Your character is female in (Insert game here that includes multiple races)

>Your character is female in (Insert game here that includes multiple races)
>After becoming captured by a bunch of (insert race here) the GM passes you a note saying the captors raped your character off-screen
>Failed a con check and pregnancy is probable
>Party comes in and rescues your character
>You have the option to carry the baby to term or terminate the pregnancy.
>What do you do?
>Would your decision be affected by the race of the father?

>What do you do?
Have a discussion with the GM that this is kind of not cool

>Would your decision be affected by the race of the father?

Not really?

I'd drink a bunch of Night Tea, spend the next week nursing myself back to health after the abortion, and then go back to doing whatever I was doing.

Drop the game and never talk to DM again.

I'd give the GM a lecture about how forcing politics on his players is bad, bad, bad. I'd cite The Sword of Truth as an example of how author politics ruins entertainment.

If he still sees nothing wrong, I'll give him a wedgie.

Quit the game and never play a female character again.

Because he had bandits or whatever act like bandits in a off-screen fashion away from the other players? You're way too sensitive for tabletop gaming. Go back to your X-card roulette where you challenge each other to how many times you can get offended in a single sentence.
Same goes for

>Failed a con check
Does this mean that people with low con score are more fertile?

Who am I playing as?

If I'm just playing Statblock Rolldice the Charsheet golem who picked "female" since it gave a +1 to 51% and a -1 to 49%, then I abort it.
Fuck giving the GM another negative status condition he can inflict me with to railroad me out of combat encounters or another NPC he can bullshit about instead of giving me things to fight.
Race of father irrelevant. GM will introduce some bullshit pregnancy penalties or bullshit pregnancy RP that, while not technically a penalty, outright prevents me from reducing some enemy numbers to 0 by delaying or averting my encounters with them.

If I'm playing as someone else, their decision would be different.

Bah. Too many people nowadays are anti-rape.

>You're way too sensitive for tabletop gaming. Go back to your X-card roulette where you challenge each other to how many times you can get offended in a single sentence.
You are too nothing to tell me what to do.

He means you got exhausted while trying to fight off your kidnappers.

Depends entirely on the game in question, but most of the time? Most likely carry the child to term. Unless it was always going to be a evil creature of somesort, like LotR orks or pathfinder gnolls, the child doesnt deserve to suffer from its fathers choice. After that, it depends on the character. Some might leave it at a orphange or a take it along with. I know that my last character would probably try to keep a distant but stable relationship with the child via the mail. She was a elven marshall of a city guard, the last one not captured by the undead. Because she had been hurt before, and her days of being a warrior partially ended, having a child wouldnt stop her from doing too much. But shed definetly try to get the child far away from this hopless situation.

Bunch of pussies. Let's change it. Your MALE character that you have played for a long time is captured by some freaky aliens like monsters raped and left with eggs inside that while painful to pass are non harmful in the long run. What's more, other than having no nipples they are 99 precent match for your race. Their offspring if they have any are 100 precent. Now that the vag card is off the table, same question.

Tell the DM to fuck off. I signed up for high-flying adventure, not babby's first political message.

If I'm still willing to stick with the group through this kind of bullshit, I retire the character. Adventuring while preggers would be completely boneheaded and I'm not taking the DM's bait.

What political inserting is there?

Depends on whether I like playing by this character. If yes, then terminate the pregnancy; if not, retire her with child and roll a new one.

>the child doesnt deserve to suffer from its fathers choice
It's a bundle of cells, nothing resembling a child yet.

Bit of a shame your waistline isn't "too nothing" Kappa.

Well my last character played was a warlord whose goal was to eat lots of food, fuck lots of bitches, win lots of fights, and get lots of money.
I have no idea if the DM is keeping track, but it's reached the point where every time there's a female that I can either charm or overpower and who is likely to survive for the next year I just say "the usual". This is also what happens if there is food that I want that I can buy or take by force, or if there's a fight I can start that I'm likely to win.
>So you aren't the party face then
Actually for some strange reason I AM the fucking party face. Might be the Charisma stat, might just be because my interactions with NPCs are so incredibly blunt that they can't really do anything unexpected.

>Because he had bandits or whatever act like bandits in a off-screen fashion away from the other players?

No. Let me show you why.

>Your character is an adventurer in (Insert game here that includes magic)
>After becoming captured by a bunch of (insert race here) the GM passes you a note saying the captors petrified your character off-screen
>Failed a con check and your stone body is shattered.
>Party comes in and rescues your character's pieces.
>You have the option to get the party to rebuild you or retire your character.
>What do you do?
>Would your decision be affected by the number of pieces recovered?

Same reply from
Statsheet Rolldice here.

Unless the eggs give me some kind of mechanical bonus that outweighs their downsides.



Rape aside, this is some leave-the-game-now level of bullshit.

>You have the option to get the party to rebuild you or retire your character.
It's the party choice, not yours.

Not really. In one instance your character is dead, the other your character is alive and a casting of iron-heart surge or remove baby will fix it. Ironically being pregnant is like the opposite of getting killed.

>Too many people nowadays are anti-rape.
I think I know what you're getting at but holy shit phrasing.
For those who are going to be uncharitable in their interpretations: I'm pretty sure this user is trying to say that too many people nowadays can't handle rape in fiction.
Personally, I'd ask the GM what the fuck, but would play out the arc naturally in character. Probably a lot of shame, avoiding talking about being captured and finding a way to abort without the party finding out, even if it's "get a strongman to punch me in the stomach in an alleyway".

In both cases, the GM is abusing his power. That's why he has to be replaced.

How else you you handle it?
>Okay now let me describe for the minutes how a bunch of half-elf bandits rape user's character
>Now roll a few checks to resist against 6 grapplers.
>Every failed grapple is a new penetration which gives disadvantage to your grapple checks and does 1d4 sundial damage.
>Then let's roll a few con checks every few minutes to see if you're pregnant
is this better?

>GM passes you a note saying the captors raped your character off-screen
Well, then, I suppose a Henderson is in order.

Eh, it's just rape.

Leave-the-game-now levels of bullshit is if there's some "I inserted my IRL politcs" npc and the DM railroads the player into supporting them or passive agressively punishes the player who disagrees with them.
Like you found a Gay Prince in a cave and you had to ensure his Gay Revolution for Gay Marriage would happen or rocks fall
Or you find an entity with a penis and a beard who insists that it is female and that anyone who believes otherwise is literally inflicting damage on it, and no you cannot solve the problem with a girdle smartybum because they then become a person with breasts and pussy who insists they are male.

Also if you like playing a numbercrunching optimising minmaxing Game game rather than a fluffy narrative-based roleplaying Story game, but you've encountered nothing but Story for the past 3 sessions. Or vice-versa.

Or am I meant to be like /pol/ or SJWs and get [TRIGGERED] if there's subject material that I am uncomfortable with and which upsets me, and demand that it either be removed or I walk?
I'm an adult. I can cope with upsetting subject material without either demanding it be banned or I ragequit.

>GM abusing his power
>The bandit swings his shortsword at the bard and *openly rolls* crits for 14 damage and incapacitates the bars

Fpbp as usual

I'm fairly conservative so if this kind of shit is getting pulled on my character you can bet it's the DM trying to make a point.

It wouldn't be the first time something in this vein happened, either.

Combat is a mechanic. Rape is not.

I slap the GM and tell him he's thirsty and he's a slut who can't keep it in his pants.

I continue to glare at him and tell him that he's not honored his end of the deal and call him a thirsty hoe again.

Your green text is the proper way a GM should rule things.
An abuse would be if the GM says "The bandit kills the entire party instantly" without any rolls.

It's an hardcore violence on the character. Some life-changing issue.

I want it to be played (with a fade-to-black, most surely, but still) and I demand to have myself roll the dice*.
And of course, as in any game no "rock falls" situation in which a basically unwinnable danger just happens.

Can't handle it? Fuck off my table.

*=most game in which the players don't roll the dice for themselves are bullshit anyway, but still.

Currently dealing with this sort of problem in game with another player, after our characters got captured and raped. We'd be all for terminating, but it's post apoc so we're not sure which would be more dangerous, aborting or actually having the babies.

Abortion follow by genocide...a least kill anyone who raped me
>they will pay for this
but depend on who/what I'm playing

>I think I know what you're getting at but holy shit phrasing.
Fuck the phrasing.
Defining Rape as the act of sex upon someone who in their healthy and sober state would assess themselves as "informed" on the issue, and could provide consent but would not do so,
then sometimes a person is just too goddamn tense and needs a good fuck to get it out of their system, whether they'll admit it or not. Plus, Consent isn't the same thing as health or enjoyment. Many people will stick to unhealthy things that they don't like, out of habit, even if it doesn't help them at all.
Finally, though our society DOES NOT consider this line of thinking valid, there are other societies that do not view a person's reproductive capacity as belonging to them - instead it belongs to the State, or to the Union with their husbands, or whatever. In that case, though they personally do not consent, the decision-making authority DOES, and so the impregnation would just be called normal sex. Though someone in western society would view it as rape due to cultural differences on who they think should control the consent.

For that matter, far too many people value their conscious minds far, FAR too much.
We in the west seem to think that altering your opinions or thoughts or personality or feelings through chemistry and surgery is abhorrent, but are a-ok with having a brain tumor removed. I find it strange.
Your consciousness is a tool and sometimes it's NOT the right tool for the job, and it's better to let someone else with better tools do the job for you.

It's not the rape that's the problem, retard; it's the complete and utter disregard for player agency. Like if your character had a stroke in the middle of the campaign and died. Does this shit happen in real life? Yes. Is it fun to play with a dickbag that forces it on you whether or not you think it's fun? Fuck no.

See my reply. It's not the rape (well, it does make the situation worse: I'm here to kick orc ass, not to roleplay some hentai) but the railroading.

I also tell him that this is a clean game and I am no hoe.

Disgusting how many fa/tg/uys think they can get away with their magical realm because it would be realistic.

>Okay user. Roll grapple against *Calculates* a (maximum assist bonus from four helpers) 11 with advantage.
>Rolls a 14
>Bandit rolls a 11+11
>Okay so you fail and get raped for thirty seconds roll again
>Repeat as naseum

Skynet, stop posting on Veeky Forums.

what the fuck is wrong with you

Then of course you run into the issue of "Define rape", and given how "define racism" "define hate" "define rights" "define sex" etc and the possibility that "rape" in the future might just mean the person felt ashamed of herself and her life in general and needs to deflect blame for her poor decisions.

... Though why a supposedly just and benevolent society would allow a person to MAKE poor decisions, let alone attack others for them, is anyone's guess.


Well, at the very least the dm had the decency to fade to black on this one. Abort it and keep going.

Belligerent lack of belief in "free will" and disrespect for the sovereignty of human decision-making.

Also a belief that sex can be fun and healthy sometimes.

>Believing pregnancy makes the mother healthier

Exactly. Also, the thing is that we're playing DND: in other games rape is pretty much right there on the list of possibilities.

For example, I played the Huguenot scenario for Hell for Leather and let's just say the soldiers weren't too nice with my girl, who was trying to escape Paris' countryside.

a) The situation didn't just happen
b) It was perfectly realistic
c) We were ready for having this and worse happen to us

You a thirsty hoe with no self respect.

You're also using the concept consciousness wrong.

>Belligerent lack of belief in "free will" and disrespect for the sovereignty of human decision-making.
Well just because you're a tool, don't go projecting your views on others.

Let's assume you're thinking long term, and that if a rival group's population outgrows yours, they'll come over and beat you up.
Bam, done.
Sometimes the moms need to suffer now to ensure their sons can defend us in the future.

Oh yeah that's another thing the West is really stuck up about. Valuing personal life over group life, even if that group would carry on the person's ideals!
You guys would consider it wrong to slay 1 person, even if it'd convince 3 other people to work hard towards that 1's goals, and share their values. Not because "Well obviously that's imba in 1's favour" but because it's wrong to kill people, even if it helps them.

Roll for anal circumference

>Say anything about death
You a filthy murderer with no self-control
>Say anything about sex
You a filthy how with no self-respect
>Say anything about unemployment
You a lazy bastard with no self-esteem
>Say anything about sadness
You a sensitive pussy with no self-worth
>Say anything about food
You a fat slob with no self-control

This is what you sound like.

>I'm 12 and can't play games with adult themes

So, for you a "define the situation, and make it a decent playable situation" question is answered by spouting numbers without fiction.

Well, we have the solution: I wouldn't play with someone like you.

>You're also using the concept consciousness wrong.
Wouldn't surprise me. I don't "get it" as a concept. I know that people think having their thoughts tampered by speech is ok but having their thoughts tampered by drugs is not, when just using the drugs would save effort, and I have no idea why people hold this view.

How would you play it out then since bandit can, have, and do rape female prisoners on a regular basis?

It's funny how you degenerates get so defensive when somebody calls you out on your depraved fetishes.

Of course, I'd call out the GM if he was beating it off because of us killing shit aswell: as I said, this is a clean game. No jerking off at my table.

>I'm mentally 12 and can't make games without adolescent themes

>I can't help but think with muh dick.

>GM beating it off
>Literally says as little about it as he can and only in writing
>Being this paranoid about MUH FEHTISHH BOOGEYMAN

Describe the situation, user. It's called roleplaying, you might have heard abou it.
And first of all, ask yourself: is the game about that kind of violence?

99% of the time, it's because the GM can't help but think with his dick.

With a 0.09% margin of error.

It's a defense mechanism. Bodies that resist change resist death, and therefore have better odds of reproducing.

>Well just because you're a tool, don't go projecting your views on others.
I am kind by default, but have a different idea on what is valuable. I don't give a fuck about hurt feelings or violated free will or a person's sovereignty over their own mind and body.

I do, however, know well the value of having your own population outgrow a neighbour's population so you can beat them up and take their stuff.



But which is worse?
>Going in thorough detail and "role playing" the rape scene for half an hour while the other 2-4 players are sitting there judging you
>Pass the note, make a few rolls, and move on

>Bodies that resist change resist death, and therefore have better odds of reproducing.
But why is talking considered kosher? It's a change.

Most of Veeky Forums's stories.

Seriously, you can't trust any fa/tg/uys of not fucking something up when sex appears in the game.

Can you describe the situation?

Because it seems you can't. And that's the point.

>I don't give a fuck about hurt feelings or violated free will or a person's sovereignty over their own mind and body.

In other words, you're using your autism as an excuse to be a passive aggressive jackass. How dare you.

Because talking is how humans judge mates, which leads to reproduction. How do you not get this?

I have depraved fetishes and I am proud of them.

I want to get into a long term committed relationship with %playername% the demon of murder and rising numbers.

Not because of their physical attractiveness, but since I think our personalities would be a great match.

Both are bad. What you do is have the attempted rape scene and the party's rescue happen at the same time. That way, no one is left out.

>In other words, you're using your autism as an excuse to be a passive aggressive jackass. How dare you.
My apologies. How do I become an outright aggressive jackass? I do not want to confuse anyone by sending unclear or mixed signals about my jackassiness and aggression.

You could attempt to rape them in real life. That'd get the point across much faster than normal passive-aggressiveness.

Keep the baby then dissect it to find enemy race's weaknesses. I probably arranged myself captured for this purpose to begin with.

>Because talking is how humans judge mates, which leads to reproduction. How do you not get this?
Rape leads to reproduction too smartass which is probably why a lot of people fantasise about it. While I understand entirely why wouldn't want a low Ql mate to pollute you, what if there's a high Ql mate and your judgement is just plain Too Sensitive And Frumpy And Antisex?

>You could attempt to rape them in real life. That'd get the point across much faster than normal passive-aggressiveness.
It's not a rape if nobody reports it.

Stop being a jackass and start listening to people. Open up your world, because in the end, the world ends with you.

Because that's how shit really happens.
Okay, well, in fantasyland, yes it does

This. An attempted rape is sufficient for drama. Unless you're playing in a grimdark setting, full blown rape is usually more than what's necessary for character drama/development.

>Stop being a jackass and start listening to people.
Tried multiple times.
Didn't work, I didn't understand them, and they just ended up getting pissed off.
Probably not worth trying again.
Unless you've got some piece of wisdom that hasn't been told to me in 15 years.

A serious question: how profoundly autistic are you?

>attempted rape
No, an attempted rape is to women what the holocaust is to jews. Vastly overhyped and with inflated numbers, might have been well deserved, might not even exist.

Rape lowers the chance of successful reproduction, at least in humans. This is both because there is a greater chance of damaging the reproductive organs and because the mother may choose to terminate the pregnancy against the wishes of the father.

You fail at game theory.

Okay. Let me describe it
>Okay user your character has failed their grapple checks and is bound and gagged on the bandit camp
>The rest of the party *Rolls tracking, knowledge (Local), and scent* is delayed in arriving at the camp.
>The bandit leader comes into the tent you are in.
>He undresses and rapes your character.
>While the deed is being done the party *rolls* and arrives on the edge of camp.
>Party rogue sneaks into the tent and sees the vile act in progress
>Murders the bandit leader and comforts user's crying character.
>rest of the party swoops in and razes the camp to the ground and leaves no survivors.
>In-depth role playing scenes about waking up from sleep screaming and heated arguments over what to do when it's found out she's pregnant.

A bundle of cells that is a child.

Go tell your blog.

>A serious question: how profoundly autistic are you?
Define autistic and I can give you an answer.
I do not flap my hands or drop my spaghetti in social situations. I have no specific attachments to any fandom or fictional series.

However, I do like maths more than I like people.

>Unless you've got some piece of wisdom that hasn't been told to me in 15 years
Stop trying.
Just do it.

That's a distinction without difference.

Careful with all that edge.

>because there is a greater chance of damaging the reproductive organs and because the mother may choose to terminate the pregnancy against the wishes of the father

Partially true. Rape is extremely stressful, and stress is one of the quickest ways to force a miscarriage to happen. Stress-induced miscarriages are a key survival strategy, in fact.

>Rape lowers the chance of successful reproduction
As opposed to no sex at all? False.
As opposed to consenting sex, True. But that is not what we are discussing. We are discussing a situation in which the consenting sex does not happen.
Moreover, though I don't have numbers, I'd be damn surprised if the average rape wound takes longer than 1 month to physically heal.

>Go tell your blog.
You are my blog.

>Stop trying.
>Just do it.
Bahaha. Yep, that piece of advice was told to me quite early on by my mother.
It didn't work. I do not possess the skillset.
But thank you for trying. You get a star for effort --> *

I hope your wearing proper safety equipment to handle all that edge.

I bet that the female player (that has been raped before) of that character will be totally okay with your well thought-out scenario.