Any tips for roleplaying as a proud Australian?

Any tips for roleplaying as a proud Australian?

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Love Britain.
Hate Britons.

Glass the GM with your stubby if he's being a bit of a cunt

Say mate, cunt and fuck as much as fucking possible.
Make sure to bring coins for the Monty Python jar

Call people cunts.
Say "yeah, nah" and "nah, yeah".
Mate is a term of endearment.
Complain about Abbos.
Drink copious amounts of Beer.
Either love, or hate VB.
If you're from NSW complain about everywhere else.
If you're not form NSW, complain about NSW.
Bitch about the Prime Minister constantly.
Laugh about Americans being idiots.

Need to be some kind of monster hunter.

Call literally everyone a cunt. To their faces if possible. But not if you have a strong reason not to (he's a king, you're a peasant, sort of reason, not a "gun to your head" reason)

Say things like 'too right' and 'onya mate' (short for 'good on you mate')

A greenie leb poof University of Melbourne lawyer professor and asylum seeker advocate was teaching a class on immigration policy.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship asylum seekers and accept that they are honest and legal refugees and the most dinkum Aussies that the world has ever known, even greater than the Anzacs."
At this moment, a brave, true blue, anti-immigration SASR Digger who had been on 1500 overseas deployments and understood the joy of war and fully supported all military decision made by the Commonwealth stood up and held up a uranium rock.
"Who owns this uranium?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite wogishly and smugly replied "The traditional Aboriginal land owners, you stupid Australian"
"Wrong. It's been 240 years since Captain Cook claimed it for Great Britain, If it was owned by Abos, and asylum seekers are, as you say, legal refugees... then the Noongah tribe would be a nuclear power and our Immigration Detention Centres wouldn't be fuller than a state school now."
The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his copy of "Fighting for the Republic" by Malcolm Turnbull. He stormed out of the room, his eyes full of unAustralian tears.

The students applauded and became KAP members that day. A slouch hat named "Mateship" blew into the room and fell atop the Australian flag. He reminded the students of the necessity of strong Industrial Relations law and encouraged them all get a southern cross tattoo. Waltzing Matilda and Khe Sanh were sung several times, and the Unknown Australian Soldier himself showed up and re-enacted the White Australia Policy across the country. Billy Hughes watched all of this with great joy, smiling from the heavens.

The professor was fired and mysteriously lost his life that year and the coroner found that he died from chronic unAustralianism. The uni used the money saved from his pay to demolish the School of Indigenous Studies building and erect a statue of the Anzac in its place.

Whenever the words "center" and "link" are mentioned in the same sentence just start screaming incoherently.

like this?

Thanks mate, I needed that.

>dropped his copy of "fighting for the republic" by Malcolm Turnbull

truly dark times now

Circlejerk about Dropbears.
Explain to people how to REALLY eat Vegemite.
Call people 'mate' with different inflictions - it's not always positive.
Aussies are also known for their egalitarian ideals, for example respond with asskissing to no royalty or nobles and the right to a 'fair go.'
Shorten names and certain words, nicknames can be also opposites (a redhead being called "Blue", Calling David "Davo/Dave", Afternoon to Arvo)

>Pro tip.
Never mention Fosters. Aussies hate that stuff and it's primary market is as an export.
Carlton Draught, VIctoria Bitters and XXXX Gold are the best sellers in Australia.

Treat everything from stab wounds to shitty customer service as a minor inconvenience and complain about them all with equal passion.
Feel no discomfort, only pain.
Have a good sense of humour
Try to get out of as much work as possible
Drink excessively
Treat everyone as a good friend
Turn on people with incredible fury at the smallest of personal slights
Be irrationally unconcerned about anything that doesn't directly affect you

watch this.

Claim that you're an innocent loving Christian
Be terrified of all brown people, and ignore when their kids get raped.

Your best friend is a Bastard.
Your worst enemy is a bit of a Bastard.
A group of people are those Bastards.

Use mate and cunt interchangeably with a range of inflections implying everything from friendly greeting to inciting violence.

Use chips for both potato crisps and fries, then never confuse the two when discussing it with another Australian, even with no context.

>punching up a baby roo

Real blokes punch them bulky manaroos.

This cunts a fuck.

Being an Australian is deadly fucking business. Unless you want to have an ACTUAL Australian attempt to kill you, remember these 10 things:

1: Using cunt as an insult is very, very dire. Using that as in insult means a fight is imminent unless the situation is defused.

2. Australians hate racism. Like a lot. Saying racist or sexist comments is a great way to make enemies, and a great way to end up in hospital if you're unlucky.

3. Australians hate the government. Never attempt to say anything positive about it.

4. Australians love the government, never say anything negative about it.

5. Australians believe in "Fair Go". Everyone has the right to at least try. Don't say someone can't do something unless it will get someone hurt or destroy property.

6. NEVER EVER TRY TO MAKE AUSTRALIA EXCLUSIVE! Nothing angers Australia like a "With Us or Against Us" mentality.

7. Beer is as God. Do not insult it.

8. Sport is as God. Do not insult it.


10. Australians think that Australia is the best country ever, and anyone who tries to harm it or despoil it must die. Slowly and painfully.

>The arrogant professor smirked quite wogishly
Got me.

>Australians hate racism

Say that to the aboriginals m8

More classism really.
If an Abbo actually pulls his weight and has a job, most people will be fine with him.
It's the lazy bastards who fuck around all day and live on the dole which people hate.
Especially when they bitch about not having as good a life as city dwellers when they live out in the middle of fucking nowhere.