Character name thread

post the name of your character and have other anons post character art they feel go with the names

I'll start: Flynn Corbin

Willy "Buster" Kilrain

Issstarii Ingeir Ta Lethalar Terliska ('Ista' for short)

Bonderia Kon

Torin Dorgurin

Yan Silvergun


Zonas Matza

Benedict Cumberbatch

Richard Steers


Or alternatively the one cowboy looking dude with a chest and arm of a revolver, which i can't find at the moment.



Cibyl Runehallow
He's getting a disguising spell soon, so I need a new face to describe his as anyway!

Sanjiv Hideaki



North Alistair

Chadwick Gatwood



You know you want to.

Thadian Alkavits

Sho-Jin Jiang




Rei Ruari

Dencroft of the Wight

Lancelot Derringer.


Sir Ravadon the Vibrant


Yandris Erassian

Sir Tharamon of house Gremory


William Carver

Beatrice Drachenkrieg

2nd lieutenant Wulstan Tempest
Named after the RAF pilot who shot down a zeppelin


Raegan Halmar

Calvin Trass





Here's the actual art I got in a drawthread for Calvin, the hat is a nice touch though.




Edgar Salvador

Rolanna Siannodel.

Lanselot Wyrmsbane

Roland Argo



Raven, God of Fortune.


Now, I think it's like a fifty fifty here on whether he kills dragons or is telling stories about supposedly having killed dragons for attention.

I've gone for the former but you could have like a foppish young swordsman or a bardish sorta guy.


Cudgil Wrathbone

Nena Herzog.


Hastus Tupper


Maxim "Xyzzy" Tong.

>Mostly cause you had LOBOS in the name

Andragosa Kyrbos (Male)


Definitely Zhang Wenhao

Cedric Everetts

Silvanus Eldon

Antonio Bryn Calaudra

Brutus McConnery.

Mera Azure

Johann Zephyr

Aldre Nigkt



Taavi Firuz

Viktor Grey

Celindir Galanodel

Roah Enven

Vyacheslav Molotov

Johnny "Curveball" Madeson

Ribold of Sadaranth

Jack Joseph Johnson

Michael to his friends


Dwyamian Dwayne

Isaiah Wolf

Ingjald Cold-Heart

Derrin Doveheart.


Lucan Blackstorm

Sejanus Shadowhorn

Elium Stranter

Bolghar Battle-Beard

Arren Forester

Tt01z3n Divinic0us m4chic0us th3 first

Los Primero