Meat elves

it's always trees, woodland creatures, and dew drops with elves

why are they treated as druids that are okay with using metal?

are Dark Eldar the only "elfish" example that's okay with altering the natural form?

On one hand, it is kinda gross. On the other, claims of magical realm.

Sea elves use coral armor and shit.

Also what said. Tolkien Elves are more-than-perfect humans, and having your wet tissue on the outside is gross.

Ew no
Just no

>Meat Elves

That makes me think of gravitationally challenged, female LARPers who want to play as Elves despite being fat enough that they could play a whole Elf village.

All elves are meat elves when you are hungry enough.


Not sure if it's quite the sort of thing you're looking for (and probably not, judging by the responses and all), but elves in Muh Settan are...well, spades are spades. The elves are Fucked Up.

Gnoll leather is known for its artistry and craftsmanship. Dwarf leather is known for its durability and resistance. Elf leather is known for being made from elves.

It is unnervingly far from uncommon for elven blood-talkers (sorcerers) to not only drink the blood of their still-living enemies, but sew portions of their skin onto themselves in order to form connections through which to work their magic.

Elven hunters, stalkers and warriors will often have animal claws, horns and teeth grafted onto themselves as a way of either gaining natural weaponry or absorbing parts of the animal's power.

Elf shamans will jam bone, metal and stone shards into their flesh to the bone, and allow the wounds to heal over; this supposedly gives them enhanced control over the elements and animals, or greater ability to foretell the future.

These are just a few of the things elves are known to do on a regular basis.

Ah bat shit insane elves, one of the more interesting deconstructions of the standard elf concept. Been a while since I've seen someone bring that up. 8 out of 10 for taste 3 out of 10 for execution. As far as scary bat shit insane elves go Ive seen better, your trying a bit too hard.

the best bat-shit crazy elves are the normal ones. I ran a grimdark D&D session with an extra sanity stat that was determined by the will and constitution stats. High stats will give low sanity and good resistance to it. Low stats start high sanity. My wife played a rogue elf with abysmal con and will scores. She played it as an already crazy but "in control" character. Ended up being she slaughtered the rest of the party in their sleep one by one due to her paranoia, then forgetting about it.

Fair enough, I suppose; batshit-insane elves are rather overdone these days.

In fairness, though, there's a reason beyond 'for teh lulz' for the elves being as they are; basically, 'elves' are the result of, or offspring of, mortal men and women who were captured by the True Fae and used as their playthings and wind-up toy soldiers. They're supposed to be fucked up, because they're mentally broken from the horrors they've experienced, and basically reenacting them as a sort of coping mechanism - they adapted to horror, embraced the nightmare, and now don't quite know how to function without it.

Alright for having an explanation that almost appeals to my taste I will raise you to 5 out of 10 for execution. I love having fucked up fae, not so big on the rape, but fucked up fae is pretty standard in my stuff.

So they're basically NWOD Changelings?

Yeah does sound simular dont it? Only with a lot less wangst and a lot more rip n tare.

You mean The Fae? The original elves who exist as half dreams and most often nightmares?

So Summer Court?

With really really low clarity.

Point to this guy, and now im thinking of those books, cant remember what they are called, where the Mc is the bastard off spring of a gypsy whore and an elf. Thing is thus aint no legolas, this is a muderous little shit with burning eyes teeth that would make a shark envious, and the ability to make portals (usually to their own little hell dimension). Mc struggles with his monstrous half and slowly goes batshit.

Well,if that's a relief for you, my own setting has a faction of elves specialized in biomancy and life form alteration. They created most beastman races (centaurs,harpies,gnolls,minotaurs) as labour force using their magic.
They still kinda like forests and so on, but rather than planting trees they design them with desired characteristics,like bioluminescense and such.

My wood elves are a bunch of deep forest dwelling, berzerker xenophobes who only treat with giants and other wild things.

Never actually played NWoD, nor either edition of Changeling, so I can't say for certain; however, from what I've picked up here and there on this board and other sources, that might not be too far off the mark.

One of my players also made the comparison to Reavers from Firefly, which while not originally a source of inspiration, I mind not at all borrowing from here and there now.

What about a meat fairy?

Great taste user.
And when I say taste, I mean you.

>Great you user
>Great user user

Sounds like a homebrew species I have in my setting. The fey set out to destroy humans and their nasty iron weapons a few millennia ago, and to that end they made their own species with the explicit idea of being slave soldiers. The fey then proceeded to treat them so terribly that not only did they utterly fail to accomplish the task they were bred for, they rebelled against their creators, despite being created to be loyal. As a result of their centuries under the thumb of the fey, they have hardcore PTSD from the racial memories.

Is pic related a meat elf? Are all meat elves deliciously brown?

eh, not seeing that shade on the chart

Lightbulbs give things a yellow tint.

>amazon is the African now
The other version is better.

Blood Elves? I mean, did no one in all of Veeky Forums ever hear of earthdawn?


Original nothing, "elf" and "fay" come from entirely different folklores and etymologies and relate to dreams only insofar as they're imaginary creatures. Stop trying to school people with tvtropes-level mythology.