Is that what peaks human looks like?

Is that what peaks human looks like?

Attached: 79414BBD-1BE1-437D-B386-F54ECF42CCCD.jpg (248x425, 51K)

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>couldnt bench 185 with guns (or spears, whichever weapon they comprehend to be more deadly) to their heads
you tell me, small fry



Attached: 18772C0F-F7B7-4AE9-83FC-CE68BC7AA7DC.jpg (1243x1059, 165K)

Why the fuck are they relatively much smaller now on average?

Pre-fast food and Walmart.

I look like that

Should i just go wild negro mode ?

I have african ancentry by the way

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-01-11-38-21.png (540x960, 528K)


They look fucked up, did they have polyandric relationship structures?

San power manlets are the actual peak form of human, nothing but function.

I’m pretty sure that’s a female to male trans.
>childbearing hips & narrow shoulders

what kind of creatura is this?

Attached: Metro Dark Ones.jpg (474x379, 24K)

its klinefelters, thats what blaha would look like cut

Its the angle on purpose my hips arent that wide

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-20-15-25-15.png (540x960, 621K)


Kinefelters dude cant reach thar muscularity, its just some unbreed third world nigger

6 feet
158 lbs

I do lots of fasting and barely eat i like to stay low BW

females get half the strength gains of men, why wouldnt he be able to get muscular?

>Dark ones

Some retarded high % of klinefelters are sterile, like over 90%.
I would blast on test & tren till I drop if I had the condition.

actually just realized he has v tanner scale

i guess youre right

Attached: 332px-Tanner_scale-male.svg.png (332x540, 47K)


ty, also what previous weights have you been?

This was me at 170 lbs 18 years old

Yeah i have shitty frame but thick wrists

7.5 inches

Attached: 1472789961662.jpg (1600x1200, 348K)

>be huge barbeque nigger
>Your the hottest shit in at least 1000 sq miles
>Think your immortal
>You and your fellow BBQ niggers get enslaved and have your village destroyed in 5 minutes at the hands of 5 foot 6 Chad British explorers

I call it how I see it. Even a manlet 19th century bong could humiliate these guys. Nowadays tho they are all cucked

Dawg you look like 7 feet tall in that picture. Also are you a slav?

Slav ? You mean slavic (russian, ukranian stuff )


Change your routine asap you look close to a standing gorilla

Such a brutal mogging.

I'd like to suck off those pecs

What else could he mean

>doing basically 100% cardio everyday

Literally not human

Attached: aboriginal-vs-slav.jpg (288x240, 39K)

Attached: Bathurst_Island_men.jpg (555x425, 44K)

>Didn't invent the wheel
>Barely make fire
>Too stupid to enslave
Sure sounds like peak to me.

If Hedi Slimane designed aboriginals

Many populations of Australian aborigines actually forgot how to make fire. They had to keep fires going or else wait for lightning.

As far as peak physical human goes before Europeans they were pretty much it.

Could throw spears further and more acurattly than any group scince, and more so than the feats of old Greeks.

Could run faster and further than any others except maybe the Mexican group. There was stories of them out running horses regularly (over distance)

Could track better than any other group. They could smell footprints on rocks even, and the techniques are still taught to Aus army.

Although lean they were reported to be exceptionally strong.

Generally when given any sporting task they astounded the Brits with thier ability.

>Is that what peaks human looks like?
The were completely defeated and conquered by malnourished and undertrained Euros so obviously, no.

>Could throw spears further and more acurattly than any group scince, and more so than the feats of old Greeks.
>It's believable if black guys do it, but not if White guys do it.
LMAO. So the Greek records are bullshit, but better records are ok?

You fucking racists, LMAO.

Do we have an equivelent? Like targets not full of creatures

>There was stories of them out running horses regularly (over distance)
humans can outrun literally any animal long-distance

>one race, the human race

they look like those things that steal blocks in Minecraft

combustible vapors stunting growth


Reminder the average abo IQ is 68 or something like that

Reminder you're just lying and have no idea

> black
> scrawny
> lanky
> ugly

Big W is the Australian name for Walmart. The tier list in terms of avoiding subhumans is Kmart>Target>Big W>Best & Less.

t.Petrol sniffing abo

Lynn's 2006 Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis is the largest review of the global cognitive ability data. The book organizes the data by nine global regions, surveying 620 published studies from around the world, with a total of 813,778 tested individuals. Lynn's meta-analysis lists the average IQ scores of East Asians (105), Europeans (99), Inuit (91), Southeast Asians and Amerindians each (87), Pacific Islanders ( 85), Middle Easterners (including South Asians and North Africans) (84), East and West Africans (67), Australian Aborigines (62) and Bushmen and Pygmies (54).

>Australian Aborigines (62)

Attached: dd7d6bf8c98c0a21d917c75f6476b806f5bce5b12b7b6fa345d70305ee9d4841.png (1317x1652, 425K)

Not true.

Humans can out run some animals in a particular set of circumstances, namely hot dry environments.

Humans can shed heat better, that's it.

If its cool enough so the animal can shed heat faster than it generates it, then pretty much any horse, camel, antelope, ostrich, wild dog, buffalo etc will out run a human.

Look up the 100 mile human record, and then the 100 mile horse record. We arnt even close.

I'm saying the old Greek stories often include fantastic feats of physical prowess.

If we take these at face value and accept them as true, observed aboriginal feats still out do them.

>If we take these at face value and accept them as true, observed aboriginal feats still out do them.
For example?

Gonna need a source on that. Greek records are notorious for blowing modern athletes out of the water.

>Could run faster and further than any others except maybe the Mexican group. There was stories of them out running horses regularly (over distance)

Big W has zero association with Walmart and K mart is Reject Shop tier.

>trusting the work of a man who claimed an 8 year old would be able to survive in the desert because of his IQ

>this invalidates all his other works because I say so.
go sniff some petrol abo and leave our board


Attached: australian-aborigines.jpg (634x467, 98K)

Attached: terraformars.png (774x635, 371K)