I told you to buy at 0.05$, did you?

I told you to buy at 0.05$, did you?

I remember seeing a thread on ethereum And inthought it was just a second bitcoin copcat. And inthought bitcoin was just from magic the gathering nerds . Didnt realize it was a libertarian with new tech in the wake of 2008

Yea op I was lurking that post, thanks for not being a Jew even if I didn't buy it.

I did not, I admit defeat and you were right now i request you spare a small amount for us foolish ones




ethereum is centralized garbage, 70% premined, and proved itself to be controlled by foundation. (r/ethereumfraud) can't even get multisig right. bitcoin smart contacts been better since 2009


too late to join the wave and buy?

Team anonymous. Kek. A Scam more obvious than confido.

good goy!
10 satoshis have been credited to your wallet

PND GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pls dip

what's the next ETH?

oh you are one of THOSE people.

Fuck off back to ETC

Eth was never at $0.05 with exception of flash crashes.



I remember this. PnD

up 30% since I made this thread

no, $17

You think this thread is about ethereum?

i bought at 2 dollars OP. but i still didnt buy enough, feelsbadman

yeah, is this something else? ive been gone for months

Could have bought Dash and you would be up by miles

lol this shit looks like confido 2.0, look at the team members on their website. i dont want to be joosted, no thx

I knew it'd go up but did not buy because I never buy anything I think will go up

You have another shot.