Hello Veeky Forums anons. I'm conducting a survey to see how each board sees themselves, their fan base, culture, etc

Hello Veeky Forums anons. I'm conducting a survey to see how each board sees themselves, their fan base, culture, etc...

Please describe Veeky Forums. All anons are welcome to participate

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Well now that quest threads are gone, I'd say we're much closer to actually being Veeky Forums again

Thank fuck that they got rid of quest threads. I have almost the whole board filtered.

Veeky Forums is currently in a transition period away from quest threads, marked by an increased number of generals (whether we're hosting more generals or just seeing more of them on the front pages because of the dearth of other threads is debatable). It's nice that we've stopped talking about "that guy" so much but less nice that /pol/ stops by more often. We're at our worst when we think we're cleverly pointing out plot holes and at our best when tackling a legitimately interesting question about gaming culture. We're as bad as ever at Magic but still occasionally produce good content ("get shit done").

Veeky Forums is not Traditional Games. Veeky Forums is, and has always been, discussion of things that Veeky Forumsers enjoy. Thusly why we have hints of /v/, /co/, /m/, /a/, /d/, Veeky Forums, /mu/, Veeky Forums, /pol/, /k/, /an/, Veeky Forums, /diy/, /int/, /x/, Veeky Forums, and /tv/. We have four levels of content:
>1: discussion of actual games
>2: discussion ancillary to actual games - lore, community, etc.
>3: fig-leaf discussion of interests overlapping ours - Mass Effect, FSN, Dorf Fort, etc.

I second the /pol/ thing. They're once more in a period where they've forgotten they're a containment board.

Not sure how /qst/ will unfold, as there's still people arguing that it shouldn't be done despite it having happened, and the initial "new board trolling" needs to die down before they can become established.

Actually happy some more regular generals have popped up. Could be a sign that the wargame base is growing or branching out.

Quests have been proven to be only approx. 8% of all threads on Veeky Forums, those who dislike them need to quit whining, /qst/ is filled with absolute cancer and new board bait and trolling from /b/, /r9k/, /s4s/, and worst of all, normies, newfags, and memers. It needs to die, honestly.

And I don't even care about quests, I'm just glad that they increase traffic on Veeky Forums, and by extension, interest in other Veeky Forums related things, such as 40k, and D&D.

Got rid of quests now if we can just get rid of generals and tripfags we'll be fine.

All boards are like that for a while. Give it some time before passing judgement.

Veeky Forums has some of the best discussions on Veeky Forums.
We'll talk about almost anything as it pertains to gaming or even fiction. A lot of the time the discussion even stays civil, though this is less true during time periods where school is out.

This. The main problem is that most established QMs haven't moved yet.

Seems accurate.

I don't 8% of tg's traffic is enough for a board of its own.

Please get the fuck out, and take your off-topic shit with you.

You want to spam your interests here? Fuck you. That's not fair to the people who actually want to discuss traditional games. If everyone had your shitposting attitude, Veeky Forums would just be another /b/, and fuck that.

You want to discuss your dumb video games ad naseum? Go to Veeky Forums. Want to make a "stat me" thread just to talk about some random shit? Go to /b/.

Want to discuss how to actually incorporate X into a traditional game? Sure, why not, but let's not get into the habit of making auxiliary satellite generals just for the sake of trying to spam something onto this board under the moniker "Veeky Forums-approved."

The only thing that's Veeky Forums approved is traditional games. Some other shit falls between the cracks or persists because of mod favoritism or grandfather clauses, but the only thing anyone should force other people to tolerate on this board is games of the traditional nature.


Excuse me, but it's [s4s] my good friend.

This. Now we can have threads that last more than one day that doesn't need to be bumped every other hour because they don't get knocked off the board by all the quest threads.

My problem with /pol/ is that the /pol/ shitposters are not as funny as they think they are and that they think their boardculture applies everywhere. That kinda makes them furfags.

>less nice that /pol/ stops by more often
I'm getting really sick of that shit.

>now if we can just get rid of generals
Actually, generals can help sustain a thread that might otherwise quickly die. I don't think they're necessary for super-popular games like 5e, and they can be overdone with other stuff (keeping an OSR thread going 24/7 has drained much of the life out of that particular subject), but they do have their place.

I just want to be able to mention women, different ethnicities, or in-game politics without the thread filling up with rants about SJWs, niggers/jews and American political propaganda.

>That kinda makes them furfags.
That's exactly what they are
>having nice thread
>tell them to please go away

It would be nice if we could start doing more... community stuff as Veeky Forums

Doing live plays of RPGs, having online MTG tournaments, maybe boardgames simulator stuff, it'd be kind of nice if we got an decent minecraft RPG server again where the players created the meta without admin being heavy handed about it.

I do believe the blood bowl games have inbuilt ladders for tournaments, so if we had some willing hosts, commentators, and such we could have our very own Veeky Forums BB cup.

I don't know, stuff like that.

Yeah, I hate the soapbox fags as well. The worst part is that the "we wuz kangaroos and sheet" kind of memes summons those hamsperglars like a fucking bat signal.

I dunno, I don't really wanna get to know people a whole lot on an Anonymous image board. That kinda ruins the point of it.

>image is from 2013
>it's 2016
>nothing has changed

We need to gas /pol/.

Veeky Forums is an inherently sociable hobby, it's almost like we've forgotten that while some of us sneer at everyone else in the FGLS for not being elite enough.

Veeky Forums is about Traditional Games
Veeky Forums newfags think quests aren't traditional games, when it's literally an RPG where you, the player, control a single character, run by a GM
It's literally text-RP
If Quests aren't Veeky Forums then Everyone is John isn't either, because it's exactly the same thing, except on Veeky Forums, it's acceptable to plan playing it, but apparently unacceptable to actually play it
Next up on bad ideas newfags like,
>/anim/ for Animation alone which account for literally one thread on /ic/ and /3/ each
>splitting /a/ into /animu/ and /mango/
>splitting /co/ into /comics/ and /cartoons/
>/draw/ for all drawthreads, all of them, on every board, siphoned into /draw/

The appeal of Veeky Forums is the lack of social hierarchy. Otherwise I would just join RPG codex or something else stupid if I wanted some of that.

The quest threads was a plague because they bumped the other topics off the board too fast and resulted in the practise of general topics being accepted. General topics breeds circlejerks.

>The quest threads was a plague because they bumped the other topics off the board too fast and resulted in the practise of general topics being accepted
>Yes, fucking 8 threads bumping out every other thread into death! There goes my 5e general! There goes my epic stat me thread! Argh! Fucking 8 threadss!!!

Please, generals keep things nice and tidy instead of fuckin 20 threads about 3.5e which die too fast. You want thread survival but you also want more shitty threads with faster mortality rates. You faggots keep making it sound like quest threads took up 50% of the board when they were just scattered around with 10 or so threads.

So now quests are gone, and what has changed? Well, fucking nothing, just that there are no quests to trigger autists

This is the same argument that has played out for something like 36 hours nonstop in /qst/, and it's still flawed. Look at the threads at the bottom of the catalog right now: two Generals that have long since hit autosage and a couple of threads that nobody has posted in for like four hours.


Count to the 21st row(7 threads per row), then add the 5 threads on the 22nd row of threads (total 152 threadson Veeky Forums)

Look at the threads after that point, those would die, if your supposed "quest threads was a plague" was real.

Does it look like Veeky Forums? No, because there are simple too many quest threads, anyone who actually lurk Veeky Forums knows that it looks nothing like this, because there are too many quests from crossboarders and /b/tards stumbling onto /qst/ for the first time.

I'm going to be nice for the sake of the argument, and assume that quests took up 25% of Veeky Forums (like how you faggots think it is)

Add 11 more rows to count, and witness the Veeky Forums threads, those are the threads that would be alive if quests took up 25% of Veeky Forums

You lose 10 non-general threads, and the rest are general which bump themselves if they get too close to Page 10

Reality, quests take up 8% of the threads, and you only lose 3-4 dead threads.

I browse tege from my phone while in school. Fite me (don't)

>Veeky Forums newfags think quests aren't traditional games
Actual Veeky Forums newfags think quests are Veeky Forums rather than a presence on multiple boards.

Forcing them all here regardless of content was completely retarded, and I suspect only done because Veeky Forums can't complain as loudly as /a/.

To me it's not about whether or not quests are Veeky Forums or how much space they take up, because these two points have been argued to oblivion. What matters is that Veeky Forums is about talking about games, not actually using the board itself to play games. Whenever a video board watches something it's considered more polite to take their minute to minute reactions to an off site stream just as how the more polite thing to do on Veeky Forums should be to not use the board itself for game sessions.

I dunno, I think that one user who ran FATAL fecht threads were pretty entertaining.

Shifting goals: the post. We have a native dice function for fuck's sake. It's in the fucking sticky.

Maybe it's time you start to consider the possibility that you really don't have a valid argument?

Quesfags have their own board now. There is no need to whine about it.

It's not going to work out. It IS a trial board after all. This is provided the developers actually give a fuck.

>I don't 8% of tg's traffic is enough for a board of its own

No user, it's over HALF THE BOARD. Someone said so.

People who think quests take up anything more than 10% of Veeky Forums (on a bad day, even) is a newfag who doesn't know that Veeky Forums has a catalog or is just an idiot bullshitting for his end of the argument

If you believe that, it just means you don't frequent Veeky Forums, AT ALL

Veeky Forumssyfit is still around despite being a shitty board.

Quest threads was a problem because other boards used Veeky Forums as their quest board.

My face I have been here since 3 years, and I dont know what quest threads are

and then after 1 minute on quest board, finally discover everything I needed to know about quest threads