Explain to me why Kroots are the coolest Xenos race in 40k

Explain to me why Kroots are the coolest Xenos race in 40k

Because they are a race of cannibal mohican mercenaries who can free run through trees and cover like in assassins creed.

Also, lever action plasma rifles.

Because dey are brahs.

Neat, are there any more offical fluff about xenos aiding humans?

It would be pretty cool to show that fight on the tabletop. An unbound list consisting of the Obsidian Knight, a force from the Veeky Forums made Kroot Mercenaries codex, ratling snipers and one or two imperial guard platoons fighting against... I have no idea who made the mirror or how to represent them.

I guess either Necrons or Dark eldars can work

I was always hoping for a new separate codex for the kroot (they used to have one in the 3rd edition), but sadly it never happened.
>eat necrons
>get resurrection for 4+

What do Kroots feel about the other Tau client races? like vespids, Demiurgs, etc..

They do not give a fuck about most things actually. Or at least I never rear anything.

not ratlings, ratings. Navy sailors not hobbits.

Who said the ratings aren't ratlings?

Drop an 'o', drop the 't', then switch 'o' and 'k'.

They don't need a codex, GW just needs to pull its head out of its ass and release free supplement rules, including a Tau Auxiliaries supplement. It'd get people to actually buy the things.

they lay eggs

More like; They vomit eggs

They also reproduce via backrubs.

They probably feel they would be best served with some ketchup

Beat me too it. Damn.

More like one of their internal organs morphs into an egg that they then hawk up.

>eating a body made of living metal that probably teleports away before you even reach it
There seems to be a flaw in your plan, user...

>976.M41 The Feast of Steel
>The Sautekh Dynasty expands into Tau space and invades the Kroot-held world of Caroch. Though the Kroot win the first engagements, their attempt to dine upon the living metal of their victims has hideous results as a nano-scarab plague sweeps through their ranks

A big one.

>Obsidian Knight
What or who is that?

This guy

>>Obsidian Knight
>What or who is that?
Eh is big and smacks tau and doesn't afraid of anything

They have:
Genuinely alien biology (what with the DNA absorption, weird musculature, reproduction via backrubs and regurgitating eggs...). Plus with their digitigrade legs, beaks, crests of quills and so on, they actually look inhuman and not cartoony.
A mindset that's weird enough that they aren't just 'humans plus X', makes sense for their role and biology, and is still vaguelly relatable
An aesthetic that's fairly unique in 40k (techno-primitive survivalists, with massai and native american influences)
An overall feel that's not massively overblown. Orks are a 'zomg so awesome jolly warfare ORKZ ORKS ORKZ IS DA BEST' caricature, eldar are elves in space with all the 'ancient noble beautiful beings who are smarter and prettier and more artistic and faster than you' mary sue shit, even if they also come in Clown-o-vision and edgy-o-vision. Tau, to be honest, come across as a mixture of 'basically modern humans' and techwankery. Wheras kroot are actually given some nuance and characterization beyond having to be the MOST AWESOME THING EVAR for the 40kids.

I dunno, I just really dig them. Their a bit of low-key weirdness in a setting where everything has to be over the top awesome.