Assuming that they are clad in the same clothing/armour/whatever-suits-your-heretical-fancy...

Assuming that they are clad in the same clothing/armour/whatever-suits-your-heretical-fancy, and are equipped with generic weaponry, would a Howling Banshee look and/or fight no differently from a Wych?

Banshee's fight to kill, so it would be as fast and efficient as possible. Wych's fight for the entertainment of a crowd, so they'd probably play with their enemy for a bit, and also throw in some unnecessary acrobatics and maybe some sexualised stretching and bending over.
In addition, the Banshee's pretty much would say nothing during the entire fight, while Wych's would be laughing, giggling, and mocking their enemy for whole time.
Lastly, because Banshees are used to wearing armour, their defensive style would revolve around ducking and deflecting enemy strikes, whereas Wyches, who are used to wearing little-to-no armour would base their defensive style around flips, spins, and rolls so they don't have to block or deflect, which risks the enemy weapon still coming into contact with you.

>In addition, the Banshee's pretty much would say nothing during the entire fight
I imagine they'd be saying RRRRAAAAAAAAAAH or REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a suitable amount.

>the Banshee's pretty much would say nothing during the entire fight

Assuming they are in their war persona - which they'd have to be to count for this scenario - they would be fully in character, emulating the Crone's banshees. And those things aren't the quiet types.
>But no Banshee mask
They lose the weaponized scream, but they'll be screaming nonetheless.

Deciding factor is armor. If they're both in carapace armor, the Banshee's going to kill the Wych very quickly. If they're both in bodysuits, the Wych is going to kill the Banshee a lot more slowly and entertainingly.

Thanks for the insights. So from what I'm reading here, they're mostly matched in terms of fighting skill, but their 'combat philosophy' may determine who can gain the advantage.

I'm currently trying to find Eldar - Dark Eldar comparisons as a thought, so let me know if I'm plain wrong or if you have a more fitting comparison.

Autarch - Archon
Guardian - Kabalite
Avenger(?) - Trueborn
Banshee Exarch - Succubus
Striking Scorpion - Incubus
Warp Spider - Mandrake
Dark Reaper - ???
Shining Spears - Hellions/Reavers/Scourges
Spiritseer - Beastmaster
Warlock - Haemonculus

I think Bonesinger is closer to Haemonculus

I'd say your Scorpion/Spider comparisons are a lot off, both in fluff and tabletop.
Scorpions especially have heavy armour, but they're not dedicated headsmashers that the Incubi are, focussing more on getting the right target than slicing'n'dicing.

While there's obviously a lot of similarities, most things don't really translate over like that.

Incubi for example do have some considerable connections to striking scorpions specifically, but they're also all of the aspect warriors, on account of being the only aspect warriors on their side.

Guardians are largely just the average citizen conscripted/volunteering to fight. Kabalites are the foot soldiers of the Mafia like organisations running comorrogah, making them better off than the large masses, and coming along on raids is a privilege of their station.

And so on. So you might manage a few reasonable ones here, but most comparisons will be extremely forced, and serve no real purpose.

Reapers and Hawks are mirrors of Scourges. Reapers for the heavy weapon toys, Hawks for the wing motif.
Reapers and Avengers would mirror trueborn. Reapers for the toys again, Avengers for the nobility aspect (Asurmen's favored sons vs Kabal's favorite kids).
Scorpions and Incubi mirror each other in the lore rivalry, but the latter's role as a melee bodyguard for HQs meshes with a Warlock.

Scorpions then overlap with Mandrakes in that they both have an MO of jumping out of hiding to disembowel you. Spiders would mirror mandrakes because they both use extradimensional travel to fuck their foes.
Hellions are probably a mirror of Rangers, since both are outcast rascals by their respective society's standard.

There's plenty of blurred lines, so comparisons would depend on whether you're going for a mechanical, game match-up (weapons match, stats roughly same), or a more thematic conflict (good vs evil, clashing philosophies).

Incubi are supposed to be founded by the original Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions. They're pretty much Scorpions without the focus on sneaking and ambushing that Karandras introduce to temper their original "Murder EVERYTHING" attitude.

Incubi have evolved a lot more. If anything they embody what it means to walk the path of war utterly, to be dedicated solely to death, to the kill.

Scorpions on their own are not that, even as Exarchs they are not. Incubi both in gameplay and otherwise are differing.

That's fine and good but lets see them in action.

>She was a Howling Banshee and parried blows from a necron’s blade, the energised sword gripped in her hand flashing faster than the eye could follow to deflect precise strikes that would have removed her arm or head. The shuriken pistol in her other hand whined and the immortal warrior, towering above her, raised its great coffin-shaped shield to deflect them. She ducked beneath the shield and screamed in rage, channeling all her emotions over her impending death into the shout. Her Banshee mask turned her fury into a monstrous howl that momentarily rocked her foe. She drove her power sword deep into her opponent’s body before spinning. The blade came free, bisecting the necron’s torso.

>Maireth barely felt the pain of the necron’s last blow as its hyperphase sword split her from groin to sternum and–

The banshee just lost to a Lychguard in a funny way. Ergo, they suck

Does it mean?

Isnt it said that Dark Eldar are physically stronger than their craftworld counter parts? I imagine Howling Banshees are more efficient though

Yes, they take great pride in physical prowess.


>The rain of tears represents a depthless sorrow that the Banshees use as a weapon, stealing the soul of those who witness it and turning their blood to ice.

>To them, there is no greater pleasure than turning the poignant fury and despair of the Eldar race into a weapon, another tool in the arsenal of the craftworlds with which to destroy their foes.

Oh god it's true.

>The warriors of the Dark Eldar are tall and lithe without exception. Their alabaster skin is corpse-like in its pallor, for there is no true sunlight within their shadowy realm. The Dark Eldar prize martial prowess above all other fields of achievement, excepting perhaps duplicity. Their athletic physiques are lined with whipcord muscle, honed and enhanced until they are superior even to those of their craftworld cousins.

Though it's one of those differences that's not significant enough to represent in their TT stats. Much like the strength difference between Ork Boyz and regular Eldar of any kind/regular Humans/Tau.


There is a 50% chance the Banshee is a dude.

Well Wyches are shit and banshees have Battle Focus so no.


There is no lore regarding if the Eldar males are physically stronger than females, like it is with humans.

Of course they do. If you step on the path of an Aspect, you become that aspect. In mind and body. Search your feelings, user.

Less, really, since they're described as "predominantly" female, though that's still confirmation that male Banshees exist.

Whatever helps you sleep or "sleep" at night.


Incubi are literally former Scorpions. Learn your lore.