I'm just wondering, if everybody knows that BCH is better than BTC in terms of usability, low fees, higher block size...

I'm just wondering, if everybody knows that BCH is better than BTC in terms of usability, low fees, higher block size, faster transaction. Then why not switch to BCH? I mean BTC has it's price going for it because it was first, I imagine if everyone switched to BCH then we will have a better version of BTC. Is there a reason why people are not switching?

In terms of usability BCH is better
In terms of popularity BTC is better.

I'm going to get a lot of shit for this. I like blockstream. I think bitcoin has a fundamental problem with scalability compared to credit card companies. I think the only way to attract people to use bitcoin on a daily basis is if we give them the same options credit card companies do like reversible transactions, theft protection and being able to process thousands of transactions a second. There i fucking said it.

two of these threads at once

Usability doesn't mean shit. It's all about brand recognition. Why would I switch to BCH if VTC is so much better?

Bitcoin is the gold standard for crypto, the rest can fight for spot 2

but that's not the point of crypto doesn't it?
being all on your own and having the freedom from a central organization is the point right?

I wonder if you realize that litecoin is better than BCH

Yeah but having side chains doesn't take that away from you. You can still transact without it. The option is there.

I wonder if you realize litecoin is exactly the same as bitcoin

You can literally do credit card like transactions just by both parties having a coinbase account or something similar that offers reversible transactions. Though for those of us who prefer to avoid fraud, we'll stick to not having reversible transactions.

All other scaling issues at this time can easily be resolved via block size, hence BCH.

Because BCH is a coin for people that don't understand bitcoin. The dream for BCH is to make 0-conf as trustworthy as possible. Too bad they will get assfucked by anybody that's not a noob. Meanwhile lightning will do everything BCH can do, securely.

If you care about usability there are tons of alts that are already better than BCH

But you probably don't actually care about usability and just want to have bought cheap BTC

I can't buy bch for usd therefore it's shit


That's where you're wrong kiddo.

Because you're trading assets in a market where there is no real demand for the technology aside from a bunch of drug peddlers you dumb nigger

Also will get fucked by miners, as evidenced by them leaving the chain when it's not profitable. BTC devs being not retarded understand that miners are default hostile (which is a good thing).

Please name one crypto currency that is doing on-chain scaling besides BCH.

Guys i dont know what to fucking dom i only have 1 btc and 35 bch. The big gangbang theory is airing a new episode on thursday about bitcoin. Its gonna make it explode. Should i convert my bch to btc? Honestly like bch more but have a feeling btc is gonna go nuts

all in VTC

>reversible transactions

lol never

I'm with you there desu
Normies need a way to swallow this new tech

because little kid, you dont just switch from the true king btc and pass it on over to an alt, just so another next alt will replace the previous alt and so on

I mean I'm pretty sure one day something else will take the king's place, but it won't be another coin named Bitcoin. That'll confuse the fuck out of normal people