BTC near 10k

Ready for a party guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

pink wojak ready.

>hit 10k
"Operation dragonslayer activated"


in all seriosness bitcoin cash has the longest chain so is technically the real bitcoin

I just leave it here

some sad fomotard is going to actually buy at 10k

I'd love it if it went down so low that I could afford to buy 20 of them
I'm a patient man, and I couldn't care less about how long it takes for BTC to reach its actual value

Somebody needs to buy my bags, user.

Sold mine yesterday and am waiting for pink wojaks now.

BTC for $10k is still very cheap
considering how useful and rare it is.
It will go to 100k soon, and from there there is no stop

Bloodbath incoming

Its gonna go to 12k or more before it dips. Then the dip is still gonna be above 10k

You bought in at 9750 didnt you.

what about those insane fees?

KEK no but because of all the fud saying its gonna crash at 10k I'm gonna take my chances. Even if it goes to $6k I'll still be up so don't really care

bitcoin hit 20k on December 10. thanks me late.

>It's actual value

So, between $1 and $5? Bitcoin is worthless. It is an inferior mode of transaction to almost any other coin on the market. The only reason that 99% of people with bitcoins even have them is to flip them at a later date.

When BTC goes down, it won't recover. There is no reason to back bitcoin anymore.

so am I

If a big whale market sells, every shit will fall like a domino.

Opening Party for altcoin season?

you realise it's being used successfully in Japan to buy stuff in stores?


Excuse me, you’re using the wrong name. It’s bitcoin obsolete (BO) now

bcore unconfirmed transactions sitting at 51k and rising, all that new money getting redpilled straight away roflmao. Heaps of smart money is going to flow into Bitcoin Cash soon.

>buying bitcoin cash


you're not funny enough to meme, ver
stop it

>1 post by this ID

I personally bought on the yellow lines and earned hundreds of percent more than I would have holding a shitcoin like bcore while being exposed to much less risk.

Smart money is buying BCH, dumb money and new money are currently buying bcore but that won't last forever as they're all getting currently redpilled by trying to transact with bcore and then they'll get a double redpill dose when they see the stupid arse bcore fees they were charged.

>redpill dose when they see the stupid arse bcore fees
bcash shills still ignorant of bcashes goal of MAKING FEES HIGHER, YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

That quite is out of context, he means those segshit transactions are not on-chain and thus are not privy to the security of the blockchain.

Essentially you're making an unsecure transaction through an intermediary. Bcore is not bitcoin because bitcoin is defined as an unbroken chain of digital signatures.

Bitcoin Cash is the only bitcoin since bcore destroyed itself with segshit and started forking monthly.

Fucking get it over with. I want to see the crashing or the mooing BUT STOP DOING NOTHING

Segwit transactions are on-chain you dipshit. And any off-chain transactions with lightning network will still be settled on-chain.

You are and idiot

The normies inflating the bubble way too fast party?
Yep, for now, until normies FOMO because "muh big bang theory" then short with 10x leverage ready to execute on the 10th of December when they FUD cashing out.

Years from now, when crypto becomes regulated, google will be asked to release the identity of Ashley and Peter to the FBI and they will get to the bottom of who manipulated the market, if it's not the FBI it's the IRS, you don't fuck with the IRS

w/e the witness data doesn't need to be validated so its insecure


Iv'e got about $10000 in savings, but get like no interest on it in my bank, should i buy 1 bitcoin?

Wait for the correction to play out.
Then buy.

When do you expect this correction?


Seeing trades at 10100, where was all this volume?

Do it soon, unless you want to miss out. I took out a short-term 50k loan last year and paid off the note early with high-six figure profit. If you own your house take out a second mortgage, this is a great way for your house to provide a profit stream, and pay off your house a year from now.

Ok I've got a wallet. Can anyone start me off on my bitcoin journey? 3G6qLDAyxRgYnWZ8eYkw6dMnFfZko9heJr thanks in advance!

so sick of ur "does nothing" memes

It dipped back to 9750 and struggling there, does this mean there will be no correction when it finally reaches 10k?

>try to buy Bitcoin while it was at 6k
>bank declines purchase because fraud protection
>Coinbase removes my card because declined purchase and won't let me readd it
>make a support ticket
>two weeks later
>still no answer and no Bitcoin
Please donate pink Wojaks which describe this feeling.


yes, you know more than all the programmers working on the project
go and tell them in the bitcoin mailing list that they're wrong.

when it hits 100k, it will drop down to 25k

buy your own faggot