even if you live 100 more years you'll only scratch the surface of what you could do with your time.

Daily reminder that Mahatma Ghandi was an indian shitskin and you're a filthy kike

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>I have thought about it and there is a high probability to actually do it for real. Will find the painless way, of course.
Do it ASAP and don't have children for Christ sake, we don't need even more weak genes


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You seem to consume way more than you create. Get a hobby or something where you are creating things, to build and make is truly satisfying, and to watch future creations become higher quality is amazing.

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gandhi hated niggers and wanted the jews to let themselves be exterminated, he saw the cultural collapse coming to the west cause of hedonism

he then admitted independence was a mistake after seeing what his people did with it :^)

>Those aren't real christians
If you use words to have alternate definitions, give them a different word.

Source please :^)

Are you just here to brag, OP? Sounds like you're seeking answers but don't actually want any.

You could try making things, see how much junk you can create before you get bored of that.

You could try learning. Study the sciences or a trade, master it, study the old masters and become wiser, study the occult and become a crazy asshole.

The long and short answer is that there's obviously no fucking reason to exist. You're the universe experiencing itself, go out and experience yourself. If you remember the way you viewed the world as a child, seek that. It's a goal worthy of us all.

You sound much like a piece of shit. If you're so damned miserable, maybe you should try not being such a resentful cunt. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, you can just go back to being your miserable self.
Also, you know fuck all about what it's like having kids. Don't speak like you do. Your kid would probably grow up to be a misanthropic cunt himself. With you as his father, how could he not?

Being this delusional about life, as if my genes would affect humanity somehow.
I was born kinda rich, I wouldn't say very wealthy because it has been only a couple million dollars in my hands. Also didn't have to attend college at all and have had my share of vidya,books,movies etc etc ...

>only a couple millions dollars in my hand
1st world problems lmao just kys OP

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>imagine being this retarded
I unironically hope you livestream your suicide so I can laugh my ass off at your fucking face while you die

As strange as it sounds, I indeed did study and learn a lot about occult. People would say when I did cocaine I was a much better person,but the ones saying that were my associates doing cocaine with me so I wouldn't credit it much. As for the kids part , not interested mate. I can barely fake loving my parents.


Did I say it was a problem or am i arguing with holes here? Because I think I already said in previous posts that I tasted everything I wanted.
Nope. Last action I'd take is livestream my suicide. It might happen in some place like thailand or so with a hooker and overdose of cocaine. Might . Haven't thought about the most painless way yet.

Did your parents beat you up or something?

>had multiple girlfriends and treated them like shit
Have you tried not doing that? Did you have any reason for doing so?
>friends are and have been a bunch of assholes I'd toy with on free time
Doesn't sound like friends. Doesn't sound like you even understand what a friend is. You're also just as much an asshole as them, mate. You can choose who you spend your time with, you know that, right?
>mom and dad are getting old so fuck them
Because they're getting old? Were you emotionally failed by them or what
>travelling isn't fun anymore once you see most places
Travelling isn't about going places. It's about experiencing things you never have. Maybe you shouldn't go on vacations
>drugs and partying got boring since teenage years
Do you even have a single hobby besides lifting. No wonder you feel like shit, your life seems fucking empty
>Is there a point to existence
Whatever point you want it to be
>What reasons do I have not to finish myself off?
I don't know, what reasons do you have? You get to decide that yourself.

Try not being an asshole, see where it gets you

Nope, but they're boring and old which is insufferable.

I did choose my friends and who to stay with. But there is nothing they can give me that I don't have already.
Wouldn't categorize lifting as a hobby but rather as a part of my daily routine, it became a habit after a few months into lifting.
Yes, my parents are getting old and therefore do not deserve to be a part of my life.
Exactly my point. No more vacations because clearly there is no more experiences for me to squeeze.

So, you do intellectually know that you sound like little shit, right?
>my parents are getting old and therefore do not deserve to be a part of my life.
Are you LARPing as a sociopath? Is this some elaborate ruse

If I was boring and old, my son coming over every sunday for dinner would probably be the happiest moment of the week

Why are you still talking to this human failure?
at least sage the fucking thread

>No more vacations because clearly there is no more experiences for me to squeeze.
The pure arrogance. I'm almost entirely convinced that you're either a complete idiot, or just pretending

I am aware of how I sound to other anons here. It's just annoying how you people keep asking about parents . To be honest they have never been really that close to me anyway.
Have a good life. I have nothing in common with you . Would say the same for other anons. You can't feel me unless you 've been on my shoe.

Good point

Sounds more like you're just an idiot, my man

could have just replied and said
"Im too dumb to understand this"
This is why no one fucking invites you anywhere.

Isn't it odd that your disliked even here when we get a glimpse of your personality?

There is no purpose.
You're practically playing Minecraft.

The purpose of life is to take your pity party to /r9k/ and let us go back to talking about fitness

I too, OP, am a connoisseur of Richard and Mortimer. Wuba lubba dab dab my friend, wubba lubba dab dab.
*gently nods towards fellow intellectual soul trapped in the world of sheeple*

Savage truth

I actually agree with you man. People here acting all high and mighty like they understand everything. Likely Christfags.
Fuck kids.
I'm 26 fyi

>treats everyone like shit and has no genuine human connection
>feels empty inside
what a fuckin enigma m8

to remove all the obstacles on this planet that prevent us from going into space.

Do you think you might be an undiagnosed psychopath?

Has no objective meaning, it doesn't need one. It is up to you, user.

you seriously are a fucking moron OP

you are a grade A kunt

keep treating everyone around you like shit because you’re an asshole who hates his own life

You should unironcially kill yourself

now please reply to this post with another supreme gentlemen I’m better than you in every way but still miserable response just like you’ve done to all the other people trying to give you actual advice in this thread

Oh man OP.
If you dont know the meaning of life by now from doing them drugs, i dont know if you could comprehend the amount of wisdom im bout to drop on you.

There is no meaning or purpose to life. in fact this path of thinking shouldnt even exist as it is just a vain way of asking for reassurance that humans are smart enough, deep enough, to be considered enlightened. The only thing that can understand the 'purpose or meaning' of life is other humans. Why ask the question if youll never reach conclusions asking physical questions.

So instead you must direst your thinking to the metaphysical. beyond what you can describe with words. War and poverty are two depressing realities of life and if the meaning of life is to prosper and give life to children, then that is false because everyone dies and struggles.

What im getting at here is: these arguments inside us that we have should not pertain to humanity or its significance. because in a universe as vast and mysterious as this one, whos to say we are the important one, the purposeful ones, meaningful ones.

you want your answer to life bro?
the purpose of life?
well here it is

The purpose of life is to Exist and Change
Exist in the present moment to never give past and future a second reflection as it waste precious time. To never be attached to things we win and lose as things constantly change against our will and its because of sheer statistical deviation. At least this notion is how I understand it. I could be totally wrong

things do always change after all

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>this path of thinking shouldnt even exist as it is just a vain way of asking for reassurance that humans are smart enough, deep enough, to be considered enlightened
If only I could communicate this to every edgy 16y/o the world would be a much more intelligent place.

I'm going to ignore your fairytale parts.
I tried to stop playing video games for a while. Told myself it's just a waste of time i can use to experience other things.
As i got older i realize that there are very few things in life that i enjoy as much.
"Grow up and stop playing vidya" is meme

>”Grow up and stop playing vidya" is meme

I mean I agree to an extent but you should definitely quit and get your life together if you are someone who is gaming 12 hours a day and doing nothing else

All I did from 5th grade to 11th was play runescape 12+ hours a day and I was 104lbs my senior year before I started lifting and never had a gf

now I’m 15 days away from 22 been lifting for 4 years or so and am 165lbs at 5’6 getting married to the love of my life in 2 months

so now that I have my shit together yes I’ll play battlefield or halo on Xbox for fun maybe every once in a while but even that is only for 2 or 3 hours MAX until I am just bored out of my mind and want to do something else

Tl:dr get your shit together first and then fill you free time with whatever hobbies you want

I'm Veeky Forums af, attending university and got a social life.
I also spend a large part of my teenage years gaming. But for me this was also very social since most of my friends in school were also gamers and we'd just hang out in teamspeak all the time.
We still do quite often, although less frequent and a few of them stopped.
Everybody coming online in the middle of the night for a few rounds of PUBG after we'd all been out drinking is fucking great.
I thought i'd regret all the time i spend on my computer, but i honestly actually regret not trying to play professionally, since i was really good at a couple of games.

I didn't make this thread to act all kind and helpful to other anons when they are obviously below my IQ. I am guessing being liked by other anons on anonymous board is your purpose to life.
Mighty? More like idiots who don't understand shit.
Next question.
This post is slightly insightful actually. Thank you.
It has been up to me from the moment of my birth. Guess I am running out of ideas after all this time suicide might be a good option.

For me it's stoicism as a way to approach things in life, logical positivism as a preferred option over absurdism to plan what things to do in life, with abstract distant goals as platonism, humanism, and maybe a tint of classical liberalism. These might be silly labels but it's nice to think about how I think about life.

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