Do you drink milk? I love cereal and don't want to give it up

Do you drink milk? I love cereal and don't want to give it up

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I do, so don't

I rarely drink it straight, but I do cook with it on occasion. for example I made a fantastic cream of chicken soup the other night.


I fucking love, LOVE dairy products and probably wouldn't be able to live without them. However, even just thinking about drinking milk makes me want to throw up. I have no idea why. I don't think I'm lactose intolerant since I eat a lot of dairy products and do just fine.

Memes aside, you could switch to soy

Dairy products were major part of European diet through the centuries. Only shitskins are butthurt about their inability to digest god tier food


Milk causes acne for the same reason that testosterone causes acne: it raises IGF-1, the molecule responsible for cell division. Cell division is what gives you a strong bone structure, big muscles, a big brain, good circulation, etc. However IGF-1 also stops your body's natural 'waste disposal' program wherein old protein/other matter inside cells is re-used during periods of caloric restriction. That's probably why there is a link to chronic diseases (apart from the fact that these diseases are merely correlations with modern western lifestyles in European countries, and vitamin D deficiency).
If you undergo caloric restriction few times per year and consume enough vitamin D and vitamin K, milk from grass-fed cows is BENEFICIAL for you. It has a complete protein profile, omega 3s, growth factors, calcium, vitamin b12, etc. If you look at the real science, well-sourced milk is basically a doping agent for your body and brain. It reduces bodyfat, increases muscle, increases bone density, keeps your brain healthy, is good for your circulation (WITH VITAMIN D AND K), is good for your gut, skin, hair, nails, eyes, heart, etc.
Yes, milk + carbs + meat increase IGF-1 the most. IGF-1 is the main cause of acne. However IGF-1 is critical to not being a frail little boy. If you never eat meat, carbs, or milk you will probably have great skin, though.
Milk is easy protein and the best thing to get big fast due to the natural growth hormones in it, it's not a coincidence that the historically strongest and tallest people on earth descend from the milk-drinking Aryans. "There is no substitute for milk. Sorry." - Mark Rippetoe

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I drink a gallon of milk per week because I'm white and actually able to digest it.

I can't have normal milk because of a lactose intolerance so I just have goats milk instead, it's alright but downside is its so much more expensive :(

Same but with Rice Milk.


Does lactose-free whole milk give the same benefits as milk with lactose?

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It's literally the same milk except the lactose is split up already

Almond milk, for the most part I agree dairy in general isn't great for you. If you're a skeleton it can be good to give you a shit load of calories and nutrients. Other than that, I'd recommend just eating more for bulking. And if you're cutting, almond milk is a miracle man. Just switching to it and not changing anything else in my diet nets me 1lb loss per week on my cut.

All of my tall friends enjoy plain milk, all of my short friends do not. Milk is the drink of champions

>google kara brown
>a fucking nigger
color me surprised

>Eating cereal
>Never going to make it

I don't understand all this hatred for milk.

Is it bad for you? I'm trying to drink as much as possible these days because that's what The Bugez does.

oh wait, the article is written by a woman, it can be ignored

It has slightly less sugar(lactose), that's it.

What about chocolate milk?

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its a part of the anti white agenda being pushed. non-whites can't process milk therefore it's bad so stop drinking it goy

>opinions of women


Attached: chocolate milk spill.png (2000x1125, 2.78M)

look at the fuckin creature that wrote that article, she prob cant even bench 55 pounds lmao

>Kara Brown
Other fantastic scientific works include:
"The Problem With Calling Women Females"
"If You Don't See Blackness, You Didn't See Muhammad Ali"
I would certainly love to give up something I enjoy drinking because some negress who wrote a few articles about gendered terms and a draft-dodging sports nigger told me it was bad.

I switched to hemp milk and have been going for seafood daily, and eggs a few times a week for my protein. Should I switch back to cows milk? I don't like the idea of drinking small amounts of pus and blood every time I drink milk, and I'm not drinking it because of some aryan meme im not that insecure thanx

White people are genetically capable of absorbing and utilizing all of the milky goodness. If you are intolerant to dairy in any way, what-so-ever. You are not white.

Almond milk isn't even milk, it's mostly water.

I don't drink milk because not only is it terrible for you, it's also cruel to animals

>you should not be dr--
Fuck off. A "journalist" shouldn't make such cheap cash-grab styled articles.