I have a question for y'all grills and medfags

I have a question for y'all grills and medfags.

I'm an 18 years old girl 1,70 m and 77ish kg and I can't seen to loose weight.I'm not sure if thats because I wasn't carefull enough with food or if it's linked with anothwr problem of mine.

So for the last 4 years or so my period came just once a year,around august. But I didn't go to see a doctor because my mother saud that her perioud came late(19 years old) and it wasn't coming regulatly until she gave birth to her first child and she is scared to take me to a doctor because a bad one can messup my hormons for good.

I don't think is an infaction,it isn't ichy or painfull,the only strange thing i see is too much smegma.

did you went throw anything like this or you know if the weight problem is related somehow?

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Errr.. go to a doctor. Mothers do not know more than doctors.

>period comes once a year
Jesus Christ go see a doctor

i'm no doctor but if your period is only occurring once a year thats either a medical abnormality or something is seriously wrong with your downstairs.
best to see a doctor ASAP. regardless of what your mother says. you sound sick. diet and weight may play a role but it sounds like there's an underlying issue

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If u consume less kcals then your body use it will resort in breaking down fat and muscles resulting in wieght loss. Im pretty certain periods have nothing mayor to do with wieght loss.

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go to a doctor and not an austrian moutainclimber imageboard

Definitely see a doctor. This is not something you want to delay.

doctor here. post pic of smegma so we can determine if it requires medical attention

how do you retards fall for the most obvious bait

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Do your "years" have different names and then you notice the names cycling around after a while? Those are called months, sweetie.

I've known girls whose periods were a couple months/a year late(and they weren't preggo) so if you're not op fuck off with your bait shit

"my mother saud that her perioud came late(19 years old) and it wasn't coming regulatly until she gave birth to her first child" if it comes from your mother and she works fine. Errrm i guess see a doctor. Might be something wrong or some wierd ass mutaion in your family.

Lmao women conplain getting periods then they complain they are not getting it.
This might be bait Cx

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Probably something fucks up with your hormones. I have thyroid problems and even with lifting&healthy eating I didn't lose much weight and had periods only 3-4 times a year + weird acne. So after visiting endocrinologist he prescripted me thyroid hormones and now everything seemes to get better. Definitely go see a doctor.

and did they know what was the problem?

I'm gonna go aee a doctor asap but i'm curious about other cases

women are complaining about the strog stomach pain and the river of blood that come with that every month

this woman is also complaining about the posibility that she is having a serious medical issue

god damn you silly women x3

so they are related in fact!
thank you,this reply convinced me

idk I know in their cases it could have been stress since it can cause the period to be late but since you've been having this condition this long I'm guessing it could be hormones. definitely go see a doctor, he shouldn't cause more harm than already is happening, probably gonna put you on birth control since I think it helps regulate periods but I'm no doctor

god damn,you're one stupid bitch

>too much smegma

Any smegma is bad and abnormal

It's very clear from the post what she means you absolute brainlet

do girls even get smegma? what does it look like

The same ,but we have more cracks and revines where it can hide :\

lol I thought it was all pussy juice randomly discharging

well,there is that as well,but like smegma is...cheesier...

but you can wash it away like normal

Glad I was able to help. They're related of course, pregnancy fucks up your hormones anyway so it's not surprising your mom's problems fixed themselves this way. Doesn't work for everyone though.