Don't let your nigger brain take over - Hold, retards!

Just mentally forget the sell button is even there. Hold whatever shit coins, bitcoins, quality alts, whatever you have for at least a year, preferably two+

Add more fiat if you want more coins. You'll thank yourself later. I had 32 btc in 2015 and pissed them away.

I've had big amounts of antshares, ark, omg, other coins and traded them away. Don't fomo. Don't let your nigger brain take over. Hold, fuckers

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Easy for you to say but i bought both BTC and ETH all time high.

but I'm a nigger myself OP

So you bought in at 11300? Fuck you lying tool

too late nigger brain take over

Are you good at basketball?

I'm accumulating as many top 8 coins as possible and hodling, this market cap is predicted to reach 2trillion eventually and we only just surpassed 300b.
BUY AND HODL before the normies truly start sinking there money into it.
We're all gonna fucking make it.

it's actually amazing how easily the nigger side of your brain can take over.

tfw blew my 13 BTC down to 3 BTC

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu ckf cufk cufck FUCkK

I'm just here waiting for the dip to buy eth btc and xmr

Guys, the money is made before coins ever hit the market. Take this one for example.

Universa, 50 free coins just for making an account. Access to discounted coins before it ever touches market and goes 2-3x that value. It's guaranteed money.

If you're looking for productive things to do while you're holding, look for things like this.

How do you find these shits

this is the dip, at least for eth, i think.

Kys pajeet scum

Yeah but the problem is i need to buy btc in order to buy eth

How exactly do you think that's an issue?

Have $100. Buy $100 worth of bitcoin at an arbitrary price. Have $100 worth of bitcoin. Buy ETH with BTC. Have $100 worth of ETH.

Less fees obviously, but bitcoin being low or high has no bearing on your ability to buy eth for it's current value.

>listen, 98% of the people in these markets are fucking retarded
>they have absolutely no idea what they're doing
>they have no idea how to trade
>they're consumers
>they're basically just buying lotto tickets
>and then panic sell?
>I don't get it
>I don't understand how humans have come this far
>it's unsettling how dumb these people are
>what I'm doing, this math, this formula, which I've been selling to people now, is literally THE cheat code to life
>I just know that this is one of the best kept secrets in the whole fucking world
>I just know I'm not the first person to stumble upon this
>I'm talking, I know this is weird
>......but this may seriously end up being billions of dollars
>over the course of my life, if they don't just fucking make this shit illegal, I don't see how I won't become a fucking billionaire
>pretty sure the first million is going to be between Q2 and Q3
>of 2018
>and then millions throughout 2018
>because this is just based off percent
>these idiots are emotional and just think about the money
>I'm thinking about the math
>so PLEASE shut the fuck up
>I continue doing this, and we're retiring next year

I can't believe people are still saying this.

Have you seen the intelligence of people flowing into crypto? Just look at any of the normie facebook pages and look at their profiles. They're dumb as fucking rocks. These are the people who are now the backbone of cryptocurrency and what do you expect them to do when it dips?

They'll dump everything.

This was a great year and I'm glad so many well-adjusted, intelligent people managed to make money, but for now it looks increasingly like a massive bubble. I just cashed out my entire portfolio and will wait on the sidelines to see what happens.

Don't be an idiot.

>Don't let your nigger brain take over. Hold, fuckers
There are people that are currently overnight millionaires because they're sitting on 100-500+ BTC so I wouldn't blame anybody that cashes out now.

Sir, yes sir!

Fair price for 1 btc is about 4,400 USD. Idiots are buying it at 100 % premium.

Big investors buy Bitcoin mining companies rather than buy bitcoin itself.

I don't understand why people are buying at a 100 % spread, it's nonsense, no big investor would ever do that.

Well I'd make an exception if you make a million or more. Then, maybe take some profits, or completely cash out if you're comfortable. But if you have like 5k or even 50k, you don't wanna miss this ride.

>top 8 coins

Care to share the names of them?
I’ve got the same game plan as you.
I’m aiming to get $200 of each quality coin and hodl the fuck down for years

what are you talking about my dude

Yeah but then I'll get less eth

It doesn't matter what the current valuation is, assuming values stay relatively the same over the course of your transaction it doesn't matter what btc is at.

Do you really not understand this?


Kek. Same.
Bought BTC for 450€ and ETH for 180€, which is around a months worth of wages for my university student ass.
I can afford to lose part of it though so I will definitely hold for now.

I stumbled on it while searching around for a solution to my bags being stuck. Just keep looking.

John McAffee is a consultant on this project.

If you haven't been through crypto winter then you haven't seen shit.
Go stroke your dick some more and wait for everything to blow over you soft pansy faggots.

Just spent half an hour setting sell orders for fucking everything.
Will go cancel them now.

Thanks OP.

different user , explain why shouldnt i just straight on buy ether instead of buyin btc then exchaning it for ether

You should if you can

Hey dude,do u wanna become rich ?
all you need is making a profit right?
no matter what you invest in this market

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Profit tables are as follows; XMR +25%, BCH +10%,10%15%, KYC +8%, OMG +25%, DASH +166%, ZEC +12%, Waves +45%. Let's make a fortune together :)