Jumpchain CYOA Thread #823: Chaos Gods Edition

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>How to Jumpchain

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Eager for the Kingkiller jump, accepting that you probably have shit to do beforehand.

This one, it's got an edition and the actual PDF.

Jumpers, have you ever created a race?

Hi, newfag here, is there a log horizon Jumpchain?

Be that as it may, isn't the Emperor on roughly the same level as a Chaos God? Can he bust galaxies with his Psyker powers?

No but that might be a good idea.

Nope, not a finished one at least.

No, but does breeding Juugo's clan's ability into the Senju count?

Big E could be the 5th Chaos God. The God of Order. Which is of course a paradox, but hey Chaos is Chaos. Paradoxes are just accepted.

However he's not, so it's hard to say really. He did destroy Horus' soul, and caused the four Chaos Gods to withdraw their protection from Horus. If they didn't the psychic backlash would've destroyed them too.

Thanks for the reply
I´m starting with FateZero Jump, any recomendation? i wanna cuck kiritsugu and kill zouken

Hey Elona, feel free to get rid of that stuff you were going to add into Genius: the Transgression. Especially if it's making the Jump take longer. A lot of that campaign was based on unfairness anyway.

I'd take smaller bites. Get some abilities elsewhere first, and THEN wreck their shit.

Not only because it's more plausible, but the slower your ramp up to absolute power, the more fun the chain will be.

That sounds better, any good place to start?

For your own sake, try No Game No Life first. Seriously, don't make Fate or any TypeMoon Franchise your first jump.

>cucking the Magus Killer

> i wanna cuck
Well, you're probably gonna want to pick up some charisma and/or harem perks first.
Actual attractiveness is, of course, optional. But you're gonna want the emotional pull to sway people away from their canon love interests.

What perks are good for messing with the cast of jumps, via puns and/or antics? I suppose "trolling" is an accurate jump, but really I just want to harmlessly(for the most part) screw with them.

...trolling is an accurate term, not jump. Damn it, me.

I like The Sims 3, but Vampire: the Masquerade might be a more exciting affair. Both are imaged. X-Men is really fucking generous with powers if you're willing to cut corners on the actual skills. Both Avatars are good stepping stones if you're willing to, again, cut corners on regular stuff to get Bending Genius.

>inb4 Light of Terra suggestion

Tip one, you need to be more than one jump in before thinking about cucking a major powerhouse if you don't want to die.

Tip two, get some charisma perks to help out before you try to seduce a cannon character, their canon relationship may or may not have plot armor.

Simply having a few jumps under your belt should be enough to do that but specifically Once Upon a Time has magic that acts like minor reality manipulation for 600.

Comedy jumps are a good way to mess with your companions. Nichijou especially.

Yeah, it sounds better in my head... kinda
i just wanna see Kerry suffer like a bitch... where i could get that "charisma" thingy?
I think i will try the X-men one, thanks for the reply

To be fair, he cheats on his wife. On the other hand I don't think she cared, and he didn't enjoy it. Not entirely related, Iri and Saber(when wearing a suit) look good together.

NinjaAnon if you are here I have qestion. Do Thorn form Tower of God work on other sources of power then Shinsoo?

He answered that last thread,

Is it possible to become the Dark One in Once Upon a Time and continue your chain, or is that a chain ender?

Try any jump based on a harem anime, Rosario + Vampire would be good. I also suggest that you get the perk from the Dodgeball jump that expands the tastes of anyone you are attracted to so that you are included in them. as far as actual charisma there are countless jumps with good perks for that but the Sitcom jump has one of the best if you are just aiming for seduction.

Yeah, I've been indulging my normie tendencies. Well, that and working. And visiting people in the hospital. And buying new furniture, because of that fucking fire.
I've mostly just got fluff to do now. I might even have some time to work on it tomorrow. Maybe.
He does?
If you buy it with CP, yes.

I made purple people to retroactively make Mitch Hedburg a racist.

Ok thanks didn't see it.

Well, he's currently stuck spending most of his power/attention on keeping a permanent warp rift under his Throne Magnus made closed, keeping the Astronomicon running, running the Emperor's Tarot, Soulbinding Astropaths, Sanctioning Psykers, granting various Faith powers and Sainthoods, keeping the Dark Gods from ruining everything too much, and various other Emperor duties. Oh, and coping with the constant agony and the dying and such.
He still makes time to do things like wipe out Vandire's fleet with the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath, though, a Warp Rift that engulfed an entire system and has lasted millenia.

Thanks for the answer, i guess it gonna take some jumps to cuck the magus killer. At least it will worth it

Yea Kerry cheats on his wife with his assistant Maiya, because the grail war will kill his wife, and he wants practice in betraying her. Which is stupid, but so is Kerry.

Does the thorn scale with the user? Like if you are powerful the thorn can regulate more energy and if you are weak it would regulate less?

>I like The Sims 3
Sims 3 is insanely good; not in a conquer the world sort of way but in a make some of the hell holes you are going to visit tolerable sort of way. I would recommend it for early in anyone's chain

It may be a bit rough but I am going to suggest Young Justice as it gives you a decent amount of power and has a comparably low mortality rate. the mystic perk tree in particular can be good for surviving against mages.

This kinda shit is why I avoid Type Moon. Or anything else with porn and an attempt at a 'serious' plot. It always, always involves some NTR shit because of cheap drama.

The YJ mortality rate can be shut down pretty hard if you convince Miss Martian to scan Red Arrow for hypnotic commands before he can betray the League

I'm preeeetty sure that was a one-sided crush from Maiya's side.

You're disgusting. Please take off your name.

The wiki says it and sources it.
>Fate/Zero material - Encyclopedia: Hisau Maiya [Person's name], p.102-103
>Maiya Hisau [Person's name]
>Assistant of Kiritsugu Emiya. Mistress - it is the word whether to define on her.
Because she spent her childhood in an environment deprived of humanity, Maiya, who lacks a sense of self, considers that her entire being belongs to Kiritsugu Emiya. Asking whether she loves Kiritsugu is like asking whether the innards love the brain. The question itself is meaningless.
>Also, to Kiritsugu, allowing his wife to sacrifice herself and complete the Grail is a betrayal towards her love, no matter what others say. However, it is necessary that he does not hesitate in this betrayal. To Kiritsugu, his sexual relationship with Maiya is a rehearsal before this betrayal, a form of self-abuse to steel his nerves while walking down this path. This is probably the sorriest excuse to have an affair, but Maiya treasured every second of it. It is essentially a negative spiral downward without an end.

I want both of these people and this series to die.

Thanks, but i don´t really know much about YJ
Force me, bitch!

It's pretty much thread etiquette not to use a name unless you make jumps.


How would one go about min-maxing a single companion /jc/?

Fuck, sorry, i didn´t know that

More or less. Like I said , this is why I never, ever trust a series that has pornographic elements and a 'serious' plot. They always pull this shit.

I was about a snarky remark, then it turned out to be genuine ignorance and you apologized. So. Good on you!

Yes. I'm reasonably sure I put that in the jump. I'll check it later.

you know someone needs to just take Therapy no Jutsu from Naruto and the martial arts skills from Gundam Future Century to all the type moon jumps and just beat the screwed up out of people there. Then again really there are other places *cough* Evangelion*cough* that need that service more.

Eva has people who deserve to be saved. Type Moon doesn't. Only people that need to die.


Shirou is a good person, Kiritsugu could have been a good person but got screwed over by the world. If he were just a monster his actions actually would have been easier to take. He is a man who tortures himself doing monstrous things because he can't live with a accident he had no right taking responsibility for. His reaction to his little girlfriend becoming an out of control Dead Apostle was the normal one.

I don't really do that. Too many innocent civilians when the series lays out perfectly well who needs to lose a head, quick and clean.

Bullshit. All of it is his own choice and his own fault. Everything else is an excuse.

A massive exaggeration, and most of the world is comprised of civilians anyway. This is not one of the few planets that could merit such an option.

use Cetra power (FF7) and become Type-Earth, fuck Counter Force

Nah, you really don't want to nuke things from orbit in Type-Moon, because that requires you to go into orbit, and space is a terrifying place there. The laws of physics are a local phenomenon in Type-Moon, what we think is out there in space is just an illusion produced by Gaia's grand Reality Marble. Maybe close orbits would be caught within the physics bubble and protected, but go too far out and it gets scary. The Apollo astronauts must have been fucking demigods to survive that.

Thanks, i guess? i said i was new...
After i cuck Kerry i will cuck Shirou (just for the lulz)

...how the hell is that going to happen, I am intensely interested in your logic.

Thanks for giving me reasons to avoid Fate/Zero and save my time.

>After i cuck Kerry i will cuck Shirou (just for the lulz)
And you are just a monster.

I need kinda hard-mode Jump suggestions, you know, Jumps in unfriendly places, with crazy requirements or options. Like Worm's drawback to become Taylor's Shard, that kinda thing.

I've reached a point in my jumps that stressful jumps are a must now. The series of jumps is ending with FF13-2 where I'm helping Lightning take on Caius.

Just ignore him, it's a shitposter.

>Wait until the Jump Before your last Jump
>Do Nine to Five
>Get Betterman

Next question?

There are ways to wipe out life in a setting that don't involve an exterminatus, I think I might try one here.

Generally it's also acceptable if you're actually running a chain in thread. Quite a few of the names started off that way and made stuff later.

Eh the problem with Fate/Zero is it really focused on the wrong main character. Iksander and Waver were the real stars of the first season. Hanging out with Iksander might be worth enduring Fate/zero.

>Hanging Out
I meant watching it, not jumping it.

Just started to do PMD. Is Link Boxing Protect and Quick Attack considered broken? Just sock your enemy in the nose 15 times without being hit?

I don't think so. There are ways to get around Protect. Go nuts.

So, the completed Overlord (the manga) Jump. Let's here the criticism people. The aim here is to get this onto the jump drive so if people have complaints or concerns, let's hear them.

I'm barely past the origins and though I think you'll be having to update the Races page as time goes on, you've already alleviated a lot of my worries in regards to how somebody would approach it.

Lovecraft jump, especially with drawbacks.

Define "created" and "race". It's much more common for us to recalibrate another race into a suitable format. Creating life just for the sake of it? That's pretty reckless for us to do these days; from the spintered shards of our Grace made manifest upon the world to the planet-smothering Ira, most of the things we create are extensions of ourself given limited agency.

But yes, although a lot of it was early on in our career.

The crocodogs/sharkdogs designed mainly as an experiment.

The Super Hamon Tribe, jointly created by us and the Emperor in a bid to make Primarchs even buffer. Couldn't seem to splice out the tendency to pose ominously.

The Tribe of Intellect, sentient spells refined from our own being. Just to take care of empty worlds while minimising their metaphysical footprint there.

The Cabbit-Reapers, back when our greatest starfaring ships were primarly matter-based; damn things kept chasing after moons like actual cats and balls of yarn. They've long since been phased out, but the damage is done.

And uh...also that little accident with Elune. And that other one, with Brigid. And-

-maybe we should just stop talking. Yep. That's a good idea.

You seem to have glossed over what being a "local from the new world" actually entails. The solely class-based backgrounds would make sense for the player origin, but for locals there's nothing to tell about who you are in the new world; are you a villager or a member of the Six Scriptures or a mercenary or one of the many lords squabbling for power? Credit where it's due you've certainly explained what the magic does and is capable of fairly well, I just wish there was more flavour to the Local origin really; perhaps a similar discounted selection of stations in various factions similar to what the players have in Race options?

Also, can you just theoretically overcharge spells indefinitely with Abyss of Magic or is there some sort of softcap?

Considering the sheer breadth of options presented (or at least suggested) in YGGDRASIL I kind of had to take a broad approach to how exactly races and class options work. Rather than get bogged down in minutae I figured it would be better to let the people using the jump determine how their abilities work by giving a general guideline in what the various abilities can actually do.

Additionally instead of stating out a bunch of different classes I just made a 'class skills' perk for each origin, each of which has three options, so that you could have a theme without needing to be too specific about it.

Well, as I've said above I don't like this approach personally but I can see your reasoning for why you'd go for it given it is an LN and all. I just think Locals should get a discounted selection of backgrounds in the new world to distinguish them from players somewhat; as it reads currently all locals are hobos with no real connection to anything in the world, and thus indistinguishable from players.

Certainly better than your Trainwreck of an Exalted jump.

Wait. Wait, how d'you know it's the same guy? You sure about this?

I really, really hope you're wrong. I fucking hated that abortion of a jump in ways I seldom bring myself to hate anything JC-related.

He was on SB

When it's said that Slimes are "next to impossible to hurt with physical attacks", is that in the context of typical medieval infantry weaponry? E.g. what would happen to a Slime person if they got hit by a catapult boulder? Splat, or splat-and-reform?

Actually, wait-

>Finally, at the end, a special consideration.If you purchased ‘The 42nd Supreme Being’ then you may, at your discretion, return to Nazarick for six months at the end of every jump, or once every ten years if you have ended your journey without gaining your Spark, using your Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. It will be as if time has not passed at all in your absence, and you’ll be able to pick up exactly where you left off. If you purchased the Rival Guild drawback and haven’t finished them off during the ten years of the jump they will still be present on return trips, so you’ll probably want to prioritize getting rid of them. That said, have fun!

I know what you probably based this off but-no. SoL was made in a different time when the boundary between CYOA and jump was a lot thinner, and there's no justifiable reason to hand out a free mini-return for a setting here without even the meanest semblance of-


Well, that's enough time wasted giving feedback then.

Fate/Zero is already under the Fate/Jumpchain jump so why make a Fate/Zero jump?

On the issue of Locals, I suppose it's true that I didn't lay out any specific backgrounds or options. I was kind of thinking that, considering how powerful locals would be (automatic realm of heroes, that's easily 'black scripture' strength right there) they could realistically choose to just be part of any of the local factions (so long as their race was compatible) since they'd be so strong virtually no one would turn them away. Doubly so if they bought level 100 since they'd be so strong the factions couldn't get rid of them even if they wanted to.

Really I was hoping to make a lot of the options sorts of free-form in that the jumper could determine what exactly they were doing, which is why the location rolls has more than a few plot-hooks in it. I suppose I could go back in and add something explicit about locals being able to choose a race compatible faction to belong to?

As for Abyss of Magic, again I was aiming for free form with that. If a person believes they can super-overcharge their magic to ungodly heights then they can, if they think there's limits or caveats then there are. I suppose if people want something more concrete than that I'd be willing to put something more specific limitations or wording but I'm kind of hoping it won't be needed. You know, jump responsibly and all that. If people want to power grab there are certainly more than enough jumps to do it in after all.

Aaaand here's where the drama kicks off right quick.

RIP thread.

He means he's jumping them.

He was talking about going to it, not making it.

oh, i rolled the 4th grial war, thats why i said FateZero

To be fair he's one of the more reasonable ones. He also appears to have put time and effort into the groundwork for the jump this time instead of just shitting out a base as fast as possible.

This jump doesn't seem nearly as bad but-come on, did you even READ the Exalted jump? If he's one of the reasonable ones I dread to think what the unreasonable ones are like.

I'm aware it has problems, which is why I haven't actually posted it here since I'm aware it needs significant work. Considering how much of a chore it is going through all the Exalted books and related materials it's slow going getting it into acceptable shape. Which is why it's clearly marked as WIP for anyone that sees the google doc form its currently in.

As for me being the guy that made/is working on the Exalted jump, yes, I am 'that guy'.

Sorry to say your drivel already got rejected. One of the actually competent jumpmakers is working on a full one with perks for individual Exaltations and lacking a lot of the stupid bits like infinite alchemical exalts and breaking the Great Curse for CP. And an actual Essence cap at 5 so you're not getting infinite perfect reality warping with some time invested.

Well, you're a little late. Someone on our own end's already working on his own Exalted jump.

Keep that jump on SB. Don't chase off B5 user over some petty grudge bullshit again, alright?

Ah my mistake I misread it as him creating a Fate/Zero jump.
Ignore me I'm a retard.

I had a rough idea for a build when I first saw this a couple days ago, so I'm going to post it to get the ball rolling.

Origin: Local Drop-In (Ahehe)
Race: Human (Bit boring)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Location: Carne Village (I should probably learn about the series)

Themed Aesthetics: Free
Shared Language: Free
Identify Talents: Free with Origin
Use Any Magic Item: Free with Race
The Realm of Heroes: Free with Origin (Hahahaha!)
Level 100: 600 (MWAHAHAHA!)
Class Skills - Sorcerous Swordsman: Free (Yeah man! Paladin Time!)
Skillfull AND Resourceful: 100
Skillful Acquisitions: 200
Unified Forces: 300

Gold Coins: Free
Divine Tier Equipment: Free (Discounted and with section points spent on it!)

A Local Hero: Free (He's a straight fighter)

Drawbacks: 200
Powerless: 100 (Since this doesn't take into account other jumps this is obligatory)
Foreigner: 100 (Eh, I'll come up with a lore reason)

Basically, I'm the tutorial NPC. Well, the guy who made the jump said I could fanwank myself as being that, and since I see it as totally hilarious that's what I'm going to do. Totally going to blow some people's minds.

They'd go splat and then reform. It would hurt them, but they've got an absurdly high threshold for physical damage. In light-novel canon Solution got stabbed in the face (literally) and it didn't even hurt her. Additionally the higher your 'level' the harder you are to hurt, so you'll have increased physical resilience the stronger you are. Though, to be fair, that's the same for everyone. Slimes are just really particularly good at the physical defense side of it.

Antagonistic much? This is literally the first time I've posted anything to /jc/. You guys wonder why there's such bad relations between here and SB, do you think perhaps your instantly scathing responses might have something to do with it? Additionally, what exactly does the Exalted jump, that I have already admitted is flawed and still WIP, have to do with the Overlord jump which I am asking for commentary on?

The answer, of course, is nothing. Please be constructive.

Who the hell is B5 user?

>Maker says he's not posting it here.
>Anons still go on whining.

Could you guys maybe look at THIS jump, instead of harping on about old jumps? This seems pretty well done.

I'm only 13 pages in but have a few notes

For the Angle race you stated their immunity to poison and disease twice. Nothing big just a little redundancy

The 42nd Supreme Being perk really should be a Founding Member origin as it greatly alters your starting memories and has a massive effect on the way the plot of the jump could progress. The Price is fair I think but maybe give a free selection (and/or restrict jumpers to) Demi-Human or Hetermorphic races since the guild was made up of non human players.

Most people have said it's too soon to do Overlord justice as a jump, but its well written and I'm liking it so far.

It has to do with establishing your credentials and informing you that your other crap has been flushed. I don't feel like getting an SB account to be yelled at for this Affairs of Other Boards bullcrap so I'm telling you here.