A survey conducted by From Software on the Prepare to Die Edition of Dark Souls revealed that over 80% of the female...

A survey conducted by From Software on the Prepare to Die Edition of Dark Souls revealed that over 80% of the female players that made it into the Painted World of Ariamis decided to kill Priscilla.
Similarly, over 60% of the ones that discovered the Fair Lady's secret location attacked her.
Gwynevere being attacked by about half of them.

I found this very very interesting. Have you ever seen something similar to this during your tabletop career?

So the tanner/less anime you are, the less likely you are to be attacked by female murderhobos?

>over 80% of the female players that made it into the Painted World of Ariamis decided to kill Priscilla
I imagine it's because
>this land is peaceful, it's inhabitants kind
Which incites rage as the player just obtained wheel skeleton PTSD.

It may be a lesbian thing too. I know I didn't attack her for over 160+ hours of game time. Then I was trying to achievement complete and could not figure out one of the hiddens till I looked it up. Never killed her.

They're not blinded by waifu stuff

Because you want her fucking SOULS. Why would anyone keep her alive? Hell, it's an honestly fun fight regardless, especially if you're going for the tail.

Attacking the Fair Lady, though, kinda dumb since it's you can buy stuff from her servant and her covenant reward is the only to save Solaire.

Can't let you find that sun, buddy......can't go through that again....

I did it out of boob-envy and because I thought she would drop something cool, I'm not sorry

It is a peaceful land with kind inhabitants, you are the asshole that broke in trying to kill their queen

No, because this land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind.

>Painted World of Ariamis
>Peaceful land
>Kind inhabitants

Okay, seriosuly, WHICH ONES? No, seriously, WHICH ONES? The fucking Wheel Skeletons that grind your face to pulp for being in the same room? That fucking zombie dragon who spews pure, poisonous liquid evil? That phalanx of half-melted slime monsters? The turbocancer patients trying to set you on fire? The crow demons that divebomb you from the sky?

Which of these aggressive, terrible, nasty fucks is a peaceful inhabitant? Priscilla was a goddamn retard.

They were defending their home, defending Priscilla, from you

>trusting anyone in any souls game besides Siegward of Catarina

This, more or less. The way we feel about characters is a big factor. I'm not a waifufag but I feel like shit when I hurt innocents, so I've never ganked Priscilla or Gwyndolin, or killed a firekeeper for her soul, or killed Ciaran for her armor, or refused to give her the soul of Artorias for that matter. That's a lot of content I'm denying myself on account of feeling sorry for bits of code. Someone who is not bothered by this will merrily kill all these characters. Some people casually murder all the NPCs for loot when moving onto NG+.

Well it's safe to say you're pulling that information out of your ass in any case

Though that reminds me that I did kill her entirely for the tail

Yeah, I'm more curious about what they did when they found Gwyndolin.

Women are sociopaths.

They'll attack even if you're wearing dirty robes and are unarmed...


>Some people casually murder all the NPCs for loot when moving onto NG+.

Priscilla must remain pure, user. If she's corrupted she's worthless as a waifu and the entire realms stock will plummet.

I'm kind of shocked that there's people who wouldn't casually murder everyone before moving to NG+ at least once.

Probably because they weren't attracted to videogame waifus.

He's not a girl though.

I never killed her because she was peaceful and honestly didn't want to fight. I like that attitude. By Fair Lady secret location, do you mean the sexiest character in the game and when you kill him Anor Londo goes dark?
I killed the latter, I can't remember why though. Probably in a fit of madness. Must say, I do regret it.

Yes, and?

the half spider fire keeper that gives you the chaos servant covenant

You missed out, man. Her scythe is swag as hell.

>Playing dark souls

Why can''t we just meet Havel the Rock or one of his warriors as friendly NPC. I have a bigger crush on him then any illusion or half-breed.

He was too good for this Dark and sinful world.

The one that Kirk fights for and you need the witches ring to chat with? I mean why not just give her Humanity, you should have a bunch of the stuff. Besides, you literally just killed her sister so why would you try kill her too? I mean, she's not even hostile.

Man, that would be cool. Imagine if they beefed up the tower and put chains and prisony stuff all over it and gave it a huge chained up reinforced door, and Havel is just waiting at the bottom, and he has a nice conversation with you and maybe teaches you a gesture or something.

Because she drops a firekeeper soul. Gotta get dat Sunny D.

The communication barrier is a big issue for a lot of players, I'd think. The average person doesn't resolve 'can't talk with' and 'is clearly (at least partially) inhuman' with 'harmless npc'.

They're not distracted by cute girls or pairs of tits.

The way I see us that Havel was the only one who stood up to Seath and his diabolical experiments. He kidnapped maidens and turned them into Pisacas and its implied that Priscilla is the rape baby between Seath and Gwynewere. As much as I like Gwyn he just seems like a cuck who let Seath do what he wanted and he punished Havel for trying to stop it. Hopefully one day we will meet him and be enlightened.

uh, you do meet havel.

He's hollowed. You fight him in DS1.

I think that's just one of his soldiers. You meet another NPC just like him in Dark Souls 3 which means that it has to be one of his soldiers and not him. I also think a person who fought alongside Gwyn and commanded his armies would be more powerful.

And Dark Souls 3

Text from the watch tower basement key "Key to the basement of the watchtower in the Undead Burg. The basement of the watchtower forms a stone cell. There are rumors of a hero turned Hollow who was locked away by a dear friend. For his own good, of course." It's implied that was Havel and he was locked down there by Gwyn.

True. The item description for the key and weapons would suggest that it was Havel himself in the tower basement. However that's thrown off course when you consider that a warrior Identical to him and who is also hollowed is found in Dark souls 3. You also find Havel armor in Anor Londo. I think that a lot of stuff regarding Havel is overlooked by From Software.

If you don't kill Gwyndolin, you're even more of a cuck than he is.

He's a waifu

I think the set in Anor Londo is literally a spare set. It's in a little storage area.
Or Havel's soldiers wore knockoff armor and that's what that is.

Dragon Teeth don't grow on trees. I'd imagine most of his followers, even if they could craft stone armor and shields like their leader's, can't exactly mass-produce his weapon.

I just like the idea of the Blades of the Darkmoon.

Yet he has boobs

Skeletons were so great in DS. The fuckers are always totally jazzed about wrecking your shit. The bastards are so happy to have someone to stab they'll somersault into the fray. They'll fucking shatter themselves attempting corkscrew leaps to stab you. They'll ride giant wheels to pound your ass into the ground. It takes the tools of gods to keep them down 'cause they want to ruin you just that bad. Out of all the hollows you encounter they seem to be the only ones that truly take pride and joy in their work.

catacombs a fucking comfy

Exactly my thoughts.
Though I am still not convinced that the Tower Havel is the real one, as you find GMB on a corpse in the Great Hollow. GMB is a miracle of Havel's creation and his creation alone.
The DaS3 Havel really intrigues me though.
>The only way to get to the Archdragon peaks is to follow the path of the dragon
>Havel stands over the body of a dead dragon
>The dead dragon lies near the end of the path, which countless dragon-worshippers and an actual drake guard fervently.
>Havel wields the dragon tooth, of which there is only one/very few
Why did Havel potentially kill only one dragon, leaving all the others alone?
How did he get up there without flight?
Perhaps he hitched a ride with Ornstein when he left to search for the Nameless King.

While Havel did undeniably create GMB, we have no evidence as to his hoarding it to himself. After all, his followers were presumably rather anti-sorcery as well. Could have been one of them on the way to investigate the rumors of an Everlasting Dragon, maybe so he could get a tooth of his own.

Yes, and?

What's interesting is that he also has an Occult Club in with his spare gear, which is generally a bad upgrade... unless you're attacking unhollowed humans, giants, or gods. Why would Havel need a weapon that is effective against his own allies?

Lautrec is my favorite character.

Because Havel is always prepared.

Why did he kill the fire keeper?

There's a theory I've heard that says it was placed there by Seath to frame Havel for conspiring against the gods, so Gwyn would dispose of him, which is why he's locked up when you find him

I kill Priscilla for her two unique weapons. On my NG+ "canon" run, I never kill her.

Priscilla is pretty cool mate, I wouldnt ruin such a great waifu.

This. One of his items or spell's description said that he was always ready for everything.
The armor in Andor Londo is a spare set in case he needed a new one. The club is there in case he needs to club Gwyn or one of Gwyn's kids.

There are a lot of theories. Probably the biggest and most sensible one is that he was using it to gather humanity and draw would-be vengeful undead after him. Another is that he was planning to offer it up to his goddess. Or that he was just keeping it as a trophy. I think the craziest theory I ever heard is that he was in a relationship with the Lady of the Darkling, and he was perhaps going to use that soul to free her from being a firekeeper.

Maybe Havel admired the strength of dragons too?

Awfully strange a knight would wear stone like armor like the scales of the Everlasting Dragons.

Why was Lautrec found dead past Ornstein and Smough, when you kill him in the chamber before O&S?

His waifu told him to

Personally I consider that the firekeeper asked him, somehow, to kill her. Once you give the firekeeper her soul back, she's not happy of being "alive" again.

A weird time shift, maybe?

Because phantoms surpass space and time, and when the fires start to go out, reality starts to split. When you leave firelink, you're entering your own little world that could be before, after, or slightly to the left of the next guy's own little world. All the hollows respawn in-setting and always go back to the same positions and routine because they don't know any better. It's entirely possible that you killed Lautrec before he did the thing that caused you to go after him and then his corpse was moved by someone else years later and then you found it sometime after that.

Gwyndolin gets et anyway. Might as well kill em now.

Moral feelings for code, man. The game doesn't help this with the autosaving and the sense of permanency of all your choices.

>Oh no! A video game npc got killed!

I suspect most things will be friendly to you when you are a 15' tall dragonlady.

I don't understand how this is conspicuous though. This is just the female players right? Well..... what about the males? Did the male players just not kill those npcs in droves or something?


Alternatively you can just not talk to Solaire where you first meet him after Tauros Demon, progress through the game to Izalith, kill the red-eyed chaos bug, and then go back and talk to him to begin his questline. Talk to him in the places he would normally be in the order he would appear in them, and he'll survive Izalith because the bug is already dead.

She drops the Lordvessel which to be quite honest is a pretty cool item

Or breath toxic/poison gas through the blocked passageway wall until you hit the bug enough times to kill it.

(citation required)

Occult Club in his secret Anot Londo stash is why we even think he was locked up for attempted treason, and if he was only going to try and murder Seath he wouldn't need Occult weapons. He was definitely planning on attacking Gwyn or at least some other God(s) for siding with magic-using Seath as well as turning a blind eye to his madness and sick experiments. Which to be fair, Gwyn's pretty guilty for sanctioning that shit.

He said "as a friendly NPC"

She's not happy that the revival also restored her tongue. She seems to feel she deserved the punishment of having it cut out, or at least that it was a just decision. Simply being alive isn't what she has a problem with.
On that note though, how would one ask another to kill them when they cannot speak?

Time is convoluted etc etc

Yeah weird, if only humans had like appendages with which to emote and point at stuff.

Three NPCs that I've never killed.


2.The Giant Blacksmith

3. Ingward

>not sniping ingward with a greatbow so you can join the dickwraiths and steal humanity for the fair lady
shit taste desu

Regarding Lautrec, I was always interested in his little Gank Squad, why on earth is a New Londo Sealer among them?
There were three Sealers, one guards the entrance to the Abyss, one joined Lautrec at some point, and one left to try and curse the plague in Blighttown.
The question is, why? What purpose do they have outside of cleansing the city? What would force one of them to not only leave his duties, but to join up with a guilty knight and make the pilgrimage to Anor Londo?

Nothing to say it wasn't some guy who killed a sealer and stole his shit, plus there's the whole multiple worlds thing that Souls has going on.

To find some answers to why the fuck Gwyn let the Four Kings run shit? Or to go and see if some of Gwyn's people where still around, so he could kick them in the nuts.

How do you emote "literally kill me" and why does she only do it to Lautrec, not the Chosen Undead or any of the other countless people who have come through Firelink?
Lautrec is canonically a humanity-hungry sociopath, you're steering a bit too far into fanfiction territory here.

>not just joining Darkwraiths without killing him
Murderhobo detected. Is getting the uncravked red eye orb at sl1 really that important?

Who knows. Maybe lautrec asked nicely. he IS famous enough to have several statues of him around and all.


Awfully suspicious that Lautrec's buddy uses sorceries, including the curing one found in the chest with the Crimson set.
she probably bowed.

I killed her too. Because she's a fictional character, and she drops interesting items that I can use in my attempt to win/complete the video game I'm playing.

All she is a bunch of art assets, some AI code, animations, and canned lines. There's nothing deeper or more interesting going on, no matter her appearance or the written lore.

Ultimately, it's not a bad thing if you identify with a character or feel that it's wrong to harm a fictional character who isn't hostile to you the player, but if you (general you here) get UPSET that other people don't feel the same way, you have a problem.

I was going to be way more hostile, and bitch about waifus and how pathetic it is that some people are shamelessly falling for an illusion not unlike that of Gwynevere/Gwyndolin, but I'm not exactly innocent of having feelings for NPCs in games I like, so I felt it would be hypocritical.

Firekeeper asking Lautrec to kill her is just fan theorizing and far-fetched at that.
You didn't ask about that, you asked how does one convey a message without speech.
She could grab his attention by making noise, then point at him, beckon closer, point at a weapon, point at her throat/heart/whatever vitals, point at lautrec, mimic a thrusting motion of a dagger to her vitals and so on and so on.
Silent communication isn't that hard. Human body can be very expressive.

That's depressing, but at least you can hope that people who are evil assholes in game will not also be evil assholes in real life, right?

Then again, it does go to show how moral inhibitions are easily suppressed.
>it's only a game
>boss told me it's okay
>nobody needs to know

Not sure about any of that but i'd assume loudly banging on something to get attention followed by pointing vigorously at themselves then more specifically their neck/heart followed by a slicing or stabbing motion then hanming up a death scene. Maybe pretend to choke yourself. Perhaps grab their sword. Theres a lot and its only limited by imagination. Maybe they have a written language and she literally spelled it out for him.
Theres several statues all over in all 3 games and apparently one in BB that are all crumbled and broken but if you actually take them and put them together they show a heavily weathered and cracked statue that had a big passing image of him. Theres others for a lot of characters as well so this may merely be something the devs put in as a winkwinknudgenudge. Theres pictures out there but i gotta be getting ready for work.

>someone somewhere is using this exact logic to defend unplugging Earth Simulation v1.2.0.09

I don't think there's any big secret or meaning behind it

Find NPC, they don't give you a quest or an item

Kill NPC

I don't see any threads about how 95% of people dunked the crestfallen knight for the early soul boost

Odd thing is, isn't that how morals work? Besides the being hammered into us to make it near innate that is.
>i can't kill this person(jail, i was told its bad, basically didn't get permission to)
>i can't rape this person(jail, i was told its bad, basically no given permission)
>i can't beat this asshat up(first verse...)

Without social peer review and peer pressure being shared equally among us would we have the set of morals we have now?

I just want to point out that, 1.) No one in the game is real, and is no more or less moral than imagining harming anyone you particularly dislike in real life.

And 2.) the real assholes are the cheaters who get off on invading people and possibly corrupting their saves with hacked weapons.

>Baiting this hard

I never actually thought about that. Hell i never actually stopped to think "i bet if i kill this guy he drops goodies." Unless i specifically heard they drop something. Have i been doing DS wrong all these years?!

Let them. It was shit anyway.