What games have their own alignment stand-ins and why are they better/how are they different from D&D's?

What games have their own alignment stand-ins and why are they better/how are they different from D&D's?

I wonder why /pol/ and Veeky Forums have so much crossover.

sword path glory has a alignment system

The spectrum of Good and Evil is divided into seven Orders, ranked
by color. The lowest Order is neither Good nor Evil, and the highest is
pure Good. Each of the other Orders has an Evil Path and a Good Path.
Characters can accumulate karma points on any Path in any Order (one

Black Order:
No concept of good and eveil. He does not seek to gain karma,
therefore actions have no rhyme or reason. No real drive, goals, or dreams.
This Order does not actually accumulate karma. Any player wishing
to ignore karma can have a Black Order character.

Red Order:
Has a basic concept of Self. No concept of good or evil.
Emotionally limited, caring little for others and having no real
understanding of social structures and restrictions.
If he becomes concerned with his personal existence, he is on the
Path of Survival (Evil). If he recognizes that there is something besides
himself, he takes the first step in enhancing his ego by entering the Path
of Glory (good).
A character pursuing the Path of Glory is making an unconscious
attempt to be Good, but has no real concept of how to go about it.He sees
the world on a physical level only and seeks to place himself at personal
risk. His great flaw is not knowing right from wrong. He will often fight
for the weaker of two forces, unable to distinguish between good and evil.
A character on the Path of Survival is survivor and nothing more.
He follows no cause or principles beyond his own safety and well-being.

It's slowly become part of the greater site culture starting with the end of the srs raid on it.

Green Order:
Can see humanity as a whole. Is aware of social interactions and
has begun to perceive emotions and gratifications beyond pure
self-aggrandizement. Still unable to discern between Good and Evil.
If he recognizes the need for social structures and organizations,
he will enter the PAth of Order. Often sees men as beasts and feels
humanity is only raised to higher levels by the rules and regulations it
devises. Greatest Good for the Greatest Number. Will fight for law and
order, but not necessarily causes that will make things better.
If he believes the mass of restraints in society will bring him
down, he follows the Path of Chaos. Will try to bring those structures
down and rules down that will inhibit him.Rejects the necessity for any
self-sacrifice and wills strive to maintain chaos.

There are a lot of military types who play tabletop games, and /pol/ likes to pretend they're military types.

I always considered allegiances from D20 Modern to be one of the things they got right.

It's gross. Veeky Forums used to be my refuge from all of that garbage, but I'm wondering if I should head over to GitP or something else these days

Blue Order:
Begins to discern between Good and Evil.
If he finds worth in Good, he will find a cause to support, an
individual, ideal, or political cause. This is the PAth of Duty. Is a
follower and will support the cause to the bitter end. Main flaw is
inability to find the Good in himself and cannot accomplish good without
The Path of Subversion is the other side of this Order. Sees the
causes espoused by the Path of Duty as potential threats and will oppose

Silver Order:
Has acheived insight beyond the Blue Order in that he recognizes
the center of Good and Evil as within himself. Attempts to make his soul
one of pure Good or Evil. Good moves to become more selfless and Evil
gives in totally to ambition and power seeking.
The Path of Honor is walked by those who examine the good within
themselves and seek to nurture it in the world. Extremely concerned with
personal honor, and will place himself at risk for it.
One who walks the Path of Power seeks to gain power by taking
others under his sway. He will use a cause to gain leadership and pervert
it to his will. He does not seek to destroy the souls of others, but is
content with material successes.

Gold Order:
Almost pure Good or Evil and can perceive Good and Evil in those
around him. He seeks to further Good or Evil by influencing the souls of
those around him.
The character on the Path of Truth has conquered Self and fights
for ideals without concern for Self. Great altruistic tnedencies, always
gives second chances.
A character on the Path of Corruption seeks the ultimate
power--control over the souls of others.He tries to corrupt all that is
good, beautiful, and true.

White Order:
Has attained Enlightenment and gone beyond considerations of Self
and the physical world. Is by definition Good, for the complete disregard
of Self is completely at odds with Evil. Will passively resist forces of
Evil, realizing that active confrontation defeats his purpose. Path is
theoretically possible but practically impossible; figures are passive and
not suitable for PCs.

I just spent 10000 hours in MS paint crating this alignment chart for a system I've been thinking about. It's supposed to record the primary motivations a character has.
The horizontal axis is about how collectivist or individualistic a character acts. That means, if they always do what society expects of them, or if they don't give a damn and follow their own rules. This sort of runs in line with the Law - Chaos axis from DnD, but it narrows it down to a more graspable concept.
The Loving - Fearful axis (top to bottom) is supposed to reflect the "primary motivations" of sentient beings as postulated by some people (Bill Hicks for example). Love and fear serve as shortcuts for a whole lot of different things here. A purely fearful character would try to get other people and things under their control; to protect themself from harm; to be cautious and attentive in anything they do.
A purely loving character would help others without expecting a reward; always "turn the other cheek"; go with the flow instead of taking special precautions; and try not to accumulate to much wealth that they might lose again.
What do you guys think?

I'll try to give some examples for the resulting alignments.
>Collectivist Loving: Mrs Weasley from the Harry Potter series. Always nice and caring to everyone, but she messes up once after reading a rumor in a newspaper. Losing her family whom she loves is her greatest fear.
>Pure Loving: Luke Skywalker in Episode VI. He goes to face Vader despite his friends trying to hold him back. He refuses to kill the Emperor even when he has the opportunity and he forgives his father and turns him back to the light side.
>Individualist Loving: Snufkin from the Moomins. Always helpful, doesn't own anything that he can't carry on his body, but needs to be alone a lot and always goes south in winter, no matter what his friends think of it.

L5r tracks Honor as influenced by either the code of Bushido, or of Shourido, depending on how you play.

I like it better than Alignment because Honor gives you a concrete, numerical measure of where you are morality-wise, unlike dnd's kind of vague Alignment drift, while Bushido (or Shourido, but mostly Bushido) gives you concrete moral principles to break or follow, unlike Alignment's vague guidelines. It also helps that Bushido and Shourido are much more strongly tied thematically into L5r's setting than Alignment is to most official dnd settings barring perhaps planescape, and certainly more strongly than it's tied to the generic medieval fantasy dnd is so often used for.

Fantasy Craft has Alignments being designed from the ground up by the gm and the players. An Alignment can be a religion, one god within a religion, your mystical birth-constellation, an elemental affinity-- whatever fluff yo udecide fits as source of miraculous abilities. And even then, Alignments don't automatically grant those abilities, simply determine their source should they exist. For non-miraculous classes, Alignment is simply another interest, giving you a bonus to knowledge checks about that particular topic and a bonus to talking to people who have that interest in common.

For miracle-using classes, alignment determine a certain number of your class skills, what your ritual weapon is, and what Paths you can pursue to gain particular spells and abilities.

>I wonder why /pol/ and Veeky Forums have so much crossover.
The idea of building a world where you maintain total control is a very appealing fantasy for the socially inept.

>Colonization is a good thing and is responsible for the modernization of the colonized nations.

>White rapists burning and looting cities, destroying centuries of history and culture are responsible for the advancement of science, art history and civilization as a whole.

>Somehow only Europe was advancing in any way.

I swear to God sometimes.

>Collectivist Balanced: The Pope. His church, his collective, is the most important thing to him. He lives to serve as a medium between his god and his people.
>Pure Balanced: Ted from How I Met Your Mother. He seems to be motivated by collective, individualism, love and fear by roughly equal parts. What a boring character.
>Individualist Balanced: Syd Barrett. His love for drugs turned into a morbid fear for the outside world.

>Colonisation was a murderous rape spree and not a single white person ever tried to help or get along with the natives, and the various peoples weren't glad to be freed from their restrictive caste/monarchic systems, even if the alternative they got wasn't that great by our modern standards.

Colonisation wasn't great, it wasn't awful. It was, like most diverse and broad events spread across such a large period of time, neutral.

Leave your /pol/ out of Veeky Forums, and don't take the bait.

I know I'm a hypocrite, but you don't see me spamming alt-right things all over Veeky Forums

It must be hard for you seeing contrary opinions

Palladium games (Rifts, TMNT, etc...) use their own system of:

Good (Principled or Scrupulous)
Selfish (Unprincipled or Anarchist)
Evil (Miscreant, Abberant, or Diabolic)

It's not a better system, just different and harder to figure out without a big chart to examine first.

What's up with all the furfags on Veeky Forums lately? Did Hiro shut down /mlp/?

/pol/ isn't contrary opinions it's just shitposting and "lol being racist is so funny XDDDDDD"

>Colonization wasn't great, it wasn't awful.
>slaves denied right to life in Barbados
I'm all for excusing practices with might makes right when observing the rise and fall of empires, but significant portions of colonization were really, really awful.

Or well connected charismatic people with some of the means to do so. There's no middle ground there though you're either one or the other.

>furfags in Veeky Forums

Newsflash, furfags have always been in Veeky Forums

Why does every board have to be your personal soapbox? I don't come to /pol/ and hijack threads to talk about 40K or MtG.

Furfags are retarded.

People actually do this though when talking about community and industry drama because idiots think video game industry drama goes on the board for politics instead of the board about video games.

RPGs about ponies still go on /mlp/, no matter how much you whine and throw tantrums.

Because he's a huge faggot.

We should though.

>Collectivist Fearful: Harold's mother from Harold and Maude. She's desperately trying to marry him off, always gets scared by his faked suicides, and even fills in a questionnaire revealing her conservative views.
>Pure Fearful: The average /pol/ user. Terribly afraid of people from other cultures stealing his jerbs, women, and tax moneys. Not individualistic because he esteems his own community so highly; not collectivistic because the views of the sheeple are influenced by the eternal jew.
>Individualist Fearful: Alex Jones. Questions everything, always afraid of everything. Gets mad and yells a lot.

One Marvel RPG had
>Works best alone
>Works best in a duo
>Works best in a team

And it's not for characters, but I've always been a fan of the dark/bright grim/noble axis.