Alright boys

Alright boys

At 30% body fat

Have sleep apnea

Don't want to go to gym

Was thinking of doing clen to get to 12% sitting on my ass

Always tired and I have pajeet diets literally curry shit so I need magic pills to make me slim

I had gyno and had surgery and got it removed never used roids

If I started roids would I get gyno again? Cause fuck that

Attached: 4gv47GZ.jpg (1536x2048, 118K)

you don't need roids you need a diet dyel shitskin

Sounds like its a critique to modern fatties, but in case is not, just fast.

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No I don't I tried to lift couple years on off but never made any gains but just been getting fat I eat out a lot but I wanna get a six pack but keep my shitty lifestyle cause I hate going to the fucking gym

Lowest-tier bait I've seen in a minute. For any fatties out there, you're gonna look like shit no matter what compounds your taking if you're a lazy fuck.

Kill yourself

That's a bit more than 30% bro

Okay so here's what you need to do and it'll sound weird and it's not super healthy but the curry in your current diet should counteract.

Put about one cup of windex in a blender then add whey protein and peanut butter to counteract the taste. Blend it. Take it out and quickly drop one cup of bleach in, plug your nose, then chug.

The reaction of these will help to burn the fat right off. You'll feel funny and you'll shit a lot. So just go lay down. Post back with results

you will lose weight much faster if you diet. The amount you need to exercise to burn high levels of fat while on a shitty diet is ridiculous. You won't lose weight this way, so either accept that and do the right thing or stop pretending you wanna lose weight because you don't. You just wanna talk about it for a temporary rush of feels good emotions and illusory bliss.

That's not nice but

I think I'm going to dedicate 1 year for fitness and see how it goes but I'm going to need funding

I was thinking of setting up a GoFundMe and set a goal for at least 200k just to cover the cost of living and food and other expenses would you guys support me as a fellow 4channer let me know if it's a good idea


You could try wearing this one daily

Attached: IMG_1357.jpg (1153x1080, 303K)

I'm getting a test spike by just looking at it.



Dude wtf are u tombout’ pajeet diet. Your ancestors were thin as twigs from eating rice and when they take the extra step to find red chili black pepper, bay leaf, coriander, and cinnamon you call it curry shits? Boy dal chawal, biryani, and bhindi saved the nation

That truth bomb hit harder to home than it should have desu

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Seriously? Are you retarded?

I believe what I set out to do will be inspirational it would be a good story and good source in the future with mh story and I am willing to be on the front page but in order for me to do that I need the funding I'll be making a GoFundMe and link it in a new thread later on

Just give up on life.



Either the greatest bait ever imagined or just another collection for the "absolute state of america" folder

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You can make it too, make it to an early lonely death you weak fuck


Looks a bit more than that to me.

Either you want to lose weight or you don't you massive lazy faggot.
Get your ass moving or gtfo. There is no cheat code for long term changes.

Have fun giving up in 2 months. You have no mental strength to keep up a diet or even bother working out. Just sitting on your ass and trying to cruise is exactly what you should do good luck with that youll love the results