Do you really not want to double your money in 24 hours ?

Do you really not want to double your money in 24 hours ?



This node will be more valuable than dash’s can you retards not see that ?

It's gonna chill at 6 dollars then tank again. Buy the dip so you can lower the average price of the bags you bought during the spike earlier today

In since 1.10$ but thanks for the concern


why within 24 hrs?

give me one good reason to buy this now.

Fucking hell, will this dip again? I didn't buy any at $5 then it shoots up.

Why will it double in 24 hours again?

Why is it going up?
I mean I'm happy I got in for $5. But what's the news?

Everyone will be scrambling for the guardian nodes and it will never be cheaper than it is now, currently costs about 33k for a guardian masternode and you can only get if you hold 5k wtc before December 10th and the perks of holding a guardian node are very enticing expect this to go parabolic until the 10th, still dirt cheap compared to dash node which costs 630k


The Asians are gonna be buying this shit in droves today

Dec 10 is pretty far out ... 24 hours is a stretch

I hope so because I want to dump it for Zcoin

i love this new meme with the knights, this is good shit can't wait to see what people come up with. wtc gtg with a target of $16 for me bought under $2 . dont care what happens after that

ok i just bought 318 WTC, thats all i can afford for now. you better be right on this one user

hello ma lady, thou doth protest for thee highest of gains in the land!

HAHAHAHAHA holy shit these chinks are sooo good at scamming gullible westerners... what next.... super ULTRA MEGA nodes for only $100k?

hey , that's a good idea!

Lmao oh yeah cuz everyone wants a guardian node. Delusional

It’s a good thing you didn’t read into the release at all, you were almost informed there for a second


sorry but this is the most obvious pump and dump of all time they aren’t even trying to hide it. I honestly cannot believe anybody is putting real money into this shit lolololollol

Absolutely delusional man get help

fud or retard. watch boxmining waltonchain vid