I haven't seen one of these in a while...

I haven't seen one of these in a while. How do you feel about having a good ol' fashioned What I Made / What The DM Saw / What I Played thread, Veeky Forums?

If the DM doesn't understand what you played, then you have failed to communicate.

Made a dumb, pretty boy, southern christian jock who just wanted to get along with people and play football.

DM saw dude bro jackass frat brah

I played a relentlessly kind man who gave up a modelling career to become an unpaid emt to help his fellow hunters. Fellow players thought he was a pacifist until I punched out a werewolf pack with strength 5, brawl 5, boxing 5 merits.

Ayylmao. It was a good SWN campaign. (Amoeboid was a custom alien race)

It's about the difference between the DM's expectations and how you actually played the character.

Fucking Vitalists man.


fuck kenders.

A niche pornstar?

>A niche pornstar?
Looks like a CoC game to me.


Played a Hua Yuan Exterminator in Dark Heresy. Complete with Hong Kong action movie dialogue.



Made a voidmaster thinking I'd just be the pilot/all around get away vehicle. Eventually got a badass suit of power armor that came with a jetpack and an eldar helmet that gave me Fear (I) whenever I killed someone. Now I fly over battles killing 1 person then forcing the entire enemy to make a Fear check, which they mostly fail. The rest of the team will then come in and either mop up or negotiate them down further.

Also I got a Long-Las. So now I'm a fear inducing Reaper/Sniper/Pilot.

Forgot to clarify, we're playing Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader.

Average cthulhu game.

Not enough fur or horse dongs

Those Stats? 3d6, in order, rolled in public view with the same dice as everyone else. As long as I live I will never see a block that statistically aberrant again.

It's also worth mentioning that this was everyone's first D&D game, we were all 14, and I was the only boy in the mix.

This man has it.

Kashima is CUTE

Wow. I rolled an AD&D Paladin once on 3d6 and that wasn't as unlikely as this. This set of rolls must be on the same order as winning the lottery.

Fun street level romp :3



All Guardsmen Party?


Yeah, I don't have anything new to add to these threads so I just keep reposting our old stuff when it looks like they need a bump.

That was a crazy game.

D&D 5e. It was glorious.



Mythic? Is this you, Tak?

Apparently the only monks in existence at this point are some Shaolin motherfuckers, since the GM was completely unable to wrap his head around the concept of western monk that has nothing to do with fighting


TPK one-shots are great fun

I like you

Have we...met?

Felt the party would need someone to make sure we don't run out of food while adventuring, but didn't want to go with the homebrew race GM pushed on everyone. After a lot of bullshit, nearly dying at least three times to many different things, and just getting the shit beat out of him physically and emotionally, he's somehow become the party diplomancer and High Master of Hugs

>see picture
>notice the shemale logo
>enjoy even more


I made a fist wizard skeleton. Things have been getting out of hand.

Please tell pic has happened.

>skeletal normal punches

pic has indeed happened. Many things have happened. I'm about to have a capoeira sparring match with the god of war.

also, have another person I made but never posted here due to reasons

I should have never bought that acid flamethrower. The party needed DPS so badly they basically treated as a walking murder platform with an accent. Then I kinda got shoehorned into being a force user during our christmas episode. Man, all I wanted was to be Antonio Banderas in space.


Definitely fun

Storytiem please.

I agree, story please.




Who is that QT knight?


Leelee Sobieski in "In the Name of the King". Shit film, but really nice costumes


The best part is - everyone but DM got the joke

3 spooky 5 me


What else it could be?

Most fun game I've been a part of, sucks that internal drama made it fall apart, but that's what happens when the GM has fucked half the girls in the group.

I... have no idea who are any of those. Nor what were you even trying to play. Please explain

>not recongizing three popular fictional characters

That's kind of surprising considering what else is posted in this thread.

First is Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy. Second is Jayne Cobb from Firefly. Third is Kamina from Gurren Lagann.



I got the first two but the third I still had to look up to see if it wasn't just a stand-in for "I went super-weeb with this"

... and that means...?

Are you at least aware that if I don't know any of those, their names tell me exactly nothing?

I'm just glad my group is flexible and have the agency to play in an open world environment.
also put up with my bullshit.

>considering what else is posted in this thread

Most of the stuff in this thread works on principle of general ideas about characters. You've made a compilation of three specific characters, that, unless the characters are known, read like this: Dude, Other Dude, Anime Character.

Hell, some guy posted things from Hard Boiled and Kung-Fu Hustle, but the sole images used for it explain how things went without even knowing any of those two.
The guy doing post-apo? Comes from the context.
Constantine/Van Helsing/Battle Pope? Again, comes from the context, because you don't need to know Constantine for it to work.

Your post? I've got nothing

Shadowrun went differently than everyone expected.

I read as Made "Dude who at least thinks he's suave", DM saw "Rough and dorky dude" Played "Maximum Weeb". Which isn't super-interesting but it at least tells a story.

>maximum weeb

I'll admit, I made the image poorly, but Kamina is very different from that. No image can capture just how much bravado and manly soul the man has; the show is completely bonkers, and he's the craziest part.

>Ripping anime characters
>Making WIP images out them

>judging all anime as bad

I get that it's cool to hate on anime, but where the fuck do you think you are?

It has nothing to do with bashing anime, you dumb cunt.
It's about ripping characters off, nigger

What makes mine "ripping off" but yet the other WIPs not? I don't get what you're trying to say. Also don't just swear randomly, it makes you sound like a child.

Honestly? I have no idea who that character (I assume you mean the one in the middle image) is, other than the most fitting google image result for "Bishie Sparkles"

>D-don't swear, user
Seriously, nigger?

You rip the character whole, then started to gush about it. As already different user pointed out, everyone else in this thread TOOK FUCKING INSPIRATION. You meanwhile are proud of ripping off the character whole.

Fucking marvelous!

>You rip the character whole, then started to gush about it

discord group

Can you both please shut up and leave this thread alone? Thank you.


>Constantine/Van Helsing/Battle Pope? Again, comes from the context, because you don't need to know Constantine for it to work.

Yes, you fucking do. If you don't know who Constantine is, that picture just says "guy with no facial expressions wearing a suit"

>Anime girl with gun
>Anime girl


... and the rest two images give the context, so?
>Guy in a suit
>Some cliche hunter dude with crossbow
>Super with huge "BATTLE POPE" over it
Gee, I wonder what character it could be... oh, right, more and more crazy versions of monster hunter!

That's how context works.

Ho boy... I'm not saying the film was worth watching, but lets say you are not even close

This is the very reason why I was unable to take the remake/prequel of The Thing seriously - I was constantly wondering dafuq Ramona is doing among all those guys.

Mekton Zeta
> "I can hit the broad side of a barn. . . and get out of the way when that broad side tries to hit back"

>Khornate soldier/murderhobo from the ass end of the north hence stark/slav iconography
>Ow the Edge SexDrugsViolence with some trickster and soldier elements
>Hardass religious berserker and a random anime

>Bishonen fighter pilot
>A random anime
>Postapocalyptic drifter

>Magical Realm-ish gun chick
>"Oh, you're playing a chick?"
>Lost, Confused, and Afraid

>Lost and confused member of the Illuminati
>Quirky/insane pirate
>... some businessman or something

>Wide-eyed beardy guy
>Older, more dour beardy guy
>Some dude who got too close to a teslacoil for his hair's good

So, how close am I?


>lost, confused, and afraid

Pretty dead on.

>and a random anime
I was subtle about that one, perhaps too subtle.


Love your orckimber, bro

did your gm know ahead of time?

GM did, fellow players didn't.

how'd that play out?

Reasonably well, they obliviously ignored the most blatant hints. Later I even conspired with GM and had them meet the character in more .. suitable attire (under GM control, not to give up the ruse). Being party beatstick was fun too.

The actual reveal was rather anti-climatic, but hey, it was fun while it lasted.

> Court intrigue game, made a princess from notChina. Considerably more subtle than the GM thought.