Can I reduce my cardio time if I use pic related?

Can I reduce my cardio time if I use pic related?

Attached: does-the-training-mask-work.jpg (640x427, 283K)

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You can reduce your chances with girls

Everyone I see wearing these at the gym I automatically think they're a tool

Is it actually useful? I've seen some NFL guys using it


Supposedly for cardiovascular system and athleticism they are anti productive and they fo make you look like a tool.

See it as a way to isolate your lungs. Like doing back extension instead of deadlifts will isolate your lower back.
The mitochondria in your muscle will get less training and I'm not sure about your red blood cell count, but it sure helps hide your acne.

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It will help hide your ugly face somewhat.

actual athletes don't use these for a reason, because they are useless.

dudes used to joke around that to be a max tool you could bring an inhaler or an oxygen tank with you for the prt.
cant believe this autistic shit is real now

What do you think, NFL players have million dollars teams with doctorates to advice them.

Or you could trust this brainlet who claims they are "anti-productive" :
It basically simulates working out in high altitude, which some athletes (boxers) do for cardio training. Maybe not as accurately but it definitely adds a workload. I use it and I found after 2 months that running/cycling without the mask had become so easy. It feels like I made a huge progress although I hadn't really noticed since I always worked out with the mask.

>mask that creates "thin air" environment
>useless piece of shit that restricts airflow

pick 1 from above

pick 1 and only 1

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can i just use my girls underwear instead of the mask?

These are useful for preparing you to do cardio at high altitude. That's about it.

>Can I reduce my cardio time if I use pic related?
>lel, not covering your whole face
>not proceeding with operation tsyki no me

not gonna make it bro

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The only time I've seen one of these irl was like 3-4 years ago on a fucking ripped as shit nigger
probably on something but goddamn he was huge and aesthetic as fuck

All that does is train you to breathe harder
It does not actually replicate training at high altitude, since you're still getting the same amount of oxygen

>What do you think, NFL players have million dollars teams with doctorates to advice them

or maybe they are sponsored, really makes you think

High altitude training takes a few weeks of constant living at high altitude to have any effect on your fitness. You can't just run ten miles in a mask and expect to get the same results. High altitude training camps are run for a couple of weeks at least. Often longer.

I don't think, the company that makes them is too small to get NFL players to use them for marketing.

Like I said, I used it extensively and it gives results that the same trainings without them doesn't. But sure, it's all fake and marketing, it doesn't work etc even though you haven't tried and you clearly don't understand that restricting airflow is the basis of cardio training.

>restricts oxygen supply
>you're still getting the same amount of oxygen

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There is no way you can say with certainty that the same training without wouldn't give you the same results.

Except that one way where I was doing the same trainings for 1.5 year prior, and witnessed exceptional progress within the 2 months I've used it.

You're a big guy.

Not even then, the reason high altitude training works is because the lungs are heaving and getting full, but there's fuck all O2 from the pressure, and you deal with having fuck all O2 in your body for a while until you produce more red blood cells and all sorts of cool shit happens. You also don't get the opportunity to simply remove the high altitude aspect of the training afterwards. In high altitude your body adjusts or you die.

Using an airway restricting mask just makes your lungs work harder trying to suck air in and prevents you from properly filling them. It'll make you really good at sucking down a cigarette or something, but because the O2 is on the same pressure as what you're normally suited to, you get what you need even from the limited amount you can breathe in. In other words, training with those masks doesn't require your body to adapt to lower yields of O2. Just because you feel like you're not getting enough air it doesn't mean that you aren't getting enough O2 to function, unlike high altitude training.

It's simply a useless fucking gimmick.

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You used it having spent 1.5 year training prior. You didn't have that prior training when you started your training without it.

Not to mention the big fat placebo. Running is mainly in the head.

Just put a plastic bag over your head and go for a run.

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What the fuck man, I knew how I felt and how my performances were prior to starting using it. I don't have to stop cardio for 2 years and restart with mask to see how it feels, I know I made sudden progress with it after a normal progress curve within the last 1.5 years.

There's no fucking placebo when you run out of breath vs when you don't.

You literally get less O2 by restricting airflow. Goddamn you're a fucking retard.

Per breath, yes
What makes mountain climbing dangerous isn't that it's physically harder to breathe, it's that there's less oxygen in the air, so normal breathing rates are not sufficient.

you know that the higher you go the less oxygen the air has, do you?
the mask only makes harder for you to breath but it does not remove oxygen out of the air, the amount of O2 per L in the air still is the same.
training in high altitudes is a 24 hours experience that you have to give to your body for at least 3 weeks to actually reap the benefits.
if it was easy like that, bikers would only use that silly mask and not pay a lot of money to sleep in an altitude chamber.
but hey, at least you got a cool Bane costume

There is a placebo to thinking you have improved so therefore you can run further and longer.

It's a stupid meme. Why do you think Mo farah and the rest of his ilk don't use them? Cause they are fucking shit.

>amount of O2 you get by breath is different in both cases (mask and mountains)
>b-b-but since the mask doesn't modify the amount of O2 per breath for everyone else not using the mask, it doesn't work


It's oxygen per ltr of air that is the issue. The mask only makes it harder to breath in air. It doesn't filter oxygen out of that air. You just have to breath faster and deeper. It doesn't improve your cardio

The answer is easy. You made the training hard for yourself by not being able to breathe as freely, less efficiently removing metabolic waste and allowing hydrogen ions to accumulate and change the pH of your blood.
A bit of that in the short term can desensitise you to acidic fatigue response from your muscles, but it has diminishing gains. Maybe it helped you push through a plateau, but it likely wouldn't work for the next one. Going from a noob who doesn't push hard to intermediate is different from intermediate to advanced.

No you fucking don't you absolute fucking moron.

Your blood doesn't oversaturate with oxygen, you have a certain amount and that's fucking it, normal air in normal pressure has MORE THAN ENOUGH O2 to saturate your blood and then some.

Tip a glass of water through a strainer, it might get slowed down, but there's still plenty of fucking water, right? A mask does exactly this. It's useless.

>wearing some stupid meme mask instead of just running faster

Get 'em on board, I'll call it in.

Reduce time of your life please.

There are also carbon dioxide considerations to the improvement you saw, but it's also a case of diminishing returns. Carbon dioxide triggers your drive to breathe by stimulating an urgent, uncomfortable feeling, desensitise the chemoreceptors and you can go longer without that feeling. Free divers do a much more hardcore version of that, and actually see cardio gains because they are holding their breath to the point where their blood o2 saturation is decreasing and their bodies need to be come more efficient. A mask won't do this either. You still have enough O2, you just get less of an uncomfortable urge to breathe in the presence of elevated levels of CO2, but you would be better off training breath holds instead, lol.

complete meme

altitude training comes from living at high altitude and lower atmospheric pressure, not having a harder time sucking in air for 30 minutes on your stationary bike or treadmill

I saw some faggot on public transport wearing one of these and the only thought that could go through my mind was

>"Holy shit, there are people that actually fell for this meme"

Let me just waterboard you while you're at it. Great cardio gains. Oxygen deprivation is great for fitness


They don´t work with resistance.
These masks work by having a so called "dead volume", this volume can reach from a few 100ml up to a few liters.
Said volume is there to recirculate the air back into your lungs, wich means you breathe the same air you breathed before again, but it now lacks oxygen and contains more carbon dioxide and is mixed with some fresh air.

TL;DR They create a lack of oxygen, just like in high altitude.

kill youself, fucktard.

>Although the ETM (Elevation Training Mask) purportedly simulates altitude training there were no changes in hematological variables pre to post-training or significant changes in SpO2 during training.

It's bad enough that you're the lonely gallon of water guy, don't be the lonely, gallon of water, altitude mask guy. Just do HIIT a couple times a week or breathe in counts of 7.

my friend is national champion in boxing.
He uses this to jog and it helps really good he said

My gym had an altitude room which does the same thing as this. You just get puffed faster. It probably helps with your breathing but I don’t think it would burn calories much faster if that’s your aim

Time is a factor, brainlet. If you can only inhale 1L of O2 per second with a mask and 2L without, cardio is going to be harder with the mask.

Pic related it's me.

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What is the benefit of this? Any actual altitude adaptation takes way more time than how long you would wear it for a work out. Idk but i think you would need to wear it for at least like 24 hours to see hematological changes.

Would you die if I took off that mask?

He's right.

1L of oxygen at 100KPa will saturate hemoglobin exactly the same as 2L of oxygen at 100KPa.

These masks will not simulate high altitudes because Hb will still achieve near 100% saturation. The only thing they will aid in is the mechanical work of breathing.

I guess it's only used by high-end athletes who require the extra challenge.

One benefit is if you're damaging your body with cardio of high intensity (think hairline fractures), so you reduce the stress on your skeletal system and instead make oxygen uptake harder using the mask, which causes the body to construct additional erythrocytes to maximally use the oxygen that gets inhaled.

But if you're not doing it for that reason I see no need to use the mask, you can just increase the workload instead.

it looks like it would be extremely painful

Let me change the numbers then
10 mL of oxygen vs 2L (same pressure). See where this is going? There's a limit to how fast you can pull the air through the nozzle and this restricts oxygen intake per second. There is a point at which this becomes insufficient.

It would be extremely gainful

I don't think he can reduce zero any further.

Reeetards, that shit doesn't do anything. It basically just restricts breathing

Fair point but would that not just be compensated by a much higher respiratory rate. If the hypoxia was great enough I'm sure they'd just pass out.

Might be my bias but I can only see a Haematological response in long-standing Hypoxemia.

>There's a limit to how fast you can pull the air through the nozzle

Most likely the body will try to hyperventilate, but there really is a flow limit.

Check out principles of biochem. Any cardio where your heart rate is high with a lack of oxygen causes the body to respond by increasing erythrocyte density in the body.

It probably reduces the concentration of O2 and other gasses to simulate a high elevation environment. It's not a terrible idea, at least it saves you the trouble of climbing a mountain to get to those conditions

No, it reduces the amount of O2 relative to other gases. If you didn't zone out in highschool chem you'd know that air is composed of several different gases, O2 being one of them, and the one that our cells use for respiration. You reduce O2 concentration relative to other gases, your body would produce more red blood cells to try and pick up more O2 so your cells don't starve and die. Once you take the mask off you still have that boost of Red blood cells that carry extra O2 and hence a performance boost.

One study is enough evidence to disprove everything...

Is 30 minutes of cardio really taking too much of your day?

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Navyfag pls go

No. You can get masks that add nitrogen to your air supply in order to decrease the amount of oxygen you get with each breath, but they cost a fortune and don't do much.

so many fucking idiots in this thread

however, now that this is all out of the way there has been some research that shows that the masks are useful to teach people proper breathing which is an often overlooked area in cardiovascular training. It has it's uses but they're not for altitude related adaptations.

Only good for hamon training, it doesn't do anything for normies

all i'm going to say is if you are trying to improve your cardio vascular ENDURANCE these masks are extremely helpful.

i'm not a bodybuilder, i'm just a military fag who has to be able to run SOME distance because it's my job. I use my mask on medium restriction and ONLY when i'm cardio training. I mainly do HIIT and other bodyweight type exercises. I recommend if your goals are somewhat similar to mine.

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if i buy one of those can i take out the breathing difficultiner so that i can wear it but breath normally except people will still think i'm some normie trying to be "athletic" or whatever the fuck? i want to feel like bane

everybody who isnt reddit with their strawmans knows that these arent supposed to mimic actual altitude training, but they do make breathing harder so that when you take it off you're better at inhaling air etc

>picture of mountains
>implying altitude
>still breathing same concentration of oxygen


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You're a big guy


That or your lung(s) would collapse.

You should reduce your life time for even considering it.

Except these masks don't imitate high altitude, they imitate breathing through a straw.

I'd consider wearing one of it filtered out exhaust fumes and the poisons that automobiles spray it their tailpipes, for when I ride my bicycle in traffic.
Hey if you want to try something that'll make your breathing harder try not being fucking slow, and if you're already pushing 43 seconds in the 400 meter try running an 800 in under 100 seconds. Now if you're still thinking to yourself this is fucking easy, if only I could inhibit myself somehow to make a show of how easy this is, put on the mask. You're a big guy.

>training for the slop painting olympics

I used to do my cardio with a gasmask 20 years ago. the added resistance to breathing really made a difference but it looks retarded so I only used it secretly in the dark on treadmills.

Mile time? I'm sub 5 minutes btw

Ps autoerotic asphyxiation seems to fall under the same category of high that these things would produce

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You'll increase your time being a faggot.

Lmao bragging about a 4:5x mile time on Veeky Forums kys

it's train low, live high... not train high, live low

they got it wrong a few years back, so these masks are just a meme. also you look like a pedophile/terminator hybrid wearing one at the gym

If you took it off would you die?

It will loosen up your butthole


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What about this? The air in this is supposed to get filtered to replicate high altitude.

Attached: Hypoxico-Altitude-Mask-3-Accessories.jpg (600x400, 94K)

you are supposed to put that pipe straight into your asshole for those mad barp gains

Do you know why mouth to mouth works?
Surely you must be choking some poor unconscious person to death if you're trying to revive them with DEPLETED HIGH ALTITUDE OXYGEN CONDITIONS, lmao. Additionally you aren't hypercapnic at high altitude, you can breathe out the co2 just fine. The masks are a fraud no matter which way you dummies with buyers regret try to sell it.

Principles of physiology apply more in this situation, filtering O2 out is impossible in the context of these masks, you'd need pretty sophisticated equipment to do that, all you can do is limit the flow rate.
The heart rate will be highly elevated, metabolite levels would be through the roof, and oxygen saturation would barely be teetering from the normal. Hypercapnia is far more likely to set in before hypoxia, and traditional fatigue (like the type you get from doing weights and having to rest to be able to lift similar weights again) is caused by a lower pH in the blood. You'd give out physically before you could reach hypoxia. If you change the flow rate to be even more restricted, to the point where you're barely sucking in air, you'll be hypoxic, yeah, but you'll pass out within minutes (metabolites) or tear the mask off your face because it's literally a bondage choking device at that point. If you want high altitude conditions you need a large hypobaric chamber to train in.

You're a fucking idiot. I don't see any oxygen scrubbing rebreather devices and a series of tubes hanging off the masks.


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Unless youre in the Lin Kuei dont wear this

What if you put a treadmill inside an air tight cage and you drain away oxygen

This thread is full of retards. Jesus Christ it’s like you guys don’t know nfl players are generic freaks that can do anything and will still be good at football. The mask is a fucking meme.

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>its useless

Motherfucking retard, stop breahing.

You mean a high altitude chamber?