Lower, faggot

>Lower, faggot.

Attached: DeepSquat.jpg (350x326, 128K)

>he doesn't squat ass-to-ditch


Fucking normals, that’s a clean.

The lower you get the more you can rack

Attached: 769125C7-EDDD-45D8-BF34-4E4B66CC6A96.png (640x1136, 876K)

Please be bait

>that’s a squat not a clean

The eccentric portion of the squat is used in the catch position of the clean. That is not a squat.

Tell me what position his body is in then? A clean position? Nah gtf brainlets

then where is his broomstick

Attached: 1515726264985.jpg (657x527, 53K)

You're retarded





that's a man

dont sign your posts


Excuse me but is he wrong?


A catch position.

Thats a front squat friendo

In a power clean the catch position isn't a squat. Nice try cunt.

My hips stop me from going below parallel, wat do

It kinda feels like a structural issue and not a flexibility one


>power clean.
>below parallel
pls b b8

its either a mobility or a form problem. If you have wide hips youll need a wider stance.

>that depth
>power clean

>dOnT sIgN yOuR pOstS

Attached: 9E46F447-6851-4F7C-ADB9-06C86016860B.jpg (950x534, 83K)

This thread is full of normal fags who can’t into /owg/

olympic weightlifting is retarded unless you actually plan on competing in the olympic games.

god... please kill yourself