The trifunctional hypothesis of prehistoric Proto-Indo-European society postulates a tripartite ideology ("idéologie...

>The trifunctional hypothesis of prehistoric Proto-Indo-European society postulates a tripartite ideology ("idéologie tripartite") reflected in the existence of three classes or castes—priests, warriors, and commoners (farmers or tradesmen)—corresponding to the three functions of the sacral, the martial and the economic, respectively.

Dude. What if people who find themselves drawn to intellectually stimulating traditional games have ancestors who belonged to a priestly class, and people who gravitate towards sports have warrior ancestors?

Well, the problem there is it totally devalues the individual ("But mooom I dont wanna be a priest of Ishtar, I wanna wear fedoras and be awful!") AND their environment. (Take a jock's baby and leave him in a library and he won't instinctively start doing push-ups on the books) Plus you're going back so many generations that people probably have ancestors from all three of those general "castes" so it becomes a meaningless distinction.

If that's true you have a long line of ancestors who loved sucking dick.

>people who find themselves drawn to intellectually stimulating traditional games have ancestors who belonged to a priestly class

People who love strategy games with an implicit or explicit martial dimension probably have warrior blood in them.

Similarly, people who like flavour-of-the-month zombie board-games and the like probably have dirty commoner blood flowing through their veins.

>Not wanting to be a priest of Ishtar

I wouldn't be surprised if ancient cultures practices a kind of social proto-eugenics separating people by aptitudes and not letting casted mix.

But nowadays the point is making sure we're barely able to function so we can make money but not too much so we don't have a say on the makings of society, and are preferably unhappy so that we spend it in bullshit we don't really want for a brief consolating surge of endorphines.

Go take a look at India and let us know how well the castes breed true, honey.

How prehistoric are we taking here? Because based on archaeological studies and on anthropological studies of modern day hunter-gatherer societies, neither division of labor nor significant social stratification start to really show up until you start to build villages and farm land.

The PIE culture was present in the early neolithic era and is basically the grandaddy of all non-Neolithic European customs and languages.

With the mixing that has happened since then, basically everyone is descended from all three castes, or so low on Indo-european blood that it won't explain anything about him.

They're talking proto-indo-european, so I'm guessing around late stone to early bronze.

Even early civilization didn't really have significant social stratification. It was palace economies (i.e, collectivisim) that really fucked shit up for the common man.

And ITT a shitload of people are going to wank to their own intelligence and superiority and shit on farmers.

Farmers are cool, they keep the world alive.
Administrators are cool, they keep the world in order.
Military are cool, they keep us safe from harm.
Religion and entertainment are cool, they keep us from our idle, self-destructive thoughts.

It's merchants that don't belong, why the fuck did we allow ourselves to suffer a bunch of fidgety faggots telling us what we need and what we are worth? They don't do shit, it's all self-interest and exploitation.

Merchants are actually useful. No farmer can also be a blacksmith, a potter, a carpenteer, etc.

I'm less on board with the military and religion, I think.

Being a priest of Ishtar would be a pretty stressful existence, user.

She was an incredibly lewd goddess, and would surely want fuck her priests. The problem is that all her lovers ended up dying horribly, but refusing her advances got your shit rekt even harder.

Well, yeah. That's hardly news.

Religion is the one I struggle to find a utilitarian purpose for. Military is necessary at some point simply because the next city state has one too and will fuck you up at some point if you have no defense.

Merchants can create great prosperity if kept on a leash. Religion I actually find benign in Babylon and Sumeria, but in general I don't see the indisputable necessity for them. It's always handwaved as some ineffable requirement of the human spirit.

I feel like religion isn't so much a requirement for civilization as a byproduct of humans.
We are just sort of naturally hard wired to read intent into inanimate objects and see life and faces where there is none.

Yeah, I know military is useful just because once someone has the idea, everybody needs to keep up.

Religion is more one of those things that bring social order.

>It's always handwaved as some ineffable requirement of the human spirit.
Dood. Pattern recognition gone awry isn't exactly a good reason for the everything else.

I think its utilitarian function is organization. On a personal level I don't dig that, but I can see how that is useful. It's also backed up by the very early Babylonian/Sumerian civilizations being religiously-focused. Urbanization was driven by faith. It came before internecine warfare and kings. That shit all happened later. On some level, I think we're biased against the idea of religious civilizations due to how shit they turn out these days, but the early guys seem to have had a pretty benign version of it.

Pattern recognition gone awry is a really good explanation for all the religion shit, I feel.

Given what we know about superstitious activity in animals, people reading intent into inanimate objects over time could easily produce god like figures and extreme superstitions.

And it's not like we can ditch this either. As long as we remain social creatures with such a focus on looking at and identifying people, we're going to have this continuous social pressure.

As long as the people actually believe in it, religion is massively useful for society.

People will bear a great deal of misery if they believe it is the will of god. Soldiers will more willingly face death if they believe they will be rewarded in the afterlife, and more willing to slay the enemy if they believe them to be blasphemers. People will overlook the petty mistakes of their rulers if they believe them to rule by divine right.

Religious persecution of nonbelievers is unwarranted, but universal atheism breeds an unstable society full of malcontent peasants who think themselves kings.

>universal atheism breeds an unstable society full of malcontent peasants who think themselves kings.
Does it?

>He asked on Veeky Forums

Shhhh, there's no way people wouldn't be mass-murdering animals without Judaism.

The problem is you're thinking about modern religion.
Originally, religion was entertainment. Because if you had no art/craft or outdoorsman things to do, you had a shitload of idle time. And porposeless idle people eventually turn to anarchy and crime.

Contemplative religion gave people who had absolutely notthing else in common a chance to get together and talk under the administration of a moderator (priest) that ensured these people developed a sense of community and alliegance.

Eventually religion turned to ritual and cult (and money because fucking merchants), and grupal contemplation was left to philosophy, then academia, then subculture, then us.

Religion was the original imageboard.

>Originally, religion was entertainment.
I doubt it. There were stories and dances and feasts and music before they all got organized in cults with a priestly class. Not before there were shamans and the like though, I'd wager.

I haven't met an atheist that wouldn't commit a crime if he could get away with it.

The storyteller was the original priest.

Funny, I've never met a religious person who wouldn't deus vult an entire genotype if they thought they could get away with it.

Have a smug lady alongside your (You).

Sure It's because of atheism.
Fucking moron.

You know, I haven't met an atheist at all, all the people who claim to be atheists fall either for scietism or nihilism with religious fervor.

It would actually be interesting to meet someone who doesn't believe in anything supernatural and doesn't confer an esoteric capacity to natural systems, not because he's still butthurt that his parents took him to church on sundays or he cant land a job, but because he just sincerelly doesn't believe.

at this point I doubt you've met most people, since if you did, you would be slaying them in the name of your lord.

How about someone who has a job, never went to Church outside of their adult life but does confer an esoteric capacity to natural systems?

Esoteric doesn't mean mystical or supernatural by the way.

You actually have to be pretty hard in denial to claim nature doesn't have esoteric capacity.

That's like, nature's #1 thing. Making weird fucking things only a small group of people understand.

Well, you're probably going to be getting a fair amount of the benefit of a religious mindset just from accepting that there are unknowable things beyond man.

Still, you'd probably be more content if you found at least a little bit of religion. I mean, you don't have to go kneel at the Vatican and kiss the Pope's ring or anything, but maybe find yourself a nice chill animistic tradition or qt pagan goddess to follow?

user, everyone would be more content if they just fled into a world of escapism like that.

user, esoteric doesn't mean "unknowable beyond man".

It means "likely only known about by people with highly specialized knowledge."

>you're probably going to be getting a fair amount of the benefit of a religious mindset just from accepting that there are unknowable things beyond man.
Dude, stop using words you don't know. Esoteric doesn't mean unknowable. At all.

>Still, you'd probably be more content if you found at least a little bit of religion. [...]
At this point of my life, even after suffering grievous losses that would have made sense if they sent me to doing that, it would indicate more a mental breakdown than a genuine change of heart.

That. And I can perfectly accept that I personnally can't know or understand everything. Probably nobody can and the fields get more and more specialized. I'm pretty sure some knowledge is unattainable (shit like "hey what was going on before the Big Bang" or "what is going to happen at the veeeeery end of the universe"), but that doesn't mean that I'm either sure that it's unattainable or that it makes me have a religious mindset.

What if I gravitate towards Sports, and at the same time I'm a fan of traditional games, Senpai?


The castes have been interbreeding for countless generations.

You had some priests and some warriors in your ancestry.

I feel like there's a lot of knowledge in the category of "practically unattainable".

Things like "Hey, do we know FOR SURE what it's like going through a black hole?"

I mean, sure, we can find out. For a little while. But then the guy who found out is dead, and can't tell anybody about it.

Those were examples. But again, not even these days every physicist thinks a black hole is an information dead-end as well. We'll see.

Can we get a Lamarckist in here too? Because the sheer variety of neo-marxist pseudoscience in this thread is staggering. Watching you all bicker ignorantly about dogma should be more fun than it is.

>mage/fighter/rogue ; adept/warrior/expert was real

And your big revelation was to try to use it to justify your autism? There's bigger tg related things going on here.

Often religion and justice system / cultural laws are connected.

Even now, in the age of seperation of religion and state, the influences it had of old, concepts of fairness and the value of human life, are still integral to the values it holds. It's less that we've removed religion altogether, but rather moved to a more universal athiestic, humanist one.

And yes, a godless religion is possible. Athiest is not synonymous with areligious. You can still hold faith-based beliefs about reality and not believe in dieties.

If you've ever believed something fated, or that something was happening "for a reason" then you've held a faith-based belief. The sense of order you ascribe to and rules you derive from that worldview is a religion, albeit possibly a very simplistic one.

Then what do the people with commoner ancestors (read as: vast majority of people) gravitate towards?

If you believe in luck you're not atheist, making most of the fedora fa/tg/uys theist.


Videa games for plebs.

except many of the creators of traditional games come from working class backgrounds

....This is where we go with this premise.
We're talking about a theory (of dubious authenticity) regarding how an early human culture conducted their society, and all the fa/tg/uys can do is talk about genetic cultural inheritance?
Why the fuck do I come to this site?

Priests are DMs, commoners are players, warriors are wargamers.

>Religion is the one I struggle to find a utilitarian purpose for.

It's a low-tech form of therapy anyone can practice. Religion is associated with higher rates of general happiness and psychological well-being, lower rates of depression and suicide. Like anything else, it got popular because it worked for people. If you were living in the neolithic, you would probably need something to take the edge off life too.

Because you're worse than us, thinking you're better, but perpetually dragged back to our meaningless and questionable ramblings.

They had poppies, though, user. For taking the edge off, I'll take actual opium over the opium of the people any day of the week.

Why not both?

Head down to the local pagan temple, maybe fug a sacred prostitute, then grab dat pipe and commune with the divine in a cloud of opium smoke.

It's no flaw of the idea of religion that it's become boring as fuck in its more recent Judaic iterations.

Religion is social engeneering, laws and customs, and welfare.

Religion was fucking great.
Then jews happened.

Don't blame the jews too much for their kooky religion. Once upon a time, they were just a bunch of dirty immigrants who the Assyrians taught about being vindictive assholes.

Tell me more about pie culture. What sort of pies did they have?

You are an idiot who knows big words. So, sort of congrats?

All these salty theists who think they're atheist.

user, why did you bring a thread to the front page hours after the discussion just to point out that you're salty about people?

>devalues the individual
Good, individuals are shit anyway.

>Only major conviction is that Man should spread among the stars
>Largely because I like space and don't want us as a species to die out

What does that make me?
