Veeky Forums unequivocally btfo

Veeky Forums unequivocally btfo

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Those aren’t bad things to be.

Body symmetry is also closely correlated to higher IQ.

Really makes you think.

>not weak as fuck left wing sociology student
>this is a bad thing?

>Veeky Forums people less likely to self-loathing retards
Clearly they didn't check here before writing that.

Feels good, man. Soycucks on suicide watch

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>inb4 some redditor posts the fat kid with a pepe cake

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just lol at being anything but right wing in 2018

Read the actual article instead of clickbait summaries. It doesn't say what you think it does. All the researchers found was that more muscular men are more likely to support policies in their economic self interest, opposing re-distributive policies if they are rich and supporting them if they are poor.


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I don't understand. What's the problem with this? Left wingers are retarded, useless faggots.
>Among men of lower socioeconomic status (SES), strength predicted increased support for redistribution; among men of higher SES, strength predicted increased opposition to redistribution

>Lets do a survey of 10 dudes going to a gym in a known republican area

Sounds like strength isnt a particularly relevant factor in those findings

And that's a good thing
Heres why

>Veeky Forums unequivocally btfo
if anything this boosts Veeky Forums's sexual appeal

I used to frequent /pol/ a lot about 3 years ago and for a long time leading up to the 2016 election. After Donald Trump won the election, I just kind of stopped going. I found Veeky Forums and have just been trying to focus on myself ever since. I think one think I have realized in that time is that the whole right wing identity politics is really just as bad as the left wing identity politics. Claiming culture as your own is stupid. Then, it's like, who decides who's white? When it's like that, eventually, people with brown hair won't be considered white. Ultimately, I think self reliance, individualism, and trying to achieve great things as an individual is really the best philosophy I got out of my time away from /pol/, and this is lost on collectivite identitarian politics like that on /pol/. I also find I get along with people more, now that I view them more as individuals instead of part of a collective. thanks for reading my blog.

>tl;dr collective bad; individual good

this tbqdesu

I agree with you, but if they take up the colors of their tribe against their nation then they should be exterminated along with the other traitors.

the fucking mirror decides whos white, look into one pajeet

This is bang on

Individualism is the only way to go

Collectivism is the natural state for man. Also the "who is white" argument is a meme. You know who's white and who isn't.

Also they only measured bicep circumference which doesn't necessarily correlate with strength.

>being healthy and thinking like a normal human

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feels good being a right-wing asshole, man

Pretty sure I have seen this pasta before, but I'll answer anyway:

Collectivism is a natural answer to being attacked. Would you expect an army to win of each soldier made up his own strategy and didn't listen to any orders? Our civilization is under attack and anyone who says otherwise is lying to your face. We have to collectivize if we don't want to go the way of the Romans.

Who is our civilization being attacked by

>Collectivism is the natural state for man
this is a fallacy because nothing in our modern world is natural, and yet it's fucking great. are you telling me air conditioning isn't great? are you telling me cities, though filled with leftist scum, aren't great? I mean, they let me have the internet and money and healthcare and a house. the natural state of man is roaming the fields in a tribe chasing after the ass end of a buffalo. that sounds shitty. probably no pussy in that tribe either, or you get cucked by cave-Chad.

>desu openly right wing
>tfw first fuck buddy was a passionate Bernie voter
>seconds parents are illegal immigrants


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International Jewery

Nice meme
Still waiting on an answer

this is a reasonable reply, and I'll agree, that at a macro scale, some kind of union must be necessary. On the micro scale, just focus on yourself. Focus on self improvement. Giving into the in-group/out-group collective isn't the answer, the us vs. them mentality. Group identities do exist, and patterns and stereotypes exist for a reason, but people are first and fore-most individuals, and you humble yourself to remember that.

Technically not 100% honest.The study in question basically said that people of higher income who were fit were less likely to support wealth distribution, while people who had a lower income who were fit were more likely to support it. Basically the strong rich think they can hold it, while the strong poor are more likely to think they can take it. Also gym memberships and participation increase as income increases up to roughly $70,000 so the right wing tendencies may have a wealth correlation more so than a test based one.
Pic not related.

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>People who take care of themselves are more likely to also care about their nation and how it's run

Nvm someone already posted the study.

Pretty much this.

I think you're misunderstanding the message of collectivism. Nobody is saying "give up all of your self-interest and become a mindless cog". The goal is to improve yourself with the goal of not only making your own life better, but working together with others to make the world a better place.

It's like if a bunch of people were stuck in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. It would be 200% retarded to have everyone just paddle however they wanted. They'd have to coordinate and work in a rhythm to make it safely to shore

>gym goers more likely to be men

imagine that

so are right wingers.

Political extremism is an indicator of a critical lack of mental acuity.

Fpbp /thread sage an hero kys

>it's not an argument if I call it a meme

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>tfw to smart to have ideals
Take that bullshit to reddit

>tfw my one of my lats is significantly bigger than the other

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I don't think we really disagree here. What I meant was that with the way the left is now, if you're white, you're a scumbag racist who unjustifiably uses white privilege to get a leg up on minorities. This kind of rhetoric pushed me to the far right, but I don't think white power, cleanse the mud races is the right answer either. There's got to be a more moderate middle ground, and I think focusing on the microcosm is better in that regard. Raise your self right, raise your family right, support your friends, help your neighbor. I'm just more libertarian than full blown nazi.

>brown hair

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right wing =/ extremism

>Being part of the modern false dichotomy that is called a political
>Thinking that joining in with canned fake parties means you have ideals
>Having and cherisghing ideals given to you by the TWO PARTY SYSTEM that has controlled the oligarchy controlled corporation that is America.
>Thinking am too hard

wait what the fuck? by that measurement, Boogie would be a fitness god because his arms are bloated like the rest of him

>Veeky Forums
> not self loathing

Hold right the fuck on

Women like dark-haired dudes. You are retarded if you think all black/brown haired 10/10s out there are Achmeds.

How is it a meme?

>Muh collectivism
>Gurd damn leftists


Ok, I can certainly understand that sentiment. I'll ask you this: hypothetically, would you temporarily lay aside individualism to defend your people from genocide?

Our civilization isn't being attacked and I guarantee you cunt give me a real example that isn't just Infowars bullshit.

>science confirms

Only thing I can tell you - there are some really powerful things that are not only wasted on, but dangerous for some people to know.

Those that are aware of these methodologies will survive.
Many others won't.

anyone who answers "no" to this question doesn't have a people

>haha totally not a meme goys
Sounds like you've been cucked by the Jewish master race

Back to Infowars with you. These isn't right wing beliefs, these are extremist paranoid neckbeard beliefs.

>hypothetically, would you temporarily lay aside individualism to defend your people from genocide?
I'll play along, but I want you to more specifically define the terms though. What genocide? What circumstances? Illustrate with words this fiction before I decide to take up arms.


Shit study is shit

>strong men are less likely to be weak men
Fascinating study. How long did it take them to work that one out?

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."

I agree but I don't think there's much of a difference at this point. The average Pollack either is an edgelord regurgitating boring memes from 2015 or a true infowars believer

They're demonstrable facts that stretch back centuries. Even shit like the first English invasion of Ireland was funded by a Jew. You don't get exiled from every country to ever exist because of tinfoil hats.

That's entirely subjective.

>Infowars bullshit
So all evidence I post is just going to be classified as such, got it. That's a nice out you've given yourself.

Also, to keep this fitness related, 6 million reps of 20lb dumbbell fly is GOAT exercise for chest

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Teddy Boy was right about fucking everything. It's crazy that everything he said is still relevant to this day, 25 years later.

>effects of the Industrial revolution are entirely subjective

God damn.

I am against communism but the welfare state of countries like Denmark or Finland works, so nice statistics.

>pushed me to the far right, but I don't think white power, cleanse the mud races is the right answer either.
Bruh, anyone who told you the right wing believes in those things is a nutjob. I'm a registered Democrats but the only difference between myself and Real Republicans are abortion views and funding for social security programs. The right are not a bunch of Nazis.

>Socialism only works in white nations
Congrats. You're an ethnonationalist and a nationalist socialist to boot.

that's not what I meant
>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
subjective; the industrial revolution produced all the modern luxuries we enjoy today
> they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling,
>have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering
>The continued development of technology will worsen the situation
subjective; the future prediction business never works out for people
>it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries."
this shit is basically fear mongering

>The right are not a bunch of Nazis.
yeah, but /pol/ is

I don't think /pol/ is representative of the average Republican though. Those are extremist idiots comparable with Tumblr she's.

I hate politics because people are dumbasses and politics deal with the effective organization of predictable, but unreliable dumbasses. The only thing that works is despotism, state of war in every corner. National socialism is the way for modern nations though.

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

horseshoe theory at it's best imo

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Go gas yourself you stupid fucker. You make right wingers seem like paranoid nutjobs who can't stop sucking Nazi cock.

The average democrat redditor LITERALLY thinks EVERY republican is a Russian spy

Liberalism is a mental disorder

>right wing
>engages in degenerate premarital casual sex
Son, you're not right wing.

All of those things are good, true, and are common knowledge (read: unproven consensus).

Something is not subjective if it's quantified through common knowledge and is most likely to be correct when tested.

The industrial revolution is a mistake, but on a global level every mistake is a statistically good thing.

Industrial revolution shouldn't have happened until after collectivism started dying off.
That would make massive leaps of quality progress.

t. a ditry kike

For the record, I hate Nazis. Why would I ever even care about a different nation's people to begin with? Pipe down kike.

I love how antiIsrael millineials in Europe and the US are becoming. I can't wait till the Jewish fascist terror state implodes.

kek I see you too are familiar with reddit leftists and their debate tactics.

You have to go back. We don't want you on this board. You aren't a right wing asshole. You're just schizophrenic

>you have sex before marriage so join us liberals who want millions of Muslims in Europe, amnesty for illegal aliens, support for terror groups like BLM and ANTIFA, and to start a new Cold War with Russia

I'll pass.

i think the hundreds of migrants roaming my community mugging people begs to differ

>we don't want you on this board

Who said you speak for us?

I dunno about "right wing"

But if you don't realize race is real and Jews are subversive in 2018 you are probably hopeless.

>tldr survival of the Veeky Forumstest

>only rebuttal to presented evidence is to call your opponent names
The absolute state of the left. Also, 6 million km run every day is GOAT cardio rountine

>tfw Veeky Forums commie
liberal soyboys aren't leftists

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why does that happen?

Yeah, believe it or not, the majority of Europeans(not nigs and ackbars) have brown hair and eyes, but we also have blue eyes, green, grey, light brown, amber, strawberry blonde hair, blonde hair, black hair, red/ginger hair, etc.

no fucking idea they just flooded us with them, the cops arrested 32 of them yesterday for gang beating people in the subway.