Do you have some good arguments in favor of Capitalism ?

Do you have some good arguments in favor of Capitalism ?

western civilization


if I was in communist russia I wouldn't have properties making money for me without needing to work

Every facet of your daily life

It's natural

>Buy crypto now
>get comfy later
>Sub humans punished for not adapting

Capitalism = Abstracted version of eugenics.

Think about it. Only the strong survive.

It works.


Not really an argument when feudalism is still a thing in shithole land

that gif made me lol so hard

It'd be better than the plutocracy we live under now

Arguing for capitalism is like arguing for youth in context of a whole life of a person.

It is what it is at a point in time due to reasons.

I just tell people "if you don't support it, then stop use computers, cellphones and cars". They always counter with "it's not the same thing because ..." yeh, don't care much. I am for capitalism because I don't see why it's unethical to be smart.
Normies probably see it as "low wages" or slavery which is why they oppose it

Whatever you used to transmit your message was the production free market innovation.

If we say “hey let’s go socialist now and all be faggots” you give away all the materials wealth of the world, and those who were deprived of their wealth would have no incentive to create more of it.

So go get fucked in the dick if you want collectivized statism.

go to russia and live there for a few months and youll have plenty of arguments

it's a feature of reality, not of an ideology like "capitalism vs communism"
if you deny the nature of reality, you and everyone who does as well will crash HARD

If you're at the top you can have anything you want. People will spend their life working for you and making you more powerful and rich. Girls will do anything for money, literally any kind of degenercy. At the top of a capitalist system you are king, nothing is out of your reach. Unlike the feudal systems etc of the past, people don't get annoyed and try and kill you, because they believe that it's a fair system and anyone can "make it". When in reality it's stacked from the day you're born.

Biggest benefit is basically that people believe in it so much that they are passive slaves to it. Brilliant when you have money

A good argument is that what we call capitallism is the product of a couple hundred years of economic development and adaptation, as opposed to being written by a single neckbearded german over a single decade

Capitalism takes advantage of people’s true nature of putting themselves above others, and makes a system that works with that. Communism depends on a Rousseauian ideological belief that history has shown again and again to not be true.

Also, think like this: under ideological circuntances, everything works perfectly. Mornarquy works wonders of the king is good and wise. The problem is: can we really count on that? Of course not. Any system has to be evaluated on how it performs under unfavorable circuntances. Capitalism may suffer sometimes, but it has shown to be able to still work well enough through hard times and recover, due to being highly adaptable. It still survives. Communism, on the other hand, centralizes too much power and has been shown to have catastrophic consequences if things don’t always happen in the exactly ideal situation which, let’s be real here, will never happen. Even if by a miracle it does one day, it only takes a generation to completly destroy that.

>Asian with bolt-on jewtits

Because nobody has to actually follow the rules for it to work, making it the only system which can actually be successful for very large populations. For villages or city-states literally anything could work because there's few enough people where they can be expected to cooperate, but capitalism is the only one that has been proven through history to scale.

I'd say capitalism was necessary to pave the way for communism, which is by Karl Marx, the next stepping stone. Communism was way ahead of its time; no robotics, no technology to liberate people and mindset from days of aristocracy.


yes I make a lot of money because of capitalism
Only Beta Males hate capitalism.
They are like the winy little male bitches who complain that girls don't like them, but refuse to stop dressing in skinny jeans and being sensitive and never lift weights.

Communism is essentially the skinny jean wearing beta male who thinks girls love looking at his tapered legs and face that looks like a soft pussy

Capitalism will moon soon. Buy and HODL.

It's shitty but the best we've come up with so far

I think it's horrible when it goes unregulated. But with the "right" regulations, it can work.

Never had a problem with a man or woman or whoever who put in the time and effort or took the risks necessary to make a living they are happy with for themselves.

I do have a problem however, with trust fund millionaires, billioniares, etc. who somehow think they're above the average working class or middle class person just because of their financial standing.

Give people a social safety net that works well enough to help people get out of poverty, but not so much so that they become dependent on it.

Pay people enough to live, save what they need to get to that next step in their lives, and keep the internet free.,

Give people the benefit of the doubt, obviously not everyone is out to get you, but not everyone is your friend. Most people are just trying to make their way in the world too, and often times in my experience don't mean anything by their actions.

The version of capitalism we have now is sustainable, but not without a seriously progressive (not necessarily liberal) overhaul of the corporate sector of our country.