Do angels in your setting have genders?

Do angels in your setting have genders?

Special snowflakes with inhuman angels need not apply.

Yes. They do have genders, both of them.

My angels are Angels in America style with 7 penises and 12 vaginas.

The male angels of the Orc God of War are something to behold.

>special snowflakes with inhuman angels need not apply

So, what, traditional angels then?

Yeah, fuck you, the Bible!

Yeah, sure, the angels have genders. Including the inhuman angels.

Damn it, where is the animu-eyed Wheels Within Wheels pic when I need it!

have this instead

Got you covered, senpai.

Try reading the god damn bible. Angels are shown time and again as humanoid, in some cases indestinguishable from humans, but any of you chucklefucks ever talk about is Ezekiel.

The thing with Bible is that there's some radical differences between Old Testament and New Testament. And that's not talking about Apocrypha.

Talking about how angels look in prophetic visions is more fun. Otherwise we'd have sober dialogue over the importance of treating travelling strangers well and offering hospitality, because literally anyone can be an angel and we don't know it.

There are weird angels and normal angels in both testaments, user. In fact, the testaments aren't that different at all (save for a difference in language and culture, of course).

The angels that visited Sodom appeared human

That which visited Joseph and Mary was at least not different enough from humanoid to warrent description.

And the Apocrypha can go to hell

>angels sent to deal with humans looked human

No shit? I would imagine they would send something that would make people freak out and try to kill it when entreating with people instead of something they would give the time of day!

By golly, sir, you have convinced me.

>sir, you have convinced me.

Oh, good! I guess that's that, then. What should we talk about next?

Is that flavor text a typo, or is that a card game that actually has a dickgirl angel?

I don't see where you got the impression, unless it is just the pronoun (and stretching from "it" to "dickgirl" is a bit much).

I say bananas. And their effect on the global economic collapse.

True, its could just be genderless.
Unless of course the flavor text is referring more to her title than her name, which would be weird.

I had to look that up, apparently its a legit story. USA is pushing on behalf of US-based multinational corporations to crush the Lome Convention and Europe's institutional preference for bananas from former colonies over Central American agribusinesses.

Fuckin' USA.

Was going to say exactly this.

>Not having 5 genders

Yes, their gender is Tilda Swinton.

>Country tries to promote it's own businesses abroad, which necessarily comes at the expense of other businesses since it doesn't somehow magically increase demand

Wow, so evil! No other country on earth has ever done that before...

Well, technically my angels are inhuman spirits, but some do develop preferences in things like pronouns and how they present themselves with humanoid shapes to mortals so you could say they do, or can, anyway.

My angels sexually identify as attack helicopters

My angels are inhuman things.
They're all female, except for two who are dudes.


Stupid sexy Tilda Swinton

Are your demons also Tilda Swinton?