The New King, Horizon State is here

Right now this coin is selling for forty cents. This is a 12 MIL MCAP with the following partners:

MiVote, an app already in use deciding elections in Australia (recently another coin just went on a moon mission due to Australia govt collab..)

SAP (basically the German Microsoft)

The U fucking N.

More partnership reveals to come by 25th Dec..

UN news is confirmed coming tomorrow, this will be your last shot to hop on.
Just watch for the news, and watch the price soar, and hop in as fast as you can once it does.

This will be the last time I try to remind anyone about this but seriously, look up HST yourself and tell me how this is anything but a gem.

If you don't want to use EtherDelta to buy it, use KuCoin and put my registration code in, E4QWJT. Or don't, and just fuck off. But I am giving you the best tip of the year. You can thank me later.

Seriously, this is an easy 10x by year's end. And as soon as this shit hits a main exchange it's gg.

Other urls found in this thread:

I've been toying with the idea

bought this on the exchange news earlier in the month, thought i got joosted,

stayed for the partner news.

I’m invested and would nut if my return was 10x by eoy but is that not a little generous? I mean I hope you’re right but $4 seems steep

Shhh I cant buy till tomorrow no more posterino pls

They're even going to "burn" (they're really sent to a no-man's land) tokens every time a batch is used. I think once they detail the mechanics a bit better it'll jump the price up very high.

I doubt 10x but 3-5x wouldn't surprise me at all

UN involvement has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've heard from a coin

I have the worst fucking luck with crypto, though...looking to put some of my portfolio in HST. Sorry if I screw all of us over.

Same, tho it's normally because I'm chasing candles. This time's different, I actually believe in this one.

lol nice paid post, or maybe you're doing "marketing" for them.

This same exact thread with the same exact responses popped up 2 days ago.

No please. Don't buy this. Everytime you buy something it crashes. You have to already be in it, then wait for someone to sell, so that it moons to spite them.

this is an easy 3x in the next couple of days. i'd say 2x is guaranteed

They have been talking about this UN announcement shit for a week and every time I see their team on Telegram mention that it's coming 'tomorrow'. When the fuck is tomorrow actually coming?

Also, they mentioned to 'not have high expectations with the announcement'. Geez man, all this fucking hype for possibly nothing.

even just hitting bittrex would be nice
pls hit bittrex tho

Sounds interesting but a few questions come up. Lets so they are going to burn the used coins to increase value, and there is only 48 million coins, so lets say they used this technology for a national vote in a country with millions of voters, wont the coins run out after a few years? and also if the price goes up to $5+ per coin, are organizations going to want to pay that high of a price for each vote thats going to be cast? Lets say there is 20 million voting age citizens of Australia, if the coin was say valued at $5 then that would cost them 100 million for one election and then that would be basically be the entire market cap in two elections and all the coins will be gone. Interesting idea tho, im definitely thinking about buying some.

Coins are divisible up to 18 decimal places mate...

true i didnt even think of that

fuck buttrex, binance when?

Where do I buy them? Links anyone?

You can check the exchanges it's selling on here.

If you have a GDAX/Coinbase account, just create a new account on another exchange and send your funds there, then start buying.. don't know if that's how it's done, I just started Crypto, but of the $150 I've got in, I put $60 into HST.



They don't control the timing of the announcement, retard. It's the fucking UN who gets to decide when it happens.

To be fair, the announcement was supposed to be yesterday. They will announce it as soon as it is ready. Their community manager at telegram assured us that had a new partner which will be using their tokens though. Brb will screen cap it for u in a sec.

Here you go

Why would the UN want to use block chain tech for voting when they are one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet? It doesn't make any sense!!¡!!!!!!!!¡!!!!

LMAO Fucking bait and switch. fuck this i'm out.

> why would an organisation with corruption want to eliminate corruption