Bcash founder has a message

For all you bcrash junkies out there.

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Fuck, he's a crying little bitch. Great hairline though.

He is a CRIMINAL.stay clear. He spent time in prison.


god dammit im more 50/50 on this coin than evah

>He has a gay voice

He's lost a lot of money trying to pump bcash. I would be pissed too

Good choice

>BTC crash imminent

Sweet just went even longer on BCH.

Roger 'BCASH' Ver

They never caught him

wow, this is as butthurt as it gets

Drop a dime on him with Japanese immigration. No way you're getting in with that record.


bcash it is

I love BCH

Why does that info graph say he was a navy seal?

lol, what a little bitch. I guess most cashies are like him, though. Unfathomably angry and butthurt.

>If you pump your coin then the miners will mine it and overcharge you for it

>What's the problem with that?

Fucking there, lads. Roger Ver's own words - the strategy is to over-inflate the market cost of buying a BCH, so that miners are temporarily mining them. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE ONCE YOU'VE GOT PROFITS.

Yea they did, he did 10 months in federal prison.


We already knew this already

already * already
dammit I'm stupid

Both "CEO"s of BCash are losing their shit because their plan didn't work out

sure we did, but it's a bad look for him to say it in public.

wow. that was the worst interviewer I've seen.
props to ver for lasting 45 minutes with that idiot.

probably, but it changes nothing for me.
I hope somebody can add this to some copypasta to link for proof to cashies when they come up with the next flippening next week

>I love the smell of Roger's cock in the morning

Wow what a tool, watched the whole thing, Roger destroyed this nerd.
There's a reason why core cucks and andreas are dodging debates with him

Holy crap 'ol Roger is so defensive. He trying to play gotcha the entire time which will not convince anybody. What a little bitch.

Is this delusion, or just autism?
pretending to be retard?
I can't tell anymore

Ver should stop accepting these "interviews", they're merely losers and/or paid shills trying to bait him

The real infosheet on Ver FYI

Yeah this video is pro bitcoin cash it's hilarious.

> Navy Seal who served his country and want's to take back control from the jews


> degenerate who owns a porn company

Nice try OP


you are defending this Xotika.TV, lol

kek, the tiny tiny tiny aspects of truth makes this believable for people who hate this guy in the first place.

This type of misinformation is dangerous and immoral to spread. Just imagine, if you disagree, hypothetically... none of that was true, and it was your face.

Does that infograph say they fucking caught him? No he's wanted and on the run alert the authorities if you see him.

yeah, just trying

>f-famous people aren't allowed to get angry!
Go back to watching the latest gossip on the Kardashians on TMZ corecucks. Let the rest of us make money off Bitcoin Cash.

Say that to Jafari's family

It's not the only interview you stupid fuck, gratz a a single fucking tool got him worked up big whoop, he's done dozens of interviews with these cunts.

He should have kept his cool, or maybe he should start picking debates with people with at least a few brain cells (the Richard Heart debate was much more watchable). But he destroyed this cuck and andreas has been dodging debates with Roger for years now.
Which part do you disagree with?

That is the fake infographic. These guys are cash shills trying to downplay rogers crimes.

Lol can't watch now, but can't wait till I'm home.

Ah fuck it I'll let my fellow buspassengers enjoy the meltdown.

I wish he did another one with Richard. The one interview they did do was only 30 minutes.

He knows it's over.

lol why the hell would you want to watch a dicky heart interview?

Because he's the only person from the core camp that doesn't act like a complete asshat.

Word. He gives creepy vibes and he's obviously a sociopath, but at least he can hold an intelligent conversation.
The rest of the core team are pussies who dodge debates.
And Andreas, whose lectures from 2014 I use to show people why Bitcoin Cash is superior. Because he talked the exact opposite things back then, lmfao