
Any Veeky Forumsizens using kratom? I've ordered a sample pack and thought about using it mainly for studying. Maybe also recreationally, or for just being more productive in the weekends. Never tried it before. I know of the addictiveness so I won't use it more than twice a week or so.

Have I been memed into this or is it actually good? What should I expect?

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makes me constipated

It's okay, doesn't really do much for me. I used to take it as I was wage slaving at my old pizza delivery job to make the shift less tedious.

I tried taking it twice. Once mixed with chocolate milk and then once at a higher dosage mixed into applesauce. Both times it didn't mix well and I could barely choke it down.

The only effect I noticed was a sort of very mild headache. Almost like the feeling you get about 3 hours after you smoked weed where you're not high anymore but your head just feels kind of funny.

Never bothered to try it again even though I still have a big bag of it. Maybe I'll double the dosage and try again someday. I don't remember exactly how big of doses I took the first two times though.

It's a bitch to get down, tastes like shit but the high is quite nice. Not too overpowering, kinda like a weaker phenibut

i put raw cocoa , 2 spoons , in a cup
thhen add 20 grams of red
then add water and lemon
stir for a min or 2
quaff it down in one go , chase whith more lemon water
but if you want more energy
try cold showers
torrent the wim hof method and do that shit !
but really the only reson i do this shit is i used to be a fookin junkkie and this stuff is better than being on the smack

pick related , look at them tracks

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I used to drink the tincture.
I would get an agitated, slightly annoying high. Classic opioid high, ecstatic itching, nodding out. But the come down was really bad. Anxiety followed by the most intense, excruciatingly awful nausea I've ever experienced, and it would last for hours. Really wasn't worth the money. But like I said I went for the big boy stuff, not the powders.

how long?
I'm nearing a decade of BTH

I'm addicted to it.
Tapered down from two 6 gram doses per day to two 3.5 gram doses.
If you can use responsibly it's a nice mood booster and helps with motivation.
Eventually you will most likely become dependent on it just to feel normal, and your entire life will revolve around scheduling doses. I definitely wish I never bought into the whole "it's easy to quit just like coffee!" bullshit. Not trying to fear monger, just my 2 cents

By the time your gut adjusts enough to handle large doses without throwing them up you've already gained too high of tolerance. Also there's a bunch of gay alkaloids not named diacetylmorphine fucking about

Just skip the song and dance and IV some H, I need someone to spot my nodding deadlifts. Besides, if you're swole you can just tell everyone your track marks are from some Test 2000

That's why I won't use it more than about twice a week and never two days in a row.

Also anyone got experience with working out on it?

>how long?
how long what?
ive been clean for 10 years
well i have had some relapses in the past
ive been on the kratom for a year
before that i was chipping with poppy seed tea , but that was bad . basicly drinking morphine if you get a good bag.
yeah if your thinking this is a good thing like coffee or sunshine , your wrong.
its an opiate.
>your track marks are from some Test 2000
ive never done test but dont you muscle or try to inject in fat , you dont want to mainline it.

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I should mention that I hang out around the quitting Kratom forum and there is a lot of talk about people suffering from low testosterone while on it (almost universally kills sex drive and some people claim they developed gyno). No scientific study has been conducted so it's all just anecdotal but it's more than a coincidence imo. Again, that's probably just with repeated use, so you'll likely be okay but just letting you know.

ive been eating kratom for years and have plenty libido. I don't eat more than 1-2g at a time otherwise I become irritable constipated and distracted

I've been eating kratom for a couple years and have had fantastic results. the drug is weird, impacts people in different ways, and is heavily variable based on your source/strain (strain is placebo to a point)
Most of my friends eat 4-8+ grams, which is a recreational dose that emulates taking a low dose of narcotics, lethargy, euphoria, irritability, and reasonable comedown included.
I'll eat 1-3 grams several times a day to act as a cup of coffee (allowing me to stagger tolerances between these 2 not harmful stimulants) that comes with a slow burst of motivation, almost like ritalin.

Do you actually feel anything with that small of a dose? I'm sure it wouldn't have any side effects at that level.

Yes test and friends are IM only, it was a joke. Congratulations though. Pst is terrible, worse than methadone tier withdrawals I hear. I honestly wouldn't count kratom as a relapse if youve done H, its hardly a high even at 10 to 20g dose.

Same, my brother and I have drained our bank accounts paying for this shit. A girl we know ended up going to rehab because of it and had some wicked withdrawal symptoms apparently. Not for the weak willed that's for sure.

yeah i absolutely feel something. the "high" / fun part lasts for maybe 1-2 hours. the comedown is no more than 20-30 minutes of moderate lethargy thats really only an issue if you're in the middle of a speech or physical activity.

Tastes like shit, tried it a few times, made my extremities feel a little tingly once. Upping the dose did nothing.

>my brother and I have drained our bank accounts paying for this shit
Kratom is like $1/day if you're an addict doing high doses. How much did you have in your bank accounts? $200 each?

Could you please describe the high?

Good luck to you man. I quit a while back and it took me over a year to get over it. I've slipped a few times since then but never enough to fall into full withdrawal again thankfully.

Every day that you're withdrawing and you're thinking about how Kratom will cure it, just think that in less than a few weeks you won't need to worry about when you can take your next dose. You won't need to worry about your shipment coming in on time. You won't need to worry about chugging a green sludge, or drinking disgusting tea, or swallowing dozens of capsules just to feel normal. When it's all said and done and you can look back on this time, you will realize just how pointless it all was.

And another word of advice: don't assume you can go back to it and "just use a little". Sure maybe you will for a month or two, but one day something bad will happen and you'll take more, or you'll dose 3 days in a row to help you feel less shitty. Eventually you're back to square one. I've fallen for that trap more than once and I always end up getting hurt in the end.

I took tablespoons of it every single day after work for like 3 weeks straight. Mostly thai and maeng da strains. I started getting nausea fron drinking it on an empty stomach so i stopped for a couple of weeks. I had zero withdrawal symptoms and no urge to run back to it. I've snorted a few oxy 30s in my day and after 2 days of doing them i could feel mild withdrawal symptoms. Kratom didn't have them for me. Shit effects everyone differently though from what i hear.

I bought a 100g bag twice and it was enough to know that this shit is no good long term. I smoked weed for 14 years and basically getting high was my life. I recognized instantly how this shit would be a bitch to quit if you make an habit of taking it.

I put it in gel caps, I couldn't even stand the taste to toss and wash any more.

a short burst of desire to self improve, feeling confident that my immediate judgement is correct without intoxication. warmth, pain relief.

Ive been using it for like 6 years. No problem with low test or anything, only problem I can figure is addiction and constipation. I use gel caps to so that makes it easy to take.

How often are you guys using it that you have issues with addiction?

I've used it every Friday and Saturday for nearly 10 years but never had any dependency issues. I've taken a few weekends off here and there and never got withdrawal at all.

$100 worth lasts me over a year are you 13?

not eating half a pound of kratom twice a day
never going to OD on kratom

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>nearly 10 years

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