Has anyone ever taken SARMs, specifically Ostarine? What's the deal with it? Do they work...

Has anyone ever taken SARMs, specifically Ostarine? What's the deal with it? Do they work? /fraud/ doesn't know jack shit and as always act like fucking retards.

Attached: OstaMuscle-E_7501.jpg (750x750, 70K)

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ofc they work, if they didnt pro athletes wouldnt risk getting caught using them


Why not use testerone injection? It's been used for decades and has well-documented side-effects. And of course you will get more gains

No no I am just not willing to do that shit or get into it. I don't want to fuck up.

Ostarine can permanently lower your SHBG causing metabolic downregulation leaving you prediabetic and causing your liver enzymes to rise. It's also made by Merck.

Is that so? never heard anything about that.

The only one I'm interested in is MK677 and LD...whatever.

Do you have anything on those?

Are you the same guy that wanted to stack this with dnp?

Yes, Merck's released several studies on their compound and there have been dozens of people spread across the internet reporting their blood work after their 8 week cycles on Ostarine.

Ligandrol and MK677 are even worse. SARMs are all R E S E A R C H compounds that could have unknown long-term problems on top of the problems that we already do know these compounds already have. Ever SARM promotes angiogenesis and that could lead to tumor growth AND will definitely lead to organ hypertrophy.

SARMs are trash and people who use them are trash.

Use proper hormones, they're safer, cheaper, and get better results.

yes, asshole

>>/fraud/ doesn't know jack shit and as always act like fucking retards.
You asked and got a very logical explanation from certain posters.
You just want validation for running it with your dnp. Its a bad idea for various reasons and everyone in this topic will agree.

Nobody told me why it was bad to run with DNP.

Everyone told you dnp was more dangerous then pinning test but you insist its the opposite.
You're one dense motherfucker and no post but "this is a great idea" will do anything for you.

DNP is harsh enough as is, why introduce more potential problems?

The only problem DNP has is cataracts, which never happens.

>Ligandrol and MK677 are even worse.
Tell me how?
I'm genuinely curious about the side effects.

>only problem DNP has is cataracts
and occasional inevitable deaths lol
must be some amazing hours when you know you fucked up bad and *will* die, no matter what you do

Just take your dnp and your sarms at the same time. Report back to us once you're done.
>gonna be a retard, die like a retard

i've done like 3-4 cycles of DNP on 500mg. I started my first cycle like 3 years ago. you only die if you are retarded. was i retarded? i am still here. DNP is really so overblown. how hard is it to drink a gallon of water each day, take vitamins, and do your fucking work? the only people who DIED and EVER DIED on it, were people who took too much, maybe because they didnt know their source, and some dumb shit like that.

Fucking ZYZZ the stupid faggot worshipped here used DNP and went into a sauna. thats how he died. like lol. whats wrong with you people. injecting Test could give me prostate cancer, fucking heart attacks and other crazy shit.

and from what i have researched. SARMs are just like injections, but without the awful side effects. sure its research chemicals, but who the fuck cares. i want to know if anybody here has taken it and what their experience was

That's a load of horseshit. SARMs don't cause organ hypertrophy and much more selective than testosterone

you only die if you are retarded

Not true

i think that if you want to be chemically enhanced you should just use testosterone.
it works, the side effects are well known and manageable, it's cheap
SARMS do a worse job of the same and seem to have poorly explored off-target side effects

so then whats not true about it. anybody can survive dnp if you just do the right thing.

anybody can survive test if you just do the right thing.

>having this expectation
>for clandestine drug using gymrats
>ingesting a carcinogenic ionophore with a long half-life

if you want info on sarms Veeky Forums is the second worst place to ask about them, with evolutionary.org being the first

This is a great idea, anonymous poster!

Stacking DNP and Ostarine has been proven to:
Increase IQ by a point per mg of DNP
Increase penile length and girth
Decrease personal debt
Wow! I can't believe it has all these benefits!

Look, we told you in the other thread. Just pin test, or just fucking shut your mouth and research it, and do or don't do your dumb stack. If you succeed, great, the world now will know you can do it. If you die, we'll see the inevitable news headlines of a local bodybuilders death.

And here's the insuferable cunt that pops in every sarm thread saying HURRRR WHY NOT USE STEROIDS DURRR, because some people just want a light boost and don't want to lose their hair fucktard

>t. needles are scary

Mk677 seems like the safest to try. It's not a SARM. It just stimulates the pitutary gland to make more GH.

> Injecting a naturally occuring hormone is less safe than a chemical used in pesticides, agricultural products and explosive ordinances.

I hope so. I need GH and I can't afford GH. I could swing mk677 on my budget.

Currently on mk677 recovery is fucking stupid. Added crazy volume just to see how much I could handle. End up running tight on time before I can get tired my rest times are more or less cut in half even on intensity days. Sleep quality is ridiculous. I picked up a graveyard job and woke up with four hours of sleep. Did a full shift then hit the gym after and still had a good workout. Knocked out like a rock though. Aside from the occasional mishap I am still getting eight hours a day and my nutrition is on point everyday. I’m currently eating at maintenance to recomp and I’m progressing at bulking rates on lifts while leaning out slowly.

I’m on week 3 considering running it for the six month minimum that’s usually recommend. It has great potential imo but unlike regular gear I feel like you have to push yourself harder and take advantage of increased recovery otherwise you’ll be another regular joe who messed around with sarms then talks shit about how they don’t work.

What are some actually legit places to get SARMs? Newroids seems to be good

Have you had any sides? Lethargy?


god the DNP fear mongering on this board is fucking ridiculous

ostarine is shit and isnt worth the time or money.
After like 6 weeks I said fuck it and ordered myself test and now 16 months later Im on; test,mast tren and Npp. Suck it up and jab yourself with a needle or forever lift at a natty cuck.

Appetite increase not crazy hunger like some people get but I’ll catch myself craving food when I typically wouldn’t. Lethargy in the mornings, dosed mk at night, was a little crazy for the first week but subsided after that.

Are you taking 25mg ED?

Yes 25mg ED single dose same time

That shit nukes your mitochondria and spreads free radicals through your cells (hence all the heat generation). It wouldn't surprise me if in 10 years you become horribly chronically lethargic or develop cancer.
It's like a 20 year old that's been chain smoking cigars a couple years boasting that he's perfectly healthy and that cigars are completely safe.

your body makes free radicals just by living. dnp is only carcinogenic with sustained exposure. and 2 weeks to 3 weeks isn't going to be enough for anything like that.