Tfw barrel chested

>tfw barrel chested
I'm never gonna be a skinny twink am I?

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>normal chest guy has perfect hair and barrel chest guy is balding
Was that really necessary?

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I know it's like I'm being personally attacked

No, but you are blessed with having a bigger chest than those chestlets. Arnie was barrel chested, bro. Follow Arnie

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No, so I gave him gyno, a neckbeard, and made him a menlet with a jawlet.

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barrel chest masterrace


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Anyone know if there is any kind of surgery to fix this deformity?

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How do you tell if you've got this? Everything on fit makes me so self conscious

If you're not sure, you've got it

I am also barrel chested. I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm 6'3 225 lbs so I don't really look disproportionate. Every person has to deal with different variables. For you it's barrel chest. Train arms and back and shoulders extra with more volume to balance your physique.

Seriously, is there anything you can do that doesn't involve looking like a roided fuck?


Now it is literally me fs CURSE YOU GENETICS

a phoneposter too

Be a Liberal Arts Major.


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