Is calisthenics a reasonable way to achieve ottermode?

Is calisthenics a reasonable way to achieve ottermode?

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Calisthenics seems to make people look like sinewy cadavers for some reason, I'd say no.

But you have to ramp up the difficulty and at least do self resistance or a basic curl bro routine.

it is, but lifting is optimal for hypertrophy in every regard. why limit yourself to the particular group of exercises which don't require resistance? outside of lack of equipment access, what's the point?

Party tricks.

Basically this, I'm considering doing the 4 big lifts plus all calisthenics for accessories. I like the idea of improving balance, coordination, and grace. I calisthenics had better leg accessory options though, you can only do so many pistol squats and box jumps.

>why limit yourself to the particular group of exercises which don't require resistance

What in gods name are you blathering about?

*external resistance

was pretty obvious i meant that too tbqh

No it wasn't.
You were being fucking stupid.
Your bodyweight is an external resistance.
There's no such thing as INTERNAL resistance.
Maybe if we were talking about fucking isometrics and SELF RESISTANCE but not this.

tried a deficit shrimp squat before with both hands on your foot?

>picking my post to pieces over terminology
why are you wasting your time on this? your argument is of so little importance to anyone, what's the point?

If your goals are physique oriented, the fastest way to get there is with weights. Only do calisthenics if you're interested in performing cool bodyweight feats and/or raising endurance.

Very overrated movement.

>Only do calisthenics if you're interested in performing cool bodyweight feats and/or raising endurance
>raising endurance
Is this broscience? I switched from my weightlifting routine to a calisthenics heavy routine and noticed an increase in endurance and bursts of energy for some other sports I partake in (mountain bike, road bike, running). Is there any correlation or am I just getting stronger in general?

>a weightlifting routine
>a calisthenics heavy routine
you didn't tell us a thing about either. you switched routines and you're now seeing more progress. great. you have no reason whatsoever to believe that because the resistance is now your bodyweight instead of free weights that this was the cause of any kind of new progress. it could be volumes, rep ranges, maybe you're taking this one more seriously, maybe your weightlifting form was off, maybe you're eating better etc. most likely a mix of all and more.

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The peak of the pyramid is exactly what you did in your first post that prompted this pointless discussion, now piss off and go outside

it actually wasn't tbqh

Completely different user friend

Not him but wow you must pretty triggered right now to not even read the post.
Being peak pyramid is GOOD.
>tfw you accidentally complimented the user you're triggered by
Haha get rekt

don't listen to the autists on this board regadring calisthenics.
Yes, you can, but you have to progress carefully. If you want to take it one step further, try gymnastics.

holy fuck just stop replying

Rope hangs are a great bodyweight hold.

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Calesthnics are good if you’re a twink. Other wise don’t bother being a memeToy Fuck boi