Who is the best Chapter Veeky Forums, and why is the Blood Ravens?

Who is the best Chapter Veeky Forums, and why is the Blood Ravens?

Protip: any other choice is wrong

More like Blood Gayvens.


can ur mother stitch laddie? stich this

While I'm not gonna deny the Blood Ravens are a badass chapter, they got some issues. Like half the chapter falling to chaos and the other half not knowing about it; rampant kleptomania, being space gypsies, hoarding secrets and information from the Imperium at large and even from members of the chapter itself (kinda explains how they didn't even know they had traitors in the chapter). Still, I'd take them over other chapters for still remembering that they're here to defend humanity at the end of the day.

All that drama actually made a round of Deathwatch pretty fun. We had a BR Captain who was like "yeah, our chapter's working some things out right now."

He ended up being bros with the Inquisitor though.

>Still, I'd take them over other chapters for still remembering that they're here to defend humanity at the end of the day.

Pretty sure the vast majority of chapters remember this.

DOW was my intro to 40k and hence that color scheme remains the iconic theme for space marines to me, better than that garish blue and shiny gold

That's not how you spell Salamanders

The lamenters

In terms of influencing the setting it's Ultramarines.

In terms of actually standing up for humanity in a heroic way it's a tie between the Salamanders and the Lamenters

The most powerful chapter in the setting is obviously the Grey Knights

I'm not as certain on that, many a space marine chapter gets caught up in their own traditions and customs that they'll do shit more in line with that over assisting imperial worlds at large on occasion. Though that makes me think the Dark Angels are by and large still wishy washy on their allegiances as they still go out of their way to focus on killing traitors to their chapter over assisting other Imperial forces or responding to crisis in their immediate vicinity.

White Consuls.

>Any facts to make a good case for them being the best chapter?
None that won't get me laughed out of the room. I guess I just always liked them ever since I saw their paintjob in 2e's Codex Space Marines, and because they took a long time to get their fluff fleshed out they've never really had a major canon mistep.

>Difficult (but satisfying if you it pull off) white paintjob
>Worship the Emperor as a god instead of a great man
>Two chapter masters
>Descended from Ultramarines, really can't claim to Codex Astartes dogmatic
>Localised to the Eye of Terror, which I like because the white armor contrast really nicely with Cadian (allies) and CSM/Daemons/Cultists.

As loyalists they've enough to make them more interesting than generic but less special than snowflake, which is what in my opinion a loyalist should be; the criteria for renegades/CSM is different naturally.

Perhaps I'm just being reactionary since I started playing SMs before 2e's Codex Angels of Death & Space Wolves started bolting on advantages without effective disadvantages to other (admittedly more expensive to field) marines.

Celt Marines are best Best Marines

>why is the Blood Ravens?

Because other chapters gift the praise they receive to them.

I have to agree with you om this, but only because the black templars are more akin to a legion.

Someone hasn't read the new Beast Arises series

BT's have been retconned to only having around 1100 marines

Crimson Fists
Legion of the Damned
Raven Guard

Fuck the rest.

My nigga

Throw in Storm Wardens and the Iron Snakes and you have yourself a deal



That's not how you spell Raven Guard, Raptors, or Lamenters.

How can you be wrong three times when you only said one thing?

Beast Arises series is in the past in 33 millenium dum dum

I'm partial to Celestial Lions. But Lamenters are cool too.

This post was gifted to the Blood Ravens in M36 by the Ultramarines, who have no record of such a thing taking place.

It's quite clearly either the Crimson or Imperial Fists. Any Dorn successor chapters really.

Are Deathwatch a Chapter, Index or Table of Contents ?

Wow user, how are you rich enough to have a whole SM chapter?

Hammers of Dorn.

>They follow the Codex Astartes to ridiculous extremes.
>They troll the Ultramarines.
>They hate the Word bearers, because they hate the Ultramarines.
>They're actually smart enough to utilize the entire Codex.
>Pimpin' Paint Job.
>Screw the Black Legion. Our colors now.
>Dorn is the best. Only the Emperor is better, of course.
>Defence is greater than Speed. Focuses on Devs, Vindicators, Terminators, and Dreadnoughts.
>Different Colored Faceplates. Mmm...
>Pelt wearing that isn't Space Yiffs.

What's not to like?


There's really only wrong answers before and after this post.

Celt marines beat gypsy marines.


A Raven Guard successor from the 2nd founding. They're one of the closest things to reasonable marines in setting. They use camoflaged armour, shit on the codex for everything except chapter strength and generally embody sneakiness.


Oh I'm so hungry...

>not silver skulls


Fuck off with the speed of light, boy


Astral Knights, obviously.

>Inb4 WAS.


Nothing like the fourty-sixth terminator.

Once upon a time in a Deathwatch game, I got to go on a mission trying to help the Nightmares capture him. We pulled it off, but I got a gutful of chainfist in the process.

>tfw lamenters color scheme too hard to paint so you just go with dark angels instead


I actually like the fact that they utilize everything in the Codex.

Pity they met a certain Tau equivalent of Char...

Canon Reasonable Marines who are pragmatic marksmen led by Space Marine not!Big Boss.

oh shit
they are pretty cool though

Mein Brother.

>BR BR BR HUE HUE marines
>Not based Mongol marines
>Not brotastic pyromania lizard marines
>Not chapter based on legion of Best Primarch, our lord and saviour Sanguinius

Oh man, Getting all up in there then.

I started in 5th but they're my favourite as well, for all the aforementioned reasons. The colour scheme was what made me look into them in the first place and finding out that they worship the Emperor as a god sealed the deal for me.

A shame indeed.

>Worshipping the Emperor.
You sir, are a fool.

>generally bros and have several members who care about normal humans
>good chapter that's really done nothing wrong to discredit their goodness, like Blood Angels or Dark Angels
>prefer stealth, but are tactically flexible and able to adapt
>chapter beliefs include a vaguely interesting mysticism about death and birds
>only real flaw is gene-seed problems

>not the literal most loyal Chapter, Death Guard are pansies falling to chaos

Asteral Claws are alright too


Victoris Aut Mortis, Brother.



his head is tiny even by Marine standards

I admit, I honestly mostly came to like them because of how they were handled in the Cadian Blood story. And did I mention their simple yet effective colorscheme?

I like the Disciples of Caliban. They're a DA successor chapter made to be super secretive, so they're rumored to have been created specifically to hunt down Cypher.

They've got an interesting color scheme and their fluff is sparse enough for head canon and lots of "Your Dudes" modifications. I paint them all as African American (since I think the idea of black guys with knightly customs is a very interesting mix). My army lists tend to heavily favor Divination Librarians with plasma veteran squad escorts in Razorbacks, infiltrating Sniper Scouts, Outflanking Ravenwing bike squads, and a unit or two of deep striking Deathwing.

Thus, I interpret the Disciples of Caliban to be very much a covert counter-insurgency force, making heavy use of espionage and intelligence gathering (both mundane and psychic) to not only track down Cypher and the Fallen, but also to keep their own presence highly concealed from both foes and allies. The end result is a kind of Raven Guard/Alpha Legion/Dark Angels hybrid force. I like it a lot.

Blood Ravens are incompetent retards who should have been exterminated for their constant fuck-ups that lost a sub-sector to chaos taint.

Best Chapter is pic related.

Howling Motherfucking Griffons

>chaos taint

george takei.jpg

>Claymore power sword

I'm completely okay with this

Could always just simplify it and just give them 4 checkers, 2 black and 2 white. No weird heart-circle except on banners and such.

I want to see the Marines Malevolent actually winning with their asshole tactics where other Chapters did not, just to see the Malevolents rubbing it in everyone's faces while being assholes about it, to prove that being an asshole in an asshole universe works.

They do, the other chapters just grumble about it and run off.

There was even a story about it. The MM character was looting dead BTs and the BTs found them and got pissed. The MM needed a new bracer so he challenged a BT to a duel and the MM killed the BT and looted his bracer in front of the other BTs, and they got pissed but one of them was like "let it go, if we kill them now it'll be heresy, but they could always have an 'accident' on the battlefield" and the BT ran away like faggots while the MM put on the bracer and was like "You gotta do what you gotta do."

It's called Bitter Salvage. It's Bitter because apparently the MM don't exactly enjoy being assholes.

>the MM don't exactly enjoy being assholes
coulda fooled me. So these faggots are in denial as well as being assholes?

Not as cool looking. I'd want to go full retard with it because it looks awesome, but I'm not that good at painting yet.

Maybe some day.

I think it's just a case of BL being retarded as usual.

All Space Marines are the same

That's racist.





A vast majority of imperial organizations keep secrets: dark angels, inquisition, forge worlds and mechanicus, storm wardens, part of the reason death korps hide wear masks is to hide that a lot of them are under aged clones, there are many other imperial organizations that keep secrets and if I started to list the imperial organizations that have their own motives which conflict with their duties this post would never end. I'm not a blood ravens fan but there really is no such thing as innocence, only degrees or guilt.

All Guardsmen are the same too. There's nothing to stop you from running your Valhallan Ice Warriors like they're Armageddon Steel Legionnaires.

Part of the hilarity of the 40k setting is just how questionable the actions and/or motivations of an individual or group can become before they are actually considered to have gone too far.

Sometimes the genocide of an entire star system is perfectly fine and justified, sometimes it's absolutely heretical.

Rolled up a random chapter.

Got camo-using, mechanized assault lads from an feral ice world. Imperial Fists successors.

Trying to fluff it: I'm kind of thinking that the world's should be like Mad Max on ice (combining the feral ice world with mechanized chapter specialty). I guess that would-be initiates compete in a death race seeking the approval of the Chapter's marines that directly rule the world.

>not picking an original legion
>liking a baby chapter and not a Legion

Yeah, let's just have everyone do the exact same Nine First Founding Chapters. Not like people won't want variety.

Storm Wardens are pretty great. Blood Ravens, too. I've got no favorite between the two, but they're up in my personal rankings.


I see you too came to this thread too Mr.

Well that's not me. I'm actually one of the Raven Guard guys earlier.

I legit cannot get past their color scheme. I like their fluff but quartering in those colors looks bad to me.

This, I am not a dark angels fan but I love how they're the only ones who get called out on the shenanigans they do when practically every other organization has done at least one of their sins.

each member of the fallen is ancient and power beyond belief and has the power to corrupt entire sectors, what the dark angels do protects the imperium in the long run, haven't you read any of the books? plenty of organizations in the imperium of man have the power to save lives on one occasion but don't, their heresy is not specific. EVERYONE IS HERETICAL! so I say just pick the chapter which you think has the prettiest colour scheme and don't think twice about it

this man

That's not how you spell Word Bearers.


i find first founding chapters are usually pretty prissy and pretentious, second founding and less chapters hold to their vows better, time has not corrupted their faith.

I find it crazy that so many organizations can keep so many secrets and have so many hidden goals that go against the wider goals of the Imperium, i.e. survival.

At what point can we really say any secret-keeping is bad or good, when some of it is a necessary evil and others are questionable but not horrible, and others are just awful.

Blood ravens are cool, but I belong to the chamber militant of the ordo malleus.

>4th company
The SHIT company

fuck off, Ward

Blood Angels are best. Best Primarch, best Chapter Master. Shitty vampire overtones aren't a problem if you're not an edgelord over it.

Nothing he said was wrong

Doesn't make him not shit.

flesh tearers

>the most 40k attitude of all Chapters
>nice color scheme
>badass names