When is this piece of shit coin going to rise? It's been going sideways for like 24 hours. I am sick of waiting...

When is this piece of shit coin going to rise? It's been going sideways for like 24 hours. I am sick of waiting. I did not invest in Bitcoin to waste my fucking time. When can i expect the coin to go up?

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This is the peak you mong.


Time is money and right now this coin is wasting my time.

You remember what happened when we hit 5k? It fell down to 4600 for a week, then flash crashed to sub 3k. Then traded 3500 for a while. Expect something like that again soon.

Fuck off, go back to fiat if you're not willing to HODL.

You might be the first unironically brainlet I see here. Not just "nigga that was dumb" brainlet, but someone that's actually grey matter handicaped. Nice.

I have over 1 million dollars and i don't have time for this shit. Should have left my money in Amazon.


no you don't. and if you do you inherited it. that's the only explanation for someone as dumb as you being that wealthy.

It's gone up like 3k in the past week dumbo

Not good enough.

I bought .006 last night and nothing's fucking happening fuck!!!!!!

It went sideways for two days last time before the huge jump up. Just wait, the fact that it isn't dipping hard is good


>I want to be rich RIGHT NOWWWWWW
>Anything less than 400,000% in six hours is too little
My god this world is spoiled. 4 years ago we were still bragging about making 10% annual.

oh boy i have some news for you

get out now - - They will keep hardforking to duplicate free coins to make btc price sustainable

hahaha you are about to get fucked

Nice thread, too pad 90% of this thread is too fucking dumb to realize its humor.

im over it , so fucking boring

>not getting the joke
>using a dead cringe meme

wew. got some bad news for you


It did the same exact shit around 8100, for 5 days... it stressed me out then, and it's still stressing me out, but less. There's really not much that's going to stop it continuing the bull run, so it's just wait for now if you're holding.

This. Should have a pretty damn good correction around 14k, though. Judging by previous chart patterns, I'd say about a 3k correction around 14K

>hurr durr I'm just pretending to be retarded

What makes you say that over predicting a correction happening very soon (near the 10k mark)

Found the future bagholder.

Quick fag, sell and buy some random shitcoin. I need to lock in some profits

Bitcoin is about to crash now

Patience is a virtue. The impatient has a teeny tiny brain.

-Adolf Hitler

one of the best crypto hedgemanager / macro trader (verified track record, ex fortress) callin 40k now.
