Is there any telegram group for adults to talk about crypto and advice on what to buy and crypto general with a bit of...

Is there any telegram group for adults to talk about crypto and advice on what to buy and crypto general with a bit of TA?
Not interested in those adderall-fueled pajeet pnd discords that dump ON YOU, gtfo, no interested, kys.

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Facebook, you normie

>calls someone else a normie
Yeah no, I think I will pass for now.

twitter you grotesque human being

why wouldnt you want to discuss crypto with your fellow JC's here on Veeky Forums

I can't chat on twitter with multiple people st the same time. Is this bait?
Is this bait?

Because it's too chaotic and I don't wanna discuss serious stuff with pajeet s who don't care about making money, just troll and pnd.

Yes, there is. What are your skills?

>he doesnt exclusively listen and discuss with anime posters
they are the oldfags and intellectuals, you know

lmao, getting rekt for not DYOR and still looking to get your hand held, no sir.. you should kys.

chicks only like guys who have good skills

This might be for you?! Information is power. Speed is key. Find it all out here:

Im constantly trying to look for good ICOs and good arbitrage opportunities since Im terrible at trading. Im the guy who shilled the devery ICO and the guy who told everyone to buy BTG on bittrex and sell on Bithumb few days ago.
Is that a good curriculum?

No thanks, that guy want us to buy after huge red candle, aka, you are the one getting dumped. PASS PASS PASS, tired of that bs, I need mature people wanting to make money.

I meant green candle. He dumps on retards joining his shitty discord.

Oh god, the days of pump and dump schemes are going to come to a short and violent end. Like seriously, you better not have been dumb enough to sign up for that group with the same email linked to any exchange.


Crypto has no TA. It's based entirely on hype.

Discord is jonathanflower#5056

I teach people how to trade in these markets

I'm probably the guy you should talk to

Wonder why do you waste your time with those people? Must feel like being a teacher on middle school. Anyways, ok, not a fan of discord but will install it only for you. If we could start another discord or telegram with you p, me, and a few of no brainless that would be cool.