Need character art of grizzled old fighters/warriors

Need character art of grizzled old fighters/warriors

Common courtesy is to post a few images to get the momentum going.


Not OP, but I would be interested in grizzled female warriors too, my folder is sorely lacking.
Will post what little I have

I would extend that courtesy, but sadly that is the only pic I have.



It's aight, jut making sure you know


Here's a grizzly fighter op

This one seem quite undead, though..

Love it












It's Rick Grimes!

>German pattern iron cross, little death's head too
>United States bird on the head
>most likely Russian bird on the coat, still could be Serbian or Greek one too I guess

So ugh.. on who'se side is Lemi here?

Homosexual Side.
That's the Side he's behind.
Homos is who he's backing.


He's on Lemmy's side. Who else's side would he be on?




