What's the point of holding shitcoins anymore if btc goes up 1k everyday? You're losing btc by holding garbage

What's the point of holding shitcoins anymore if btc goes up 1k everyday? You're losing btc by holding garbage.

Yeah, cause it will always go up $1000 a day

BCH is actually performing better.
BTC is gonna BTFO soon when people figure that out.
I've doubled my position twice with BCH now.

Bought at 0.187, already lost a shitton of money
Should've hedl bitcoin instead

Who knows what's happening anymore?

Yeah, cause it will always go up $1000 a day

Bitcoin hasn't even 2x'd yet what are you talking about. If you got in anytime in the past few months you'd just be losing money as you could have 10x'd multiple times on many shitcoins in the same period


when people are assuming BTC will never stop rising, that might be a good time to buy some alts :^)

>Why hold any alts?
If I wait three more months before I sell ETH I get to use longterm capital gains rate instead of shortterm.

>capital gains
You trade against bitcoin
It's all about bitcoin

Yyyyep..... Maybe

I sold Bitcoin at 4000, put it in eth.
Eth went up 5x, BTC went up 2.5x

Guess what, I don't own any ETH anymore :) I'm in the next 5x.

ahh this ignorant crypto noob. You will be needing these shortly.

if Bitcoin was 100000$ dollars it would swing thousands every day since 1000$ is one percent
all these brainlets think btc is mooning like crazy when it's only up like 15% from a few days ago


Bitcoin - talked down on since 2010
Alt coins - talked down on since 2011

It looks safe, right!!!

whats the next 5x


He didn't ask u

Cant fix stupid I guess.
I've just learned that whenever I feel fomo I should do the opposite. and I have.

once we hit 10k its going to correct hard


I know

Give me a bottom senpai.
6500 ? 5500 ? 4500 ?


What I'm holding will 10x minimum within a few months. I missed the fast 10x chances on btc

Good stable growth. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

No lower than 7000. Bitcoin is too big now. Too much interest. Lots of people waiting for a big dip to buy back in.

crypto to crypto trades are still a taxable event