Some kid in my class today had every girls third edition pdf in a google drive folder, where do I find Veeky Forums?

Some kid in my class today had every girls third edition pdf in a google drive folder, where do I find Veeky Forums?


ok I was gonna say, you go to a cool school if all the girls play shit.

>where do I find Veeky Forums
You're already here user.

Sorry, spooling airors. Actually of my best friends that wants to play is actually a grill though

You seem mentally retarded. GURPS probably isn't the best system for you.

This thread has potential.
Are you a third worlder?

>Sorry, spooling airors
*Airors spooling, please stand by*
*now pre-loading headlight fluid*

I see.

>Actually of my best friends that wants to play is actually a grill though
pics or didn't happen

I too have problems airoring my spoolers, OP. Have you been want to see what yet be?

Desists, bastard whoreson.

idk about that, just not super good at getting points across.

"spooling airors" was for ironic purposes.

But it hasn't happened yet

is it a gas or charcoal grill?

are you going to do Girls Third Edition medium rare with it?


Lol, spooling airors aside, I guess what I'm trying to say is, where do I pirate books?

On the high seas, of course.

Self check

You wouldn't pirate propane would you?

Theft is wrong, user.

Let me copy your floppys




