Horus Heresy General /hhg/

With the Force of The Hopes And Dreams of Humanity Edition
I got Dark Angels in green, black, and bone-white Sub-Edition
In the old bread we talked more about our dudes more(keep it up) and the glorious Klovis the Redeemer, something stupid didn't happen, talk on the Talon of Horus(the good one not the book) was made, discussion on just how weird the SWs are showed up, we talked about the Emperor's art and Iron Warriors things, fluff changes on the BTs showed up, and the question on why from black to green was asked plus more in the old thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com/download/1lprm5vd99yafa3/
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr/usearch/"Forge World" heresy user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg

Other urls found in this thread:


>reverse harem anime featuring bishonen versions of the primarchs
This needs to be a thing

*reposting from the old thread*
I read a few articles now. Poor Albania.
Now I'm thrilled about defensive strategies. Albany's lots of bunkers per square mile. Russia's Scorched Earth policing. Or the "I call it Switzerland" National Redoubt.

Srsly, Switzerland was fortified by both the IW (all the self-destructing bridges) and the AL (most of it is hidden).

What could be an example of an Imperial Fist fortification on actual Earth? The Chinese Wall? The Maginot Line?

The sad thing about fortifications is that they can be bypassed, and now there exist bunker-buster munitions :( Let us fortify.

First for Volkite, the only weapon truly worthy for the legions

>who is the Nod legion?

I'm now grateful Chaos-pattern baldness also removed all chances of evil moustaches and goatees. Suffer, heretics.

>The sad thing about fortifications is that they can be bypassed
Well there are two points on that, not really, and when it is possible, that is the point.
Take the Maginot line for example, there were plans to extend it to the channel which were shot down because Belgium hated the idea of the next world war taking place in Belgium. Beyond that Czechslovakia built a massive series of fortifications that Hitler would have had no means to bypass. Unfortunately for the Czechs it didn't matter anyway when they bowed to Franco-British pressure and surrendered the sudetenland without a fight. Czechslovakia was actually one of the best prepared countries for war in 1938.

Point two is that defences are often meant to be bypassed, they exist as hard points to funnel the opponent into positions you want them to go. For example lets say two countries share a border. Half the border is flat open plains the other half is full of swamps and bogs. One country might fortify the flat part of the country to force their opponent to attack through the swamplands, slowing their advance and allowing them time to prepare for a counter-attack.

So, the best fort is the one you never use? But muh ammo dumps!

If this a your dudes day I might as well post my dudes concept.

>Khan Fan Wu-jiu "The Bandit"
Originally born in a village after it was razed by the Khan when he was conquering Chogoris. He was eventually chosen as an aspirant but had bit of a chip on his soldier about the whole rape and pillage of his people thing and basically acts like a total monster once he achieved the rank of Khan. Since clearly the Khan is down with the brutal subjugation of people who do not capitulate, he figures he is going to go full Genghis Khan/Angron/Night Lords on them despite the Khan having mellowed out after finding the out about the Universe at large. He ends up getting sent away for his excess to the smaller expedition fleet 1219 with a minder and to act as a liaison with with the small World Eaters detachment that is also part of the fleet.

>Stormseer Xie Bi-an (Formerly Hector Burke before the discovery of the Khan and his renaming) "The Burnt"
A Terran Librarian that is put in charge of Fan Wu-jiu because of Wu-jiu's dick-bag tendencies. He got the title of Burnt because he specializes in Biomancy and once smashed a tank from a non-compliant world so hard it blew up in his face, scarring his face with melted tank. Despite being the type of person who thinks punching tanks open is a good idea, he acts as Wu-jiu's counsel and keeps him for the most part in check.

I haven't started work on my WE detachment yet so I haven't created a dude for them yet but he is going to be the devil of Wu-Jiu's shoulder to Bi-an's "Angel".

>So, the best fort is the one you never use?
Not quite, it depends on the exact design, although I suppose you could say that is true for the purpose for avoiding conflict.

Take for example two different series of fortifications, the Maginot line and whatever the Czech fortifications were named. The Maginot line only protected the Franco-German border, but France had zero beliefs that Germany would attack through the Franco-German border even if the Maginot line, the German strike was presumed to eventually come from northern Belgium (after Germany invaded Belgium obviously). The purpose of the Maginot line was less of a shield or a funnel than a force multiplier. Germany had a much higher population than France so France hoped that by building the Maginot line they would need much fewer soldiers to garrison it than they would otherwise need to cover that area. In effect 100 dudes could garrison a section of the line that would have required 1000 soldiers to have the same overall defensive capabilities.

The Czech fortifications on the other hand protected pretty much all of the German-Czech border including the border with what was Austria before the German annexation and part of the Hungarian border. Its main purpose was to either outright dissuade the Germans from invading or making their invasion as slow and costly as possible. Unlike with France Germany had no real countries to invade to access the less defended parts of Czechslovakia. So unlike with the Maginot line it was less of a funnel or force multiplier to allow soldiers to be moved elsewhere and just a series of defences, the Czechs assumed that had war broken out Germany would have assaulted the defences directly to breach them and invade the interior of Czechslovakia.

You know, Jhagathai Khan's title is "the Khagan", so you could use that in order to avoid confusion over who's Khan and who's the Khan.

But they call their captains Khans too right?

I could but I enjoy the insanity of having his name also be the title of the captain-rank equivalent so you end up with a "who's on first" scenario. Imagine if the other legions functioned that way.

"Fulgrim, the Fulgrim will be arriving soon so we have to make sure we have the correct doilies out otherwise you will be the laughing stock of the other Fulgrims."

>I am Alpharius

Speaking of trench warfare, if I want to build a wall can I take the fortifications in the main rulebook and use them as-is? I couldn't see anything specified in LACAL about not being able to do so, but I might be retarded, blind, or a gay jewish midget.

I wanted to grab an Imperial Bastion and stick a heavy weapons squad in there, or maybe some rapiers

This more likely than we think.

So they fall within two main categories then: Deterrents and Strongholds. I think the tabletop's examples would fall within the second category, akin to the Atlantic Wall, although tank traps and tanglewire could be seen as deterrents, to funnel the enemy towards the Stronghold and deny stuff like Flamer tanks and such.

These threads have been very informative, with stuff like list-making, the viability of Despoilers, scoring options and now fortress concepts. Keep it up /hhg/!

And tone down the bias towards your own comments, thread-summary user ¬¬

Don't worry user, you won't find any contempt from me for being a retarded blind gay jewish midget. Here, have one.

They do.
I think Khan was added to his name after he became the leader of his tribe, and Khagan later on as he became the leader of all the tribes of Chogoris.

Cool, thanks. I couldn't see why it shouldn't be a thing, is it just not covered in LACAL then? I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually use fortifications besides aegis lines, and never really seen them as part of 30k lists. Bastions are fairly inexpensive and seem pretty useful, though.

I did a quick scan of Lexicanum (I know) any they never clarify if it was his name or title. I am inclined to agree with you but this is the same company that has Ferrus Manus as the leader of the Iron Hands and Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists. I do not find it hard to believe that they named him "Khan" then realized they wanted to milk the whole space mongol thing.

>is it just not covered in LACAL then?
You see, Book 4 has a section called "The Battles of the Age of Darkness: EXPANSION". So does the Taghmata Red book (called "Updated Expansion"), both of them published after LACAL. It's a clusterfuck, I know. That's why I won't buy the physical copies: because they're a clusterfuck editions ridden with wrong rules and errata.

I think Bastions are in Stronghold, so they're perfectly legal to use.

>Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists
How is this Iron Hands of the Iron Hands and his Iron Hands tier

>And tone down the bias towards your own comments, thread-summary user ¬¬
I've been so blind nowadays. Time to commit seppuku.

Form is Irish/Celtic for fist. Not quite Ferris manus level but he is basically named Royal Fist.

Damn auto correct

How is Dorn worse than Corvus? Is Caw Caw not Ferrus tier? Corvus Corax. Sire of the Raven Guard.

>I think the tabletop's examples would fall within the second category, akin to the Atlantic Wall, although tank traps and tanglewire could be seen as deterrents, to funnel the enemy towards the Stronghold and deny stuff like Flamer tanks and such.
Not inherently. While that tends to be the most common design due to relative simplicity (killing shit is easier than luring people to places where you can kill them with other shit) but one could use fortifications on a tactical level to control enemy movement outside of tank traps and stuff. For example set up some tarantula guns and HWS hiding in cover and set up their firing arcs so that the enemy has a piece of cover where the guns can't reach them (eg. a LOS blocking building). The enemy will instinctively flock to there allowing you to bomb them with phosphex to hamper their movement and use barrage weapons to inflict losses on them where they thought that they were safe.

Not a perfect system since the game doesn't have real rules for pre-sighting artillery and mortar fire, but should work well enough, especially with phosphex to make movement worse for them.

This talk of fortifications is making me want to field an Imperial Fists army with the sole goal of digging in and devastating anyone who approaches me.

He probably wasn't aware of that one.

Come to think of it, GW is absolute shit at coming up with original names. I mean, the spess mehreen-iest spess mehreens are called the Ultramarines and their armor is... wait for it... ULTRAMARINE BLUE

>tfw legion has one of the least retarded primarch names and no obvious nudges
Emperor's Children truly are the greatest legion.

Do it. Make a better version of the Iron Cage.
Makes me feel better about some of my own dudes. May have to change the color scheme of one of them, but so long as no one holds me to a fault for having a color scheme similar to the Angels of Redemption the Children of the Night are a go.

Has anyone here made a Zone Mortalis field using a CNC laser for metal? 'Cause me and my brother have two BaCs and I have a machine at my disposal, including skills and material.

What's that? You want GW make you eat those words?

>In effect 100 dudes could garrison a section of the line that would have required 1000 soldiers to have the same overall defensive capabilities.
Fortifications are pretty effective force multipliers, there's no denying that.
Though the quallity of the opposing force didn't help.

One thing I've realised, I don't generally read the scenarios from the FW books much - how good are they, in general?

In the same vein, do you guys prefer pitched battles or scenarios, and do you ever write your own in / use houserules?
the talk of the Hades last thread, and the giving an Achilles phosphex shells in the thread before, they got me thinking

Too bad that in the grim darkness of the far furute your primarch is just full grim.

Oh I have to use this for my French DA successor chapter.


my favorite was one my dad and I made about a tyranid fleet about to fuck over a lush world with a khornate ward on it. Dark Eldar being opportunistic fucks, Imperial Navy trying to hold off the Tyranids, Eldars wanting to get the fuck out of dodge but not trusting the Dark Eldar not to fuck things up.


Thinking of having My Dudes in my WE force be members of the 16th Company, "The Towers", a force that was operating somewhere in the Halo Stars.
They Saw Some Shit out there (thinking of giving my Praetor a fancy close combat weapon they looted) and were coming back for resupply and recruitment. They end up slap bang in the middle of the Heresy, though I'm not sure if I want to fluff them as Loyalists or Traitors.
Any cool close combat weapons to recommend? I remember seeing someone suggested a Bloodthirster axe...
I was thinking of doing something like pic related for their heraldry, not sure on the background for it, if not the normal blue.

I'm not sure what would a be a proper 30k related title for this one.
There's material for loyalist siding. Seeing their brothers falling to excessive butchery and that their papa is now a big red daemon would probably make them stay loyal.


Any ideas for an alternative head for Fulgrim?

I pray for Italy's sake that the Age of Strife toughen them up so Texas wouldn't have to pick up all the slack when the Emperor needed recruits for the Storm Walkers.

The one he stole from Ferrus

Actually IIRC it is something like Ful is danish for ugly and Grim is Swedish for ugly. Or something like that. Still a hell of a lot more subtle than Ferrus Manus or Corvus Corax.

What did the Legions do for deciding who got put into what Dreadnought? Whatever was closer at the time, drew straws, rank and deeds of the dying marine, or do marines list what pattern of dreadnought they want to be put into?

Yeah, I can imagine some World Eaters would be pissed that Angron mutilated their minds, then mutilated the legion with his corruption.
Also any suggestions or improvements to the heraldry would be appreciated. I wanted to put a crown of fire around the top, below the eye like ramparts, but I wasn't sure how to go about it.

I would guess it is based off of rank and status with weapons depending on their role in life. An assault sergeant or melee oriented captain might get dual CCWs, a former heavy support marine might get a pair of ranged weapons.

>Also any suggestions or improvements to the heraldry would be appreciated. I wanted to put a crown of fire around the top, below the eye like ramparts, but I wasn't sure how to go about it.
Maybe put a maw like the WE symbol around the eye. As for the crown I'm too tired to think on that, m8.

So Siege Breakers would become Leviathans right?

The thread theme:

Currently reading through volume 6, love seeing the transition from secular bringer of enlightenment to the superstitious, fatalistic murder-monks I know and love.

Also now getting the urge to do a blackshield army featuring old rogue trader miniatures, a small elite force of psychotic rogue trader-style warriors that pop up to push in traitor shit.

>Loyalist Death Guard stuck in a crater on Istvaan
>Outnumbered, outgunned, the end is here and so is Mortarion
>Suddenly Phosphex starts raining and this starts playing.
>Its a loyalist battery.

Correct, in one dark angels book a former marksman was given a lascannon.

While searching around for a head for Night Haunter I found this one. Looks like Fulgrim's art in my opinion.

Too angry, looks like the Emperor.

Leviathans are extremely hard to pilot so probably only the most strong-willed get put in them.

Dreadnought arms are interchangeable so they're not set in role.

Are Figma the right scale?

>one could use fortifications on a tactical level to control enemy movement outside of tank traps and stuff
One could set up a ficticeous "safe" spot vulnerable to concentrated barrage fire, but tank traps and the like would still be necessary to prevent the correct utilization of drop pods and bikes, so that the only non-difficult terrain would be easily flooded with phosphex. After all, how does one create a deterrent funnel but by flanking the space with strongholds?

>This talk of fortifications is making me want to field an Imperial Fists army with the sole goal of digging in and devastating anyone who approaches me.
>Not an Iron Warrior multilevel razorwire phosphex fortification.
To each their own, I guess.

I love this, great work user.
My take:
>Phall system
>Imperial Fist and Iron Warrior ships hunt each other through the void
>This plays as the Iron Blood seeks it's way through the silent mayhem to find the opposing capital ship

I don't believe it. The Primarch that went full grim first is actually Ugly Ugly of the Emperor's Children? Whyyyyy

Have you ever held a miniature? Figma are like Riptide sized.

Never seen a Figma in real life.

Big Head 30k Army?

I actually like the character of Iron Warriors more but I feel like Imperial Fists would be more logical and aesthetically pleasing alongside my loyalist Emperor's Children. Besides loyalist Iron Warriors are overdone as hell.
>Be Perturabo
>Get my legion, it is the shittiest
>Decimate them and use threats to make them better, failures are decimated
>Decide to support Horus in the Heresy
>Massive amounts of my legion remain loyal

Besides my EC are heavy in Palatine Blades which would look good fighting alongside some Templars.

Why is his name Ugly if he's so pretty

Well he does get headshotted.

I'll never know. Perhaps it was a heads up for his eventual demise as snek primarch.

Hilarious that his actions didn't even accomplish anything because Black Library is retarded.

It's just a little hard to imagine "the good guys" using phosphex and stuff. Like Ultramarine Destroyers. But IF can keep up the EC's pace in the duel game, so it fits. Fortify the battlefield, son of Dorn!

>Killing Lucius
Messing with the EC is just a matter sports nowadays, unless he killed your primarch or something.

What's the orange legion in the pic?

A huge part of the issue with the HH series is that nothing anyone does has real meaning since we know what is going to happen. Saul and Garro were somewhat interesting but after that they kept making more and more characters who served no real purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Also what the fuck is the point of Lucius? He loses constantly which makes me wonder why anyone even cares about him and why he is even of note.

Thousand Sons? Only one missing.

Ah yeah the colour threw me off

>Also what the fuck is the point of Lucius?
He used to be a super amazing swordsman.

Now he's Wolverine, Worf, Vegeta, and the Undertaker combined.

I doubt the claim that the Germans lost more men sieging Pavlov's house for two whole months than on the battle for Paris. Still, 25 men holding for two months against lots of tanks, men and artillery...it's like those germans weren't even trying.

So what're we expecting to release tomorrow?



Post primarchs and their songs

>everyone look at my shitty taste in music that I'm trying to shoehorn into [insert Veeky Forums game]

Guess who's song is this youtube.com/watch?v=no0HN7-Ra8o
Protip: He smiles like this >:(

So uh, I normally visit /k and /out
I just recently was told /tg was for tabletop.
And uh, I am a Space Goats player.
I am modelling my units as 30k SW.
Going for a dark grey look, but with my own unique fluff (I wrote a little in high school and college) and a simplified symbol.
My question is, do you think that in a 40k game, it is acceptable to use the unbound mechanic to use a Legion Heavy Support Squad armed with Heavy Flamers alongside a 40K SW group? (Because 30k rules aren't out yet)

Essentially, a standard SW battle group, just instead of having a Long Fangs unit, I use the 30k rules and get me some sweet sweet Flamers.
(I play against 'Nids and IG A LOT and have had great success using flamers in my Grey Hunters units)

>My question is, do you think that in a 40k game, it is acceptable to use the unbound mechanic to use a Legion Heavy Support Squad armed with Heavy Flamers alongside a 40K SW group? (Because 30k rules aren't out yet)


Also reading about the loyalists going off the deep end and deciding outdo the traitors in terms of craziness and forbidden weapons.

The though of traitors getting beaten at their own game gives me the most Imperial of justice-boners.

That's a Word Bearer if I ever saw one. Have faith

Even in book 4, you have Autek Mor and the Merry Men jury-rigging nukes to blow every city on a mining world into irradiated wastelands because they didn't fight the Traitors hard enough.

Seriously, the Heresy must have awakened the guy's latent desire to hatefuck every planet the Traitors so much as glance at.

Daily reminder that Italy has still won more world wars than Germany.

Does it really count if you defect to join the winning side midway through?

Ask the Dark Angels :^)

Here's an Alpha Legion battle.

Are Kakophoni worth it with the new rite of war?

Ugly on the inside, user, ugly on the inside. So deep.

How open are you guys with proxy models? Given that it's not something ridiculous as plastic cup = drop pod.

Almost all my Imperial Army are scratchbuilt from a mix of historical japanese plastics, mixed with FW Deth Korps Guns.

I've also made a few scratchbuilt homemade tanks for the Legions as well, including the Thor Tank Destroyer and Mjolnir Siege Cannon.

Proxies or counts-as? Proxies are fine, as long as you're not using them every game for like six months. At some point I'd like my opponents to put effort into the bare minimum requirement of actually having models to play with. But for counts-as or conversions? I'll play against anything, especially if it looks good.

Bit of both, but I was thinking something like Techmarine with Devastator lascannon and saying "please treat it as having conversion beamer." of sort. Guess it's more of count-as.

Never. I also only play fully painted models.

It's suffering.

They are amazing.
Now with 2 shots instead of 1 and Relentless, they can really do stuff. Also they are troops, so they are scoring.

When the fuck is the mastodon coming out

I have a mighty need