okay Veeky Forums lets talk about an overused cliche: ZOMBIES

I really want to run a zombie campaign, I have for years. I love the idea of ammo scarcity, high-lethality (like dead-in-one-gunshot lethality) and the sandbox freeformness of such a campaign. I mean, you can go to the evac camp, or try to strike out on your own, or try to find lost family, try to build a new world, etc.. Plus it's a good way to get "normies" into RPGs cause they all want to try out their ebin zombie survival plan.

Plus huge zombie battles let me use my 100 plastic glow in the dark zombie miniatures. And there's something fun about them being picked off one by one but slowly closing in. I think it'd be a fun battle to play on a grid. I've done it in fantasy games and it's worked out well.

But my issue is practicality. A zombie apocalypse as it is in Max Brooks world or in the Walking Dead, just isn't practical. I will explain more in the next post since I hit character limit.

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I think I know what you're talking about. Why would so much of the world fall to the plague as to create the giant hordes seen in Zombie movies, right? I think 28 Days Later solved some of that problem by making the zombies faster.

Note that I say practical, not realistic. Obviously zombies aren't realistic.

But ignoring fantastical elements and ignoring practical elements are different. Most people are okay with a dragon in Game of Thrones; but if an untrained human child beat a dragon with a wooden dagger, people would call bullshit. There's a distinction.

So the slow-moving headshot zombies have a lot of issues. I think Max Brooks zombies rate 1/10 on the practicality scale. They are slow, and infection takes nearly 24 hours. Plus... wouldn't the zombies eat the person anyway? So death relies on accidental bites. Also, the players are alive because they are somehow better than 99% of the human population, including the military. I have said this to every zombie fan I've ever met; if something is dangerous enough to kill 99% of the human population and create an apocalyptic scenario, it is probably going to kill you, too. If it it's something that you could survive, like the stereotypical slow walking headshot zombie, then it probably wouldn't be able to take over the world.

On the other end of the spectrum, Left 4 Dead had by far the most "practical" zombie apocalypse I've ever seen. Ignore the weird-ass special infected and ridiculous character durability. The main characters are alive because they are immune; most people turn when they catch the airborne disease. The zombies can be killed normally but take a few more shots to kill than a regular person. I assume they eat corpses, but that's okay because they don't need to spread by biting. So there is good reason for society being wiped out, but the characters surviving.

I agree. Though I think if a lot of the world fell victim to it, infrastructure collapse would take the rest.

So for the zombie campaign I am hoping to run, I want to have faithful-ish Max Brooks headshot zombies that shamble along at about human walking speed, about as fast as you could limp with a sprained ankle.

But the zombies NEED a buff of some kind. They aren't going to get away with the Yonkers bullshit where they can take grenade blasts because "muh headshot", and the whole "army can't hit a headshot cause center mass training" crap. No, in a straight up fight, the army might have issues adjusting but they should be able to take on hundreds of zombies. If the initial infection "event" is not at least thousands of victims, the plague is not going to get anywhere.

So here are my ideas:

> some kind of blood donation accident / bloodborne infection of some kind as the initial vector. Maybe a zombie fell into the water supply. Or something. I've always thought of a zombie infection as basically HIV, so I am trying to think of ways HIV could be transmitted to shit-tons of people at once.

> fast turn time of maybe 30 minutes or so. Maybe less. So someone who is bitten has just minutes before they turn

> no idea how to solve the "zombies eating their potential new zombies" issue. My guess is they would feed a little bit then leave a mostly intact corpse, but even that doesn't make sense. Might ahve to handwave it.

What do you think? Any ideas ? Have any of you had success running your own zombie campaigns?

Walking Dead also kind of addresses this problem, by saying that literally anyone that dies will come back as a zombie if they don't get their head destroyed.

I think L4D is your best bet though.

The Out Of Character time limit does sound like an interesting mechanic, I like the idea of it. Might be tricky getting a good balance between urgency and not.

I'd suggest this website to help loadouts

>Pic related
>Its my kit, with a silencer added.

Awesome loadout. If you actually own the G3 I am jelly as fuck.

I like innawoods and might use it for ideas on items. It's going to be the "oh you want to eat? Well what food are you eating / using up" kind of game, I want starvation to be a real threat. Especially after a few months when most non-canned-food has gone bad and most of the Walmarts have been raided or burned to the ground.

The issue with the Walking Dead method, in my opinion, is that it cheapens the zombies themselves as a threat by making the bite just a fatal blow not the spreader of disease. Also because with proper preparation it would be easy to shut down; it would rely on a lot of public misinformation to be a threat. Which is a real problem... lots of people still don't know about not leaving buckets out in mosquito season to collect water, despite giant-ass PSA budgets...and Max Brooks always uses the AIDS response analogy, but that's more because people didn't give a fuck about gays back then. i still don't know if Max Brooks is actually gay or has a gay friend who died of AIDS or what.

Mix the zombies a bit, recently turned zed are the 28 Days Later kind, fast, aggressive, if after a few days/weeks without eating they start breaking down which turns them into the regular walkers.

The bite doesn't kill you outright but you get an infection that will kill you if you don't get medical care/meds.

Anyways, I'm not dismissing TWD's method. Only saying that it's not my favorite.

The elements I want to preserve most are:

> slow (but not dead standstill slow, just not running)
> headshot
> bite as primary infection vector, at least past the initial victims
> fast turn time (ripped off from computer game contagion where if you get hurt by the zombies you actually might turn into one over the course of a few minutes), probably 10 to 30 minutes, maybe 1d6x10 minutes mechanics-wise.

My issues are coming up with a way for thousands of people around the world to be infected all at once, and thinking of ways to keep this practical so people won't call bullshti on it. Or at least as little as possible.

It's not a G3, it's a Centry Arms International, basically an old ass PTR 91.

I read that as
>A zombie apocalypse as it is in Mel Brooks world

I like that idea of them becoming slower over time. Could make the early days kill a lot of people, but still allow for a traditional zombie apocalypse later on for the survivors. Good idea user, thanks.

I must abandon thread because I have work in the morning but I have it bookmarked so i will check tomorrow and read all the ideas. Thanks in advance for any replies!

>no idea how to solve the "zombies eating their potential new zombies" issue. My guess is they would feed a little bit then leave a mostly intact corpse, but even that doesn't make sense. Might ahve to handwave it.

Zombies bite, they don't eat. There you go.

>A beating heart
>Pumping blood
>Oxygenated blood
>Warm blood
>Unspoiled meat
>Virus hitting a critical levels in the body doing something to any of the above

Any of these could be a reason why the zombies go after live ones.

>My issues are coming up with a way for thousands of people around the world to be infected all at once
Natural disaster is the best reason for a zombie apocalypse.
Mega earthquakes that destroyed key infrastructure systems THEN the dead rising dealing a blow that'd topple even the mightiest country.

Remember the aftermath of Katrina, or the situation in Peru.

Maybe it starts during a war? Some sort of invasion of America or whatnot.

>Remember the aftermath of Katrina, or the situation in Peru.
By that, I meant survivors would need to be placed in emergency shelters as the hospitals would be filled with wounded and shits. Maybe stadiums filled to the brim with a few thousands, would only need a very few amount of initial zombies to get a stampede started, thus creating a few more that'll spill out to the surrounding areas.

Also plane crashes, plane crashes everywhere.

Why not go with something along the lines of the last section of Max Brooks Zombie Survival Guide. There are tons of recorded incidents throughout history, but most never spread more than a couple dozen miles before being cleaned up.

Maybe it's a small-ish town and the infection spreads quickly because most people don't listen to the local radio or think to contact each other. Most of the town gets infected, the players have to get out alive or survive to help arrives. Night of the Living Dead style.

Not everything needs to be an apocalypse.

That's how the Virals are in Dying Light - the recently turned zombies retain a bit of their humanity, and are stronger, faster, and more intelligent than the regular biters. They even cower and beg after getting hit the first time, then they go back to being aggressive.

Look up All Flesh Must Be Eaten Phade to black setting. Its a aids like infection thats more transmissible than Hiv. It laid dormant in the pop for six months then bam. Those infected died, then turned. Some kid went to Amsterdam for a couple weeks and spread it (he was patient zero). The disease is spread via blood 28 days style

>Some sort of invasion of America or whatnot.
Kinda harder to explain, a land invasion can only happens from two country, Mexico and Canada, the murican army failing to contain one or both of them sounds well impossible, unless a lot of shit happened in the background.

Now, a refugee crisis from these two country as they get swarmed by the zeds is more possible, as people are wondering what the fuck happended on the other side of the borders the early signs of breakdown gets drowned by the news media having coverage of the riots in Canada/Mexico

>They even cower and beg after getting hit the first time
Brutal, make them being able to have facial expressions so the survivors feels like shit when they don't kill a zombie outright, the guilt of having something you think is still human crying or begging not to be hurt would do destroy a lot of people leading them to suicide. Only to have the zed eating the corpse while they're fellow survivors look on horrified.
Bonus point if the zed still cries while it eats the An hero

>people don't give a fuck about gays

I mean sure, if you ignore all the gay activists and magazines that were convinced that AIDS was a straight conspiracy to stop the good times and actively worked against the CDC and spread misinformation about the disease.


The name of the book escapes me this moment but zombies were way more awful if its a fresh one. They would spend days just screaming as loud as they could taking loud breathes and sprinting literally everywhere. After the vocal chords and muscles were damaged enough from constant use would they go to moans and shambling. Also other cool shit like people using carpets as makeshift zombie armor and zombie vs human fight clubs in reclaimed areas.

Well for one, the zombies usually aren't eating people. Usually it's just how the zombie is attacking the person, it's am being used for grappling.

This is especially true in Lfd, where the zombies don't ever really bite, instead they just beat the shit out of people, punches, flaming arms, stomping if you're knocked down.

Secondly, you have to ignore reality if you ever want a zombie breakout to turn into a apocalypse. Unless the virus manages to spread through the entire world before it turns people, the biting thing just isn't going to work for a multitude of reasons.

The first, most glaring problem, is that a few layers of thick clothing is all it takes to armor yourselves against a bite. Then you also have to account for the fact that in places like 'Murcia, out in the rural areas, where the danger zombies pose is reduced thanks to sparse population, natural obstacles, and open fields, everyone owns a gun.

That would have to explain how Zombies became a problem in either of those countries. Which still doesn't make sense.

It's weird because the Virals don't usually try to bite you. They'll beat on you and chase you down, but they won't bite. Some of them are even wearing surgical masks so they CAN'T bite. Some of the Infected can't bite either, some wear masks, some are wearing hazmat suits. The majority of the "special" Infected don't bite, oddly enough, only the regular shamblers do.

Virals, of course, already mentioned. Boomers rush up to you and explode. Forget what they're called but some spit toxic goop at you. Goons carry around rebar with chunks of concrete that they hit you with. There's big fuckers like the Tanks from Left 4 Dead which charge at you or throw stuff at you. Bolters who only come out at night, but don't do much - mostly eat what meat they can find and run away if they detect you. Volatiles are like Virals turned to 11, their faces go full Yautja, they run as fast as you do, and have at minimum like 2x the health as any non-boss zombie and hit like a Mack truck. Screamers are babby zombies that spawn others near you and draw already spawned enemies in, and their screaming actually causes you damage and disorientation.

A Zombie game in Mexico where you play as a survivor that has to fight against the zeds, the Cartels and the Federales would be great

Apologies for all the spelling errors.

Now, if you want to make this work, I'd chose to have the virus be magical/super natural in nature. Just the act of zombie managing to pierce skin with claws or teeth infects the person.

The next trait should be that the more zombies are in a group, the better they become. So a small herd of five or six of them are just a bit stronger then the average person, and only have a attention span of half a minute or so.

A herd of a hundred or so can give even a solid oak door a run for its money, has a attention span of several minutes, and their body can take more of a beating before crumbling.

My answer for when I run zombies games is to switch up zombie types; now Im not talking full on Left for Dead Specials, I have used those but I try to go more subtle.

I have my normal slow shamblers, shot to the head keeps'em dead kind.

Then I put in a few fast ones, but basically shamblers. I like to put one or two of these into groups of normal shamblers.

Then I have my Lurkers, these are zombies that can be either slow shamblers or fast shamblers, these zed like to find (or just end up in) quiet lonely dark places, these are zed that tend to leave a horde and just sit kind of end up sitting behind a counter, or under a table.

Most Zed in my games can become lurkers after a long period of no external stimulation.

I often make my freshly Animated zed very very dangerous, full on 28 Days Later Rage Zombies, Fast, Strong, Brutal.

If the game is a modern setting, I make Zed exposed to radiation a big danger, they are always Fast Shamblers at least, and they have the potential of giving the party radiation sickness or damage. They know in my setting (Where some cities got nuked, and a good number or reactors did not get shut down correctly) If they see a fast moving horde or pack, that looks like they have been dead a while there is a good chance they may be radioactive.

Next are Obese zombies, fat people. These Zed can be very dangerous, they tend to knock people down a lot, in addition they are major disease vectors in my setting, all that extra Semi-rotting meat. Ive even put a beehive/wasp hive in a few.

Child Zombies or ankle biters are a problem, They are easy to miss in a horde, and are good at tripping people up.

I also spice things up but making sure a few zed have weapons in their hands, from a simple knife or club, to a gun that it now uses as a bludgeon.

The last kind I use, and they can be any of the above, is What I call The talented 10th. One in ten zombies will ... continued in next post.

oh god I could imagine the first week
>Military dead or helping bigger towns
>Streets are filled with gunfire and screaming
>Now it's just screaming for 6 days straight
>It's finally stopped and you decide to look outside

The Talented 10th, a term I stole from day by day Armageddon.

One is 10 zombies tends to be somehow smarter, or at least luckier then the others, these fuckers will somehow figure out how to open a door sometimes, or actually climb a ladder, or come down and go up stairs without too much trouble..

These are real problem zed for players because they break the mold of what normal zombies do.

I use them sparingly, they can really freak a party out, seeing that one zed pick up a club, a few weeks later they spot the same zombie coming down the road in a horde... It can really freak them out if use right.

Lastly, groups of a couple thousand or more stopping gaining strength, hovering right around being able to put small dents in solid steel vault doors, with everything but their head being all but immune to any melee weapon below a high quality sledge hammer or actual bastard sword/õdachi. But where it gets really frightening is their tracking abilities and cooperation skills don't stop scaling. They'll never being sentient or anything like that, but massive groups will hunt down survivors for hours, never tiring, smart enough to actually search a area when they lose sight of the person, attacking from multiple entry points simultaneously, that sort of thing.

Aww shit

Now another type that I use and it can be any of the above types, is the moaner or shouter... this fucker makes noise, that seems to QUICKLY attract other zed to it, in fact one of these will pull zombies from a good distance away... I change up the sounds they make, from moaning loud, outright shouting and scream to the one that fucks with the players the most... Super loud teeth clacking... just clack clack clack clack clack.

My players have figured out they can trap these shits and use them to pull hordes to help clear out an area if they do it right.

Depending on the game, how your zed find players is important, as is how they simply behave.

Are they sight and sound hunters, does smell matter, or are they Life Force hunters..

The last kind will fucking know there are people there if they are within x distance of them, through most walls... These are the kind that will just gather more and more outside of where you are holding up..

If you have more sight and sound hunters, what triggers them.... is it any humanoid shape, will they rip apart or attack mannequins... do they attack animals?

Are they attracted to any sounds, or just voices etc, Its really important to have this sort of stuff planned out ahead of time..

In one game I had players figure out that the zed would only attack people that looked like people.... One player successfully but VERY Slowly was able to traverse an entire town under large wooden box on wheels. Movement over a certain level would trigger / interest the undead, so slow was the way to go there.

In another game the basic zed were attracted to any sounds and smells and unless FRESH they were semi blind, and life without blinking or moisture wrecked their eyes pretty quickly.

Another "simple" kind of super zombie is the armored one. Just a guy who died wearing combat gears, be it a swat guy or a military guy. Can't pop it in the head since it wears an helmet, can't do much damage with body shot since it wears kevlar. Make it a fast zombie and watch people shit themselve the 1st time they encounter one

There was actually going to be that specific type of zombie in Lfd 2, you can find concept art of it! It actually still is sort of their in the form of clowns. Clowns will shamble around with their honking feet, noise makes, that sort of thing, passively drawing in more zombies.

You beat me to it.

The next kind of I was going to talk about is just this, Military/SWAT Zed... Zed with Armor.

These ones can be interesting, as they are wearing armor, and often head gear they can be hard to take down depending... If its a game where its head shots, that fucking helmet is a pain, or a game where its just straight damage, fucking Armor.

Depending on the type of armor worn these zed often cant bite, which is a life saver, but they have a higher weight to them so they tend to knock people over easier and stay on top of them, making them easy prey for other kinds of regular Zed..

My players often go out of their way to take these down, as they often have very useful shit on them in their back place, or whatever, from water purification tablets, weapons, flares, spare ammo etc.

What do you guys think of these zed types, my players love them as its easy to mix and match stuff around, so even on our 4th zombie game its still pretty interesting and fresh.

Instead of pumping up headshot zombies to make them super badass for viability, how about Night of the Living Dead zombies that you make pussy-assed as shit? Virus spreads through multiple vectors, including fumes bites and the rain. They don't eat people, only brains. You have to all but completely obliterate them to stop them because no matter how badly you mess them up the pieces keep creeping toward you.

If you make them suck enough, maybe it would be believable that they could actually lose.

I like the zombies in I am a Hero in which they keep their routines in death as if they where still alive, they'll try to go home, ride the bus, go to work, would make travelling the city a real challenge. Could make for great missions since you could fence a huge portion of them into a stadium if they had a pro team. Or burn down a church because it's sunday and pastor mcZed is having his sermon

Oh almost forgot, one of the things that is very important to me and in my games is how new zombies are made.

My preferred method is this
If you die, you get back up. Die of a heart attack, you get back up, shot, get back up. Bit, you get back up..

This is some thing you should have worked out well in advance.

How bad are Zed bites?

In my games Ive done it a few ways

1.They are super bad, dead in hours, high fever, lots of pain, and you die and animate, no cure, you get bit your fucked. Go out a Hero.

2. They are pretty fucking horrible, for whatever reason zombie mouths are full of nasty as fuck bacteria, if you get bit, you need to roll to see if you have caught a disease, which will kill you over a variable amount of time, but you MAAAAY just recover naturally after being sick for a while. Massive doses of antibiotics can save your life and a lot of suffering.

3. They are just bits, you take some damage, make a roll with a fairly low but higher then average chance of it becoming infected and festering. Pretty survivable, meds help a lot.

Well good god damn it's Return of the Living Dead, I'm a dumbass.

These are refered to as Tri-oxin zombies.

They are super dangerous because they stay somewhat self aware, and are HIGHLY fucking infectious and it take a lot to fully take them out.. in a Tri-oxin Zombie outbreak I fucking eat a bullet early on, or join the ranks of the dead willingly after poisoning myself.

If they had enough head gear to make them relatively safe from headshots, wouldn't they have trouble biting?

Yes, I even said so.

Depending on the type of armor worn these zed often cant bite, which is a life saver, but they have a higher weight to them so they tend to knock people over easier and stay on top of them, making them easy prey for other kinds of regular Zed..


Okay, you have the same exact problem I do.

1. You like the survival scenario.

2. But zombies are impractical in about every which way because they do not pose a serious threat to anyone.


Purchase Kingdom Death

The zombies in my setting are a bit more unique.
>the virus spread when a large airborn explosion blew the virus in the air in HUGE quanities
>if you were exposed to the gas it's basically like fast rabies. A few hours to days to turn
>the virus is very weak so if you get bitten, you most likely won't get infected. The only reason the virus could infect so many people is because there was so much of it in the inital explosion.
>the zombies won't even have the virus in them after a few days. It's just that the virus causes irreversible brain damage
Basically imagine early dayz zombies except not broken and laggy

To clarify, i mean they act like dayz zombies and won't infect you just like dayz zombies. Can't run indoors either

Actually night of the living dead is not a bad one to use either, Night of the Living dead everyone is infected so anyone that dies from anything other then head trama tends to come back, being bitten just jump starts the infection into killing you.


Op here , I quit like these and might use some of these ideas. Thanks for posting them.

You are very welcome.. I was trying to shoot for Modular Zed that can present a variety of dangers, without having to go full Left4Dead Specials, and still keep things interesting.

So use the I am Legend "zombies."


If you liked the practicality of L4D airborne infection, then why not use that?

I know Creepypasta's are normally kinda bad, but this one kinda was a fun take on the idea of zombies.


Isn't the virus in that setting actual AIDs that the guy contracted by fucking a necromantically reanimated corpse?

You guys ever read this Stephen King short?


Pretty good take on how a zombie apocalypse can get rolling.

Sounds a bit like Rot and Ruin, except for the screaming part

>A Zombie game in Mexico where you play as a Cartel survivor that has to fight against the zeds and the Federales and deliver a package of drugs without getting eaten or shot would be great

Fixed that for ya, and found my next modern campaign.

I have to do an incoherent mashup of things for the scenario to work, but once it gets rollin, threat factor starts on high and remain on high for pretty much 50 to 60 years before humanity is reduced to small scavenger settlements.

First thing is to define the infected agent. It's still a very valid claim to leave it undefined or make it a non organic thing. You may even go full fort zombie and make it so that depression or jadedness IS the infection, something that affects paranoid survivors who haven't even been close to a zombie in their entire lives. Salarymen, cart owners, neckbeard shut ins may start to develop the "hug me" behavior before becoming zombies themselves (and what if it also transmits sexually). Imagine the paranoia as every scientist in the world tries to find an infectious agent and gets wrong conclussions that quickly become superstition and the like.

However, I instead prefer the semi hand waving route of an artificial thing that is barely an organism of unknown origins that ends up in nuclear launches.

>The invader isn't a bacteria, parasite or virus, but rather, a collection of rogue "proteins" (not really, it just behaves in similar ways) an agent that disseminates taking control of other pests (empty viral protein capsules, bacteria, or worms) but seems artificial at its core. It inserts inself or parts of itself into the host (since large) and reassembles itself at some point using some unique marker This gives it high "regeneration" and "mutation" perks, which means that the infamous "cure" is possible, but very hard to achieve, since even if you dominate the main host, you may miss the protein chain hiding inside which may not even be the complete culprit. Most of the time "rogue" takes a backseat and lets the host do whatever with a few little nudges here and there to encourage contact with other living organisms, which then it learns to infect and change with more and more efficient results. (Cont)

>cheapens the zombies as a threat

See, there's a difference between a THREAT and a MONSTER.

Zombies aren't monsters, don't focus too much on treating them like monsters. They fall apart (hurr) if you try and treat them too much like a monster-threat that is supposed to be menacing in and of themselves. There's also kind of a "solved" monster in that there has been so much zombie media coming at the problem from so many different angles that you're probably only going to create something "new" by creating something that's such a departure from a zombie that it's not really even a zombie anymore.

Think of them more like the weather, or an environmental hazard. They're something you plan around and that can bite (hurr) you in the ass if you're not ready for them. So think about how they move, where they congregate, where they might hide, what warning signs of a strong zombie presence in an area might be. Think about how people get along in the apocalypse only to have their day suddenly ruined by an unexpected downpour of the living dead.

A way to keep zombies threatening while still making sense in that the military would be able to beat down a horde is that the military just isn't there to save your asses.

Maybe they're too stretched thin, some places got hit harder, some places need immediate intervention, early days and orders are still being passed down, and you drew the short stick of getting extremely light help/no help at all. The issue isn't that the army can't fight against the horde, its that there are too many to effectively and efficiently hop from one town to the next in a timely manner and the logistics problem from saving each and every survivor, providing aid, ensuring no more zeds...

You can then mix and match with the deadliness of zombies as you will, smarter zombies could give more reason as to why help isn't immediately coming, they're not as big of a threat but intelligent zombies that aren't easy to just mow down take up more time, special types of zombies provide problems that there are no counters developed against yet.

Have you ever read the cross comics OP? Just make'em like that only less rapey

>no underslung GL