Injuries Tred

Okay r/fitness,

tell me about a time where you severely injured yourself but managed to make a full recovery.

I'm in a dark place right now and I need to see the light.

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thanks guys

Still recovering but when I first started lifting a year ago I flared out my elbows while benching because that's how they did it in the cartoons--ended up fucking up my left rotator cup and it still has an effect on me to this day.

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Skeleton here

I'll be cautious not to get injured.

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Injury 1: Fucked up my right kneecap (it ended up 5 centimeters lower from where it was supposed to be) when I crashed with my skateboard on a halfpipe when I was 14. Walked with a limp for a year. Full recovery

Injury 2: Popped my shoulder doing ThePress when I was 18. Couldn’t do press movements for two years. Full recovery.

Injury 3: Tore my Achilles heal in military academy when I was 27. Full recovery within a year.

Apart from that: broke my wrist, both thumbs, several ribs, nose (2 times martial art related, back injury, broke several toes, etc. etc.

Bottom line: don’t stop moving. My go to sport when injured is swimming. I also do some yoga every now and then. I’m 31 and I train at least 3 times a week currently, pain and injury free.

It’ll all work out brother, just keep going

>Bottom line: don’t stop moving.

This is so god damn true. I found this out the hard way. Stopped moving for like 2 years and when I started moving again everything was worse; it led to more injuries. Finally I seem to be healing. I will never take off a prolonged period like that again. thanks.

>rotator cup
potator cuff

Bro... I have Achilles Tendinitis on both feet. I feel your mother fucking pain. What were your methods of recovery?

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Oh, my god. I SWORE I typed CUFF.

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Been off training since December. Had to take time off work from pain. Been told by doctors and several pts I'm looking at months to a year before training again. It's fucking awful.

But in the past week ive found some different exercises and stretches which together have actually made some improvement. There's light at the end of the tunnel.

Stick with it and you'll come out on top

it's okay, im sorry to hear about your rotator mug. I hope it heals. Don't give up man.

Well obviously: swimming to stay in shape (overall).

As for my Achilles’ tendon: started with crutches, slowly made my way to walking, hiking, hiking with backpack, hiking with weighted backpack.... by the end of the year I was able to do a 40km hike with 30 kilos of gear. Just build up slowly, and keep going. Consult a physician every now and then.

Most of all: keep the faith and keep your motivation. Swimming is your friend, good way to stay in great shape when your feet/legs are fucked up.

Good luck and hope you recover soon.

>injured ankle playing basketball
>never took care of injury
>no crutches/ played ball again 2 weeks later
>ankle never the same, cant play ball without ankle brace for ever

I partially tore my upper pec benching with dumbells about a year ago. Big pop during the workout, so i stopped there. Swelled up almost immediately, but didnt hurt. About 4 hours later at home it started to cramp up and hurt more than anything ive ever felt. The next day I went to the gym and benched 20lb dumbells for like 5x100 to fill the area with blood. Did this every day for about a week. After my workouts i would smash the shit out of it with a weight and a lacrosse ball. After about two weeks of this i started to do pin presses with a bar and progressively lower the pins until i was benching normally. Within a month I was back to normal and benched a pr. Fill wherever you hurt with as much blood as you can as often as you can. capsicum cream, occlusion, sets of 50-100, whatever. Do this as often as possible, as blood flow will promote healing. Find a range of motion that is not painful and strengthen it. It doesnt matter if the ROM is half an inch or something. Correct movement is corrective. Work to slowly increase that range of motion while being pain free. Work your way back to full ROM with no pain, then start adding weight. Its really shitty to get seriously injured, but you can come back fast if you are not a retard about your recovery. Do it every day. Good luck m8.

Doing one arm dumbbell rows. Normally do 115lbs.

>pick up 115 lbs
>do set of 8 for each arm
>easy I think to myself
>up it to 125lbs
>do set of 8 each arm
>slightly harder but still a breeze compared to where I’ve been the last 3 weeks with my lifts.
>fuck it, go up to 135
>as soon as I lift the dumbbell off the floor it fees like a lightning bolt shoots through my arm from my shoulder and ends with tingling in my finger tips
>reflexively drop the dumbbell
>make way to bathroom

Over the following 3 days my arm started to feel like it was dipped in scalding hot water. I can move my arm and hand just fine but I can only open and close my hand fairy slowly compared to what I could before.

Pain doesn’t stop after a week. See doctor. See specialist. Take scans. Said I might have slight nerve damage. They say they can non-invasively go in and isolate the nerve sending the pain but I may have limited hand function for the rest of my life.

2 days before surgery in a pitch book meeting with my boss and my company’s board all of a sudden it felt like someone poured a gallon of ice cold water down my arm. Thought it was more nerve fuckery. After about an hour of feeling this the cold feeling went away and the pain was no longer present. I could open and close my hand at normal speed.

Called doctor during lunch, told him. He said to cancel the surgery and get more scans done. Somehow I’m okay and the docs can’t explain it.

ty user

uncanny lad. Any theories on what made the change?

Herniated L5 doing some dumb shit a year ago
Just zerchered 3 plate this week
Thank you based rippetoe

You'd been blessed by Zyzz brah

The docs were throwing around preripheral nerve regeneration (which is apparently extremely rare in people), a deep nerve impingement that they didn’t see on the scans that had somehow relaxed out, or something about the nerve cells that were damaged ended up dying and my body found another way to send the commands. Most of it except the undetected nerve impingement sounded silly or very unlikely. But their consensus was “we don’t know for sure”. Even in looking at my old scans they couldn’t see any nerve impingement.

Most likely an impinged nerve in the shoulder joint broke free

ran in a forest in the night with a very small flashlight, tripped and heard a loud pop, but luckily not broken ankle - 6 months later i got full range of motion back and no issues, though I didnt really rest, and went back to running couple days later with a weird stiff style.

got bad ibt and couldnt run more than 2km a week, slowly increased and 4-5 months later im back at same distance

did pullups every other day and got a nasty burning in my elbow from overuse (didnt think chinups would create that imbalance) doing a lot of neutral grip, and slowly progressing forward

I love you skeleton

What's your injury, OP? Or is it a dark place for other reasons?

knees b fucked back b fucked, docs are clueless tho i did injure them both while stretching

Well, how long have you had that? How did it happen? Have you tried anything to work the problem?

I got a fucked up left knee (was operated on for torn meniscus) and repeating tendonitis in both palms, right elbow and loss of sensation in left hand due to trapped ulnary nerve. Still running and lifting to the best of my ability - you just have to find alternatives to some of the exercises you can no longer do.

herniated disc and 6 months of sciatica with sciatica occasionally making a slight return. DL and squat makes it stop and stay gone for weeks.
initial injury caused by reracking 25kg plates at a weird angle while being a lardass

4 years for knees, year for back. stretched my knees too far laterally and prob snapped something. tore my trap in two, pretty sure.

in rehab for back and it's helping. knees seem to be recovering but very slowly.

Tore my left rotator cuff while doing dumbbell presses. 6 months later and I'm even stronger on bench and overhead press than I was before. I just gave it enough rest and did what the doctor said

Tendonitis responds well to eccentric loading. Think about doing calf raises but only doing the negative portion of the lift.

My advice for knee based on personal experience is physical therapy (and no, I don't mean squats, DL's or other compound exercises), and a good knee brace. You have to strengthen every tissue involved. 2-3 good months of PT helped me literally get back on my feet without the constant thumping pain I used to feel whenever I put any long-term stress on my knees.

As for back, consult a specialist (a sports PT), they have more hands-on experience. Nothing's over until it's over man.

ty user

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I got one by doing bunnyhops

we truly don't know how good we have it til we catastrophically injure our bodies.

I thought i was working hard and being healthy before my injuries. if i ever get better i will treat my body like a god damn holy shrine.

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shoulder clicking and popping that started hurting and eventually lead to some impingement from doing OHP too much with improper form. I wasn't doing the shrug at the top and that basically wreaks havoc on your shouldDr joint.

Oddly enough, i am actually recovering it and it started to feel better by dropping the weight extremely low on OHP and focusing on the shrug at the top and pause at the bottom for sets of 10 before going up in weight. Very humbling to the ego. I used to do 185 for sets of 5 and now I'm doing 85 for sets of 10 lol.
I think years of my shoulder girdle moving incorrectly doing OHP lead to this, so it may be some time before it's fully better.

Fractured my tailbone during infantry training, made me want to scream every time i was doing pressups or bending over. Medical officer told me if i came back complaining about it i would get discharged so i had to crack on during training carrying 50lb upwards on my back on exercises for days. Also melted the skin on my palm accidentally grabbing the barrel of an LMG after putting a few hundred rounds through it, bandaged it up and kept going.

Civvies are just fucking pussies. Man up.

I had a cyst on my spine and they had to cut it open and drain it with no anesthesia. Couldnt work out for a year. Been a year into it and I'm cutting atm at 200lbs 6' 2". You got this.

>Civvies are just fucking pussies. Man up.

looks like we got a tough guy here fellas

damn son

Broke my hand beating up some pakis. Couldn't lift for six weeks but I regret nothing.

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Doing the Lord's work, user

>Civvies are just fucking pussies. Man up
I hate military guys, they manage to make the world's most honourable job hateable

>Y-you too
My middle metacarpal is now reinforced by three titanium screws and my body is once again ready for beating up curryniggers.

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Doesnt make it any less true. Ive left the army now and in civilian life employees are pathetic. The second they cough they call in sick.

Civvies are snowflakes with hearts made of crystal.

we can do it boys.

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>Taking orders from Shariah May

>Civvies are pussies

You're just a dumb, desperate meat sack.

>enduring al that pain for less than $40000 a year.


Strained my lower back doing non gym related stuff and couldn't deadlift nor squats for 6~7 months, I also kept making i worse because I was impatient. Chiropractor game me at home exercise to do for my back, did that for few months and now I'm back 100%.

What exercises? My back keeps getting fucked from when I did something wrong on a deadlift two years ago. Thought it was better and then a couple months ago I was stretching and felt a small lump on my back appear on my back. then go again a little while later. Back was ruined again for weeks. Hurt like fuck too. Herniated disc?

Broke my back getting out of bed, got it fused. Two years later broke it again picking up a box of nothing, fused again. L4-S1 fused, was on oxycontin for a couple of years then tried to off myself cause I was a junkie shithead.
Been lifting for a couple of years, been pain free since I started lifting. But now I got cancer of the small bowel, they're gonna cut some shit out then nuke me but they say it's not bad enough to really worry.

>Broke my back getting out of bed
How? Wtf. You fall down at a weird angle or something

do you really think all civvies are like this you fucking yuppie?

get back in rank low iq grunt.

we will not let the cystem define and limit our freedom

possibly cancer/tumor. better get it checked out user. I knew a guy that ignored a lump on his side for months. turned out it was stage 4 cancer. he sadly died.


you have little hands, the only pakis you're beating up are probably 4 year old girls

Swim. It forces eccentric loads onto the tendon. Helps with recovery well.

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Fucking bonelets. When will they learn?

Mohammed fucks pigs in Hell.

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>knee pain (fully fixed in 2-3 months)
>back injury (bulging disc, pain and spamming subsided after 5 months)
>shoulder pain (fixed in 3 weeks)

>elbow pain (not fixed, been almost a year, but recovering)
>bicep strain (fully recovered in 2 months)

>back injury (disc bulge and pulled oblique, happened three weeks ago, recovering now)
>knee pain (started yesterday, recovering now due to heaps of stretches, I think it's a complication from the back injury shooting shit down my leg nerves)

The only injury that I haven't been able to recover quickly is this elbow pain BS, from abusing my pressing. Everything else is quick, quicker if you actually do the stretches and recovery exercises your physio/internet advices

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You are a king among kings. God Bless and may you have a speedy recovery.

elbow pain could be due to scar tissue in your forearm or biceps. Try deep massaging it.

Nobody knows, just got up, heard a pop then my legs went numb for a bit.

2 months ago, started to get "Golfer's Elbow". It's not a severe condition but since elbow movements are basically included in every fucking movement you can't do shit.
Guys, careful about that, do stretch.

Also I can't swim. Fuck.

that's scary as fuck man.
How old are you / were you at the time and what was your lifting routine looking like around then? A lot of axial loading?

Sports doctor said it's a triceps tendon tear at the insert. It was prolonged because I kept lifting for months after when I first got pain, I only saw someone for it like 4 or 6 months after the first pain

>just zerchered 3plate this week
>thank you based rippetoe

my man whatever you're doing has nothing to do with rippetoe, and zercher deadlifts (assuming you're doing those and not squats) are a one-way ticket to snap city more than any other lift ever invented

11 broken bones
4 loss of consciousness concussions
Torn ACL
3 major (and rare) shoulder surgeries

I can't really push myself in the gym anymore so I've pretty much plateued for the last 3 years. It's just the shoulder that limits me on everything though.

>2 years old
>At babysitters
>Mom thinks she is a nice lady
>Turns out to be an evil cunt
>Breaks my arms at the elbows one day, then twist them around like she is trying to pull off a chicken thigh.
>Arms mangled
I was in a cast for about two years with multiple pins, elbows look and function normal aside from an occasionally getting stuck and anything over 20lbs is painful to lift. But then again, i have no real clue if they are normal because i dont remember whats its like to have normal elbows.

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What are you doing for the bulged disk? I think that's what I got.
I'm doing McKenzie stretches and inversion table/traction which seems to be working but I also think I reinjured it a week ago and I'm back to taking painkillers all day at work.

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>tell me about a time where you severely injured yourself but managed to

>make a full recovery.

OP asked for recovery stories, not sob stories

Tried to do a front flip onto a mat from about 6 feet up, landed on my back of my next, miraculously walked away.
Bad back pain for weeks though, and limping mandatory for first week.
Didn't see doctor because I was a teenager and embarrased.

Should have seen a doctor, i know i should have.
>I got into a bad wreck when i was 17.
>My buddy rolled his car and i hit my back across the hard edge of his racing seats.
>Big bruise ran across diagonally through my shoulder blades and across my spine.
>I cant run or jump very much at all.
'>Waking up hurts to move
>took three months for the pain to be gone.
>I had skipped school so mom had no pity and told me to suck it up.
>I had also hit my face and cut my brow.
>I didnt realize that i had a concussion and did all the things you arent suppose to do.
I had the chance to get check out by a EMT but i didnt want look weak in front of my friends so i said no. Had a bro moment though because a girl from school drove by and got out to check on us. She gave us all hugs and kisses, then we stair at her ass every time she turned around. She honestly improved the day.

I sprained my ankle something fierce a couple years ago (it was one of those nasty ones where an deafening pop filled the air). A year later, it still got sore every so often. I'm still afraid to try running again because it might bring it back. I'm just gonna use the cardio bikes or something. Out of all the things to injure, it had to be my fucking ankle.

the things we do when we are young and stupid. We should all just be born with wisdom.

god speed user. god speed

I got hit in the side of my car by a var, separated collar bone, and retrospectively a pretty bad concussion which got overlooked because the on-scene paramedics checked the wrong box and dumped me off in the hospital lobby. I've had hyper-mobility in my left shoulder, stiffness in my right, and an inability to remember names, lyrics, and faces as well as I used to. On the bright side, I'm more social and my grades are improving, as well as my lifts. I've been working in regaining mobility in my right side, and fixing the side-ways posture my loose left shoulder has caused.

Holy shit wtf that's fucking horrible

Physio is loosening up my lower back by needling and massaging, also did "adjustments" which was basically advanced back cracking.

I'm doing reverse hyper extensions, started today because before I had a lot of pain. For the pulled muscle there is really nothing but rest.

I also used heat pads, and currently using heating cream (not actual heat but makes your skin feel on fire), both of which improve blood flow to the area for quicker recovery.

What happened to the babysitter?

Perform the alfredson eccentric protocol for achilles tendinopathy as per ' the prehab guys' instructional video on youtube. Sorted. From a physio.

Absolutely not. He simply gave himself a minor 'stinger' performing the exercise. Fucking lol at the scans. From the /fit physio

This is trash physiotherapy.

You need to simply return to activity in a gradual manner.

From the /fit physio. I have a chronic back injury since 7 years ago and lift heavy. I know what there is to know on back pain

Flipped off of my motorcycle, landed on shoulder and got an acl tear. Did physical therapy for 2 weeks, and lifted light cause I’m a stubborn asshole. Have full range, shoulder just tires out faster once I start lifting heavy. Next I broke my dominant hand, got put in a cast, lifted with the cast on, got cast off after 3 weeks. Hit pr’s after both injuries. Don’t be a weakling mentally or physically (if at all possible) and you’ll come back stronger.

My hip hurts a bit. But hey no pain no gain, right?

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>be 5'4 manlet freshman year
>shoot up to 6' in all of a month before sophomore year
>senior year I go to doctors for severe back pain
>they take a look at my spine and realize that when I bend over I look like fucking quasimodoo
>thet can't explain it, got xrays and no scheurmanns disease.
>went to PT to stretch my back out, helped a little
>still have no idea what it is few years later, but the pain is mostly gone
My back is really fucking weird. 3/4 of the way up if I bend over slightly my back forms almost a right angle.