Fucking Cardio

Hey Veeky Forums. Quasi-militaryfag here (preparing for basic).

I'm 18 and far stronger than most of my colleagues. I have a good-looking physique and I dominate most exercise types.

And then there's cardio. I fucking hate cardio, especially running. Thing is, they do a ton of running in basic and I'm not even close to ready. Just got back from a run which took longer the longest required time and my fucking lungs fell like hell itself. My face filled up with thick snot and saliva, it hurt to breathe, and after a while my mouth tasted like blood.

How do I get used to running? I can't even reach my basic distance goals and I need to be prepared.

In case anyone's wondering, I've been a gym rat for a few years and rarely even considered cardio since I was in fucking middle school. God help me.

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you run more.
just like how you got better at lifting weights by incrementally making it heavier.
it's the exact same thing.
run 10 min walk 5 min run 10 walk 5
next week run 11 walk 4 run 11 walk 4
adjust for whatever level you're at and w/e your goals are.

eventually, just like your 1 rep max 2 months ago is now your 5 rep max.
so will running for an hr become easier or running a 6 min mile or w/e you're after

Makes sense in theory, I guess. Can't get a pump running unless you're sprinting super fucking hard though. How do people enjoy something that makes it painful to breath and can only serve to make you smaller?

there's gonna be a whole lot of shit you gotta do in basic that you won't like. cardio is just one of them.

that being said if you've been lifting for a few years you probably don't remember how weak you were when you started. it's just the same with running. it'll suck for a few weeks but keep it up and i promise it'll get better.

run at a conversational pace, i.e. a pace where you can have a convo with someone without getting out of breath. if you get out of breath or get stitches, slow down. running too fast = ego lifting

>only serve to make you smaller
if you eat enough you won't lose any muscle mass. you just need to eat more to compensate the calories burned

So, you're a dumb faggot.

Cardio is literally lifting for your heart and lungs. They need it just like your biceps need it in your curl-only brosplit routine.

You won't get a pump unless you get it in your legs. That's not the point of cardio.

And if you don't want to lose "muh gains", fucking eat more to counteract the calories burned during cardio.

Get the "cardio sucks" meme out of your tiny brain and think for just a minute.

>cardio kills gains meme
you'll fit in in the military just fine

A: I don't have access to much food
B: Check out this sick fucking heart pump, bro. Rock hard. (not even the same type of muscle tissue)

You'll see your heart pump when your drill instructor makes your unit run 5 miles and you're still breathing while others are panting and puking.

lmao volunterring to be a slave to israel and to be a slave to your masters in the military. stupid thrall, you want to be controlled like the slave you are.

Speak for yourself neetfag wagecuck. I'm getting a free education and experience in intelligence.

Are you actually asking how to run? Do you know how to walk?

Not how to do it mechanically. I just mean that when I started lifting I enjoyed 3 things: getting a pump, getting bigger, and being better than skinnyfags.

What can I use to justify the actual feeling of drinking bleach?

other than benefiting literally every organ in your body? look, good cardiovascular fitness will allow you to get a hardon easier and for longer. happy?

Stay mad. You're going to end up serving israel, fucking your knees up from running with backpacks on, and being a subservient slave. Because that's what you are and always will be. a slave

Meet me on /pol/ to finish this, Jesus.

>every organ in your body
If you want stringy muscles and Darth Vader knees.

>pussies out
>implying i go on /pol/
israel loving faggot

that's not even good bait

idk, try thinking about fat people on scooters.

Would work but I have no chance of being fat anyways.

>implying you don't go on /pol/

fuck off outta here you lying sack of shit

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/pol/ has been filled with redditors for the last two years, faggot. kys, there's no point going on there
>if you're antisemitic you need to be a nazi
typical civilised faggot

Post lifting stats you won't

Infantry soldier here (british).

You're in for a world of shit. You're either going to adapt to it or wash out. Its not just PT runs twice a week, you will constantly be running wherever you go. 6.30am we had to run to get breakfast, gulp it down in under a minute, run back to the block, run up and down stairs, run on exercise, run when you fall asleep during a lesson, run when you you're told to do something and run when you fuck up.

To be honest a lot of recruits in the uk now can barely run past 1.5 mile or hold a pace. Standards have dropped massively but you will still have to run regardless. I fucking hated running too, i was always wheezing like fuck on PT runs in the training area up and down hills. I still hate running, im always fucked after an 8 mile sprint and the rest of the company seem to be fine. Drop as much weight as you can is my advice, it will make you much lighter on your feet and save you a lot of pain in the longrun.

The real heart pump is your heart being able to continue pumping as you get older, you fucking memer.

Hmm... how would you know that if you don't go on /pol/?

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Because i have visited it in the last two years (looking over the catalog) and it's shit.
you got btfo
how does it feel serving israel and being a slave to your masters?

Git gud at running

You'll be running at least 2 miles twice a week at basic, once you get to your unit you'll probably do 5 miles twice a week. Start ruck marching, you'll do a 15 mile ruck, then train 3 days inna woods, then march back and train some more. As a POG you'll probably march once a year after basic and AIT.

Former good goy here
You mad my body is still intact and healthy, or that i'm reaping the free education bro

>dat Monday hangover PT

Your knees won't be healthy in 5 years :)
And my body is perfectly healthy, you're butthurt that you served israel like a slave

>actually believing that you've convinced anyone

The only thing blown out is your wagecuck asshole as you slave away to pay your boss's mortgage and use the crumbs to mitigate the interest on your student loans

>didn't go to college

Oh okay. Having a job at McDonalds is the pinnacle of personal freedom and moral superiority

You sound like you're fat and spend several hours a day watching streamers on twitch. Why are you on our board?

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Nah, i'm Veeky Forums and live off benefits.
Why are you projecting so much? Is it because you're a slave who's afraid of being called a slave? A slave to israel, a slave to his masters. A complete thrall

>live off benefits.


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Im ex army now. I dont give a shit about politics and i couldnt care less about lighting up sandniggers. I joined because i lost 180lb and wanted a physical challenge and to get out of a boring office job.

The army is fucking shit but i have great memories with my bros. I met some great people and some absolute cunts. Best part was going out to bars and nightclubs and meeting birds, they love the squaddie cock.

mad that you work and I leech off the degenerate system, read, work out, go on long walks and you pay for me to do that?
Keep on serving israel and being a thrall.

>implying I want to keep living past my 40s when my body is fucking useless anyways

>screeches about Israel everytime anyone says the word military
Fuck off retard. They're saying /pol/ but you should be off to /b/ for people with similar intelligence.

>only thing blown out is your asshole

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>The societal parasite calling other people cucks on the internet

OP here
Looking forward to all of that. (except gaining weight instead of losing it)

>muh parasite
Why would i want to support my government? It's degenerate and doesn't let me own firearms, I should leech off the government as a form of legal revenge.
Stay mad military slave
nice samefag

Try couch to 5k
It's an interval running program that should train up your running endurance.

There's apps for guided runs. I use C25K

>not working to pay back the evil government, even though me being on benefits only justifies their social programmes and the big state which i hate


A useful answer. Thank you.

if the government is going to give benefits to migrants and to fat cunts, i might as well not support them and leech :)

You are simply a pussy. Lifting is easy and requires no mental fortitude. Pushing yourself to finish the cardio goals you set when your body is screaming at you to give up is actually tough. Read up on special forces selection and stop whinging because you aren't having "fun" when running 5 miles. Pussy.

cardarine if you want to take drugs to make it easier

1) run at a reasonable pace, try for "comfortably hard" on some days and just straight relaxing on other ones. For your first couple of weeks do 2-4 miles on the days that you run, 3 days a week or so. Do NOT just do 4 miles each day though. You can gradually build up from there, but don't increase your weekly mileage by more than 2-3 miles from one week to the next. You'll be running 30+ miles per week, 6 days a week in no time.

2) Endurance running is something that you kind of just have to bite the bullet for at first. It will absolutely blow for the first few weeks or so. However, you initially gain fitness extremely quickly before it tapering off a lot. As someone who went from virtually no fitness at all to 50 miles a week this is something that I can speak of from experience. I regularly do 8-10 mile runs at 7:00 mile pace, but that doesn't happen over night. First run that I did to build endurance, I collapsed after 25 mins. It does happen faster than you think though.

3) Things like couch to 5k is kinda bullshit imo. The reason I say this is that I feel that it builds in intensity FAR too slowly. Competence in endurance sports is actually quite easy to obtain, it just sucks at first.

Literally horseshit mate, got my para cap badge a month ago and it hasn't been like that since the early 00's at the latest.

I wish it was more like that because maybe then the washout rate would be higher and there'd be less mongoloids in the regiment, but no hope in that any time soon.

C25k is bullshit I agree. I got off my ass one day after basically being bedridden for a couple of months.
Ran 1km and was wheezing like a motherfucker, took a day off, next day I decided to just run through the pain and burning in one direction and only turn around once I was exhausted, and then run back.

30 minutes for my first 5km (included a couple of 30 second walks, but I quickly realised that stopping to walk is the worst thing you can do because it becomes painful to start running again)
Another day off and on my third run (5th day of the week), I did the 5k in about 24 minutes, which I think is pretty decent.

At least here where I am, that's well within what you need to pass selection for the army, and it would be even faster if I was only running the distance they need (half of what I ran), since my pace could be faster.

well dude you’re gonna get a fucking lot of it in basic so you better figure it out quick my man

How fast are you running?
Sounds like you're trying to sprint it, pace yourself. A 5 minute km shouldn't be difficult to do.
A burning chest, taste of blood, thick snot and saliva are all normal if you're exerting yourself. This isn't like in the gym where you pick something up and put it down a couple of times. You need to have some self-determination and will power to keep moving.

Definitely not running. I just have shockingly low endurance.

Or sprinting, sorry. I meant to say sprinting. I run at about jogging pace, honestly. Not nearly as fast as I can.

Couch to 5K

Download the app and follow the plan. You'll be running 5K's in 9 weeks.

Im ex-guards. We got fucking annihilated daily, most of us got about 3 hours sleep a day because kit and bulling boots took precedence over everything. Paras from falklands plt transferred to us and were snapped with losing sleep for the sake of admin.

Its a fucking joke now, you dont even need to pass a PFA to pass off the square now. The amount of shitcunts that rocked up at their first posting struggling to do 20 pressups was staggering, every one of them were put straight on remedial pt. So glad im out.

Sweat in a time of peace and you'll bleed less in a time of war. Need I say more?

run 50m
walk 50m
run 100m
walk 100m
run 200m
walk 200m
run 400m
walk 400m
run 800m
walk 800m
run 1600m
walk 1600m
then do the reverse until you're used to running a lot

watch and learn

Running for speed. This is different.


Other Britanon here. What's your suggested performance level to be in Paras/RM? Not the basic entry level requirements, the one you think are good enough to be comfortable there.

hello this is the best thing I ever saw on the internet thanks for taking the time out of your day to comment on this thread :)