Eating healthy is expensive

Eating healthy is expensive
What's a poorfag to do?
Too poor to make it :(

Attached: voxsplaining.jpg (1333x702, 111K)

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that pic can't be true

what kind of urban hellhole do you live in where apples cost 2 dollers a piece

The kind that buys apples at whole foods but donuts at 7-11

>frozen fruit
>frozen vegetables
>dried bulk whole grains and beans
Oh wow it's fucking nothing. Nobody but fruitarian whackos get all their calories from fruit anyway

A banana costs 11p a pack of walkers ready salted costs 70p in the same shop.

A 2ltr bottle of water costs 56p a 500ml bottle of coke costs £1.50 in the same shop.

>5 apples for 10$
In what kind of fucking hellhole does that happen?

This guy from the comments section seems to have a good solution

Attached: Government_Mandated_Soy.png (916x254, 25K)

Than Franthithco

>5 apples for 10 dollars
Maybe in Israel.


Eating less food literally saves you money.

Soy Division at work here


this is a false dilemma. it should be 10 donuts vs 5 donuts

>A 2ltr bottle of water
Why don't you just drink from the tap?

D-don't tell me your government doesn't clean your tap water user.

La creatura fluoridana

I fill my water bottle from the tap but I know in 3rd world countries its not healthy to drink tap water.

Anyone that's eating 10 doughnuts in a day is going to be fat no matter how cheap or expensive doughnuts or an apple is.

Based pastor bro already debunked this.

Attached: o-PASTOR-STEVEN-ANDERSON-facebook.jpg (2000x1000, 139K)

ameritards have to pay 10 dollars FOR 5 (FIVE) APPLES


Apples are cheap as fuck here. This is a meme image trying to push an agenda

Wtf here in italy ten donuts here cost even twice, then 5 apples cost slightly less than 1 euro
>eating healthy
>donuts are a meal

Potatoes, Peas, beans, rice are some stuff cheap in bulks, and tasty too

tapped water can increase kidney stones odds, then i saw there's also xanax in american tap water but i don't know when the hoax start.
Anyway, we're lucky here, bottled water is cheap here

that's obvious, but some people doesn't even know what an eggplant is, and this is the problem
>I have to drink my 5 dollars frappuccino every day, then smoke my 4 dollars marlboro after that and just going to take some 10 dollars whiskey at liqueur store for tonight
>No way, eating healty is expensive

Where's the meat though?

since everybody have to correct false statement, this is somewhat a good thing, i think

people eat meat as unhealthy\cheap stuff too, in some degrees

Some good white meat are cheap, like poultry and pork, but healty in low quantities.

What a fucking pro pastor, tending to his flock.

apples are bad for you
if poor, eat beans

Yeah, you can get way more than 10 donuts for 10 dollars.

Yeah, even picking up an individual apple at a cafe or convenience store, which is marked up as hell, is like 50 cents. I don't really buy much fruit other than the occasional box of berries, but I think a 5 apples would cost you about $1

I could eat those ten doughnuts in one sitting but not five apples.

That's the difference.

Eating healthy isn't that hard, at least where I live. You just can't buy any junk food:

>Get meat of your choice (chicken breast in my case)
>A few apples
>Buy rice or other ingredients every other week when you need them

Boom, done. Aside from the odd ingredient or too (that usually lasts a week or two), I can have a shopping bill of $10 or under a day.

here in europe fresh food is roughly the same as pre-packaged shit. one whole broccoli? 0.65€.
2lbs of shitty, watery, tasteless dutch tomatos? 2.50€.
potatos, rice, beans, oats are basically free, frozen fruit mix with very high quality is like 1.60€/lb.
cheap chicken cuts can go as low as 1.25€/lbs (legs with bone etc.). there really are no excuses, for ~200 bucks a month you can eat healthy all day (if you consider supermarket meat healthy).

Is soylent even that cheap? It seems like a meme food for middle-class faggots rather than an actual economical alternative to regular cooking.

>complaining about food prices
>in fucking America
God fucking dammit I'm pissed, I'm paying nearly $8/gallon for milk, $2-$3/lb for pasta, almost all fruit is outstandingly expensive, meat is usually above $5/lb, and I can only afford frozen vegetables. And this is all without anything like food stamps. Even still, I'm maintaining a healthy weight, have plenty of energy, and get compliments on my body often enough, all on less than $10,000/year and with zero government assistance.
Americans have zero right to be complaining about food prices AT ALL. Also,
>5 apples
it bears repeating, but this is the biggest piece of bullshit I've ever seen.

This, Wal-Mart sells donuts for $0.48 or $4.98 a dozen. That's 24 fuckin donuts for $10 without tax. According to Wal-Mart a 2.5 lb bag of Honeycrisp apples is 3.94. The average weight of an apple is somewhere between 0.33 and 0.7 lbs. The split for this is roughly 0.5 lbs per apple. So if we can buy 2 bags of apples with our 10 dollars and there's only 5 apples per bag. We have 10 apples with 2 dollars left over.