So I started doing this routine which is basically SS with added Isolation excercises

So I started doing this routine which is basically SS with added Isolation excercises.

It looks like this:
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
3x5 Deadlift
3x10 dips
3x6 incline dumbbell fly
3x20 push ups
3x10 one-at-a-time standing bicep curls
3x10 seated concentrated bicep curls
3x10 seated barbell curls
3x10 Two-Arms Triceps Extension
3x10 Triceps Kickback
3x10 Triceps Pushdown with a V-Bar Attachment

3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay Rows (or power cleans for 5x3, 5 sets of 3 reps apiece)
3x6 Lat pulldowns
3x6 chest press machine pushes
3x6 Kneeling One Arm Rows
3x6 Barbell Upright Rows
3x6 Seated arnold press
3x10 seated bent-over rear delt raise
3x10 shrugs
3x10 dips
3x20 push ups
3x20 crunches
3x20 sit ups
I train 3 times a week doing A-B-A 1 week, then B-A-B the second, then A-B-A the third and so on.
Am I overdoing my workouts?
Any suggestions to add/remove any excercise would be welcome.

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overwork and sleep are a meme.
Literally just been loading stores the past two days and hand only 5hrs of sleep for over a year now and I just started lifting last weeo and got off duty this morning. Some days are even consecutive with no rest days. (submarine 3 section duty)

Just work out and eat enough protein.
im 5'8" 158lbs for reference.

forgot my pic. last line is today.

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>Remove from the routine
3x10 dips
3x6 incline dumbbell fly
3x20 push ups
3x10 one-at-a-time standing bicep curls
3x10 seated concentrated bicep curls
3x10 seated barbell curls
3x10 Two-Arms Triceps Extension
3x10 Triceps Kickback
3x10 Triceps Pushdown with a V-Bar Attachment
3x6 Lat pulldowns
3x6 chest press machine pushes
3x6 Kneeling One Arm Rows
3x6 Barbell Upright Rows
3x6 Seated arnold press
3x10 seated bent-over rear delt raise
3x10 shrugs
3x10 dips
3x20 push ups
3x20 crunches
3x20 sit ups

3 x F chins on power clean day after 3 weeks
3 x F dips on bench day after 3 weeks
Planks as needed
Maybe curls on Friday, and that's about it.

I hope this is bait

it really isnt, is it that bad?

This man does not represent us.

who is us

Worse than whatever the fuck it is you thought of.
Go do Greyskull Veeky Forums variation, 70's Big LP, or Candito's LP. Those are some approved programs. Whatever the hell you posted is not a good program period.

It's not starting strenght
You won't get the SS progress

But I'm adding weight weekly.
Just doing the core SS feels waay too easy and I feel like I'm not getting enough excercise

What is greyskull Veeky Forums variation? Cannot find it online, was thinking of starting Phrak’s variation

You have to work your way up to the difficulty, it starts light so you can understand the form then increase weight for muscle gain

What you're doing here is way too many accessories.



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There are better variations than Veeky Forumss or phraks

>Warm-up: 3x5 close-grip chin-ups, light pendlay rows


>2x5, 1x5+ Bench
>2x10-15 DB Hammer Curls
>2x5, 1x5+ Front Squat
>2x5, 1x5+ Close-grip Bench [EXTRA, IF FEEL GOOD]
>2x12 Leg Raises to The Bar

>2x5, 1x5+ OHP
>2x6-8 Weighted Close-grip Chin-ups
>2x6-8 Pendlay Row
>1x5+ Diddly
>2x6-8 Weighted Dips [EXTRA, IF FEEL GOOD]
>2x12 Leg Raises to The Bar

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I do.
I add all those accessories because doing just SS feels waay too easy and I feel like I'm not excercising certain muscle groups enough

seems like i'm doing it wrong tho

also to note I've had more progress doing this than doing solely SS.
Its probably from the creatine tho

Thanks, shall stick with this actually. Looks good because my legs are already massive (fell for the SS meme). My gym doesn’t have a belt for the chin ups or dips though..

So you started two weeks ago mate? Just hit your weights up and feel the pain of accesories. More weight, less reps. More focus, less excercises. Do what you really are doing and then go home, eat and rest.
You really should buy one then, you can thank me later. And read Greyskull LP book

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how do dyel fags that have nevef worked out in their lives end up with massive legs every time?
maybe its not that your legs are growing too fast, its that your upper body sucks