Whats the principal deadlift limiting progression ?

whats the principal deadlift limiting progression ?

for me its the lowerback and erector spinae, not even the grip strenght is as limiting as the lowerback in my case

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its glutes or hams but never lowerback lmao

Doing good mornings can help. Hip thrusts and leg curls too.

yeah but since i started deadlifting i felt like my weakest part and the one that would progress the least was my lowerback and erector spinae, whereas my hammies and glutes felt just nice, so im asking if its common to have a proportionaly weaker lowerback when compared to the other muscle groups

what about this exercise ?

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>i felt like my weakest part and the one that would progress the least was my lowerback and erector spinae
>so im asking if its common to have a proportionaly weaker lowerback when compared to the other muscle groups
This is fairly common, most individuals are weak on those areas.
My personal opinion? I'm in favor of high exercise selection across all lifting ages, do you need to max on multiple exercises simultaneously? No. The thick of your training should have a diverse exercise selection? Yes. Not relying on small exercise selection is a smart strategy.
Even if you have a weak body part you should work on another since the body works synergistically.
GHR is good, but be cautious with those if you are heavy. Reverse hypers are good too.

I will summon that user every time images like this pop up. I love your work.

Attached: TRICEPS.gif (280x800, 85K)

Weighted brap sniffs

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NANI?! H-he's fast

my weak girly hands (have strong massive legs and core)

Ouch my knees

heed this advice or not but in my experience your issue is caused by your hips raising too fast, therefore making it more of a stiff-legged deadlift. try imagining that you're squatting from the ground so you use your legs for the majority of the start of the lift, THEN finish with your lower back

i will put this on practice, thanks

Whenever I fail a deadlift it's usually due to my hamstrings or lower back

Don’t listen to him he doesn’t even deadlift lmao3plate

Totally grip strength for me. I fucked up my lower back muscles last year and since recovery, they've gotten so much stronger it's actually retarded.

limiting factor is being scared or not being 100% in the pull

How do I get thick juicy erectors?

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lower back injuries