Fact: By 2020, Hearthstone is going to kill the competitive scene for MTG...

Fact: By 2020, Hearthstone is going to kill the competitive scene for MTG. The secondary market will crash do to a sharp decrease in demand . Legacy is already dying in the US due to this reason. Hearthstone does MTG better. WOTC has no way to compete with the marginal value that Hearthstone provides to its players. I suggest you get out while you can.

I don't like card games so whatever. Fine I guess?

Totally agree, Mah Nigga.
Unfortunately, most people that have spent over a few grand in cardboard won't agree, and will complain loudly.

The common retort you get is that you can sell your magic cards. Yeah you can but you're now going to be spending most of your time following the MTG Stock market. You shouldn't have to sell out $200 every three months to continue playing a game competitively. Not when there are games that I can now pretty much play for free now. Games I can play wherever I am, at anytime I want. MTGO is boring as fuck to watch on Stream. Even fucking Kibler is all about the Hearthstone.

>a digital game will compete with a physical game

unless you're talking about MtGO in which case you can't kill what's already dead

>The secondary market will crash do to a sharp decrease in demand
Never happening. MtG could be dead and gone for a hundred years and Tarmogoyf's price would still climb.

I never really got into MTG (did yugioh way back in the day, before the GX shit even happened), but what's the deal with it being so expensive?

Is every expansion just better than the last or what? Why do MTG players literally have boxes of unviable cards?

>>a digital game will compete with a physical game
They are both card games that can be played competitively. With the changes to the Pro players club and the increasing barrier to entry, many people would rather play Hearthstone competitively. Your scrub ass wouldn't understand.

Legacy is dying specifically because the market keeps climbing and refuses to crash. It was also always the least popular format, even when it was called Type 1.5 and Extended still existed.

Newer players always prefer newer formats, such as Standard, Modern, and the old Extended. In fact, that's usually the order they advance in. Rarely do players end up or jump straight in to Legacy or Vintage.

I have 0 interest in HS its way to random and has no real way to interact with the opponent. Nobody is going to argue that WOTC doesn't suck at anything digital but physical magic is just a deeper more interesting game. HS is flashy and easy to pick up but lacks any real depth.

Counterpoint: Hearthstone fucking sucks shit. I tried it for a week, then uninstalled and never looked back. I can't be the only one.

Yes and no. Modern cards tend to be much more powerful on average than older cards, but older cards had a higher frequency of broken bullshit. Thus we end up with the worst of both worlds where some old cards are literally worth tens of thousands of dollars, but you also still need to keep buying every set to keep up with the joneses

Cause all the bulk that is in sets for Limited. The standard rotation makes the newest sets valuable. As time goes on, older cards that see play in Legacy, EDH and Modern go up because demand increases but supply is fixed until Wizards does a reprint. Sometimes a reprint increases the demand even more than the increase in supply, Goyf is a bitch like that.

Yu-gi-oh is even worse if will believe it. People complained when Blizzard announced Standard but its a lot better than the yu-gi-oh way of banlists and reprints.

Judging by the number of people playing it, you are the only one.

>a free to play game has more players than a pay to play one

stop the fucking presses

Normally that's an argument of people who just aren't good at card games, HS is babby mode.

Sorry you couldn't win with basic decks, I guess.

Arguably you don't have to spend money on Hearthstone either, you build up gold pretty quickly.

Most of the bad RNG is no longer in standard. Its not a game like Magic where you constantly pass priority. Secrets are basically like Trap cards in Yu-Gi-Oh. Its more of a game of board control.

You're not. There are a lot of scrubs who get into the game with no idea how they should even approach it. I take it you got rekt a lot.

That fact sounds suspiciously like an opinion.

Most of the expense comes from the secondary market in singles that you need to invest in to get a good deck if you want to compete at a meaningful level beyond the kitchen table.

>Is every expansion just better than the last or what?

Magic fans will constantly declare the current set the worst ever, then look back in retrospect and say they were pretty alright. But contemporary Magic is actually considered a little slow and hard to pull of combos with, compared to previous years.

>Why do MTG players literally have boxes of unviable card?

Unviable is a tricky term and might not always be true, especially in the wider formats like Modern, because as more cards come out and are added to the library of cards available for play, that recontextualises the cards that came before it. Say, for instance, you have a card that kills all creatures on the fieldd with the subtype "Orc". It's a real corner-case card that isn't not be worth the ink spent to print because we'll say it came out in a set where there were only a few Orc cards. But say a few years down the line a new set comes out full of Orc cards and Orc tribal effects (meaning spells that get better the more Orcs you have). Suddenly that Orc-killer spell got a bit more useful.

Plus, sometimes it's just fun to brew up stuff for shits and giggles even if you know it's not strictly "good". Like, every Blue player has that deck stuffed full of every counterspell they can manage, just because they are horrible monsters and enjoy frustrating their opponents more than they enjoy actually playing Magic.

Exactly. I dusted most of my stuff that rotated and I was able to build a ton of decks without having to drop $50 to preorder packs. Basically just buy the current adventures and you're set.

>You build up gold pretty quickly
At absolute best, you're buying a pack a day unless you're doing the horrific grinding of 10 gold for 3 wins with terrible cards that aren't winning very much.

You're even worse off if you're playing that fucking vomit of a "limited" format. RNG on top of RNG, no thanks.

That pack a day is earning you maybe 1 legendary in a month, if you're dusting dupes. In a system where you're not playing the best decks without these legendaries, saying that you can earn your way up is a neat idea, but suffering through it is not fucking worth it. Either way you're going to end up paying money, and I'd rather pay money into a good game than a random number generator with a pretty skin.

Short answer: Jews.

I wish I were joking. The secondhand market is held captive by a bunch of greedy faggots who have been steadily escalating prices on everything over the last two years. Sure, there are are always really good cards that are more expensive than the rest, but the prices of those cards have been getting more and more extreme for no good reason.
This has also had the side effect of bringing in people who try to play MtG like investment banking, who then hoard and buy out cards to make prices go up. In an attempt to squeeze these cunts for every possible dollar, the vendors have taken to upping prices.
And then there's the tournament issue. Nothing wrong with the Pro Tour and Grand Prix, those are cool. The problem is that the decklists of the top eight players are published and then prices go haywire. There's actually a really great recent example, a card called Secure the Wastes. A couple weeks ago, it was a $2 card. A month before that, it was $1. If I remember right, it was included in one of the starter decks, so there's no shortage of these things. Secure the Wastes has been a junk rare since it was printed, what, almost a year ago?
Until last week.
Someone did really well at a tournament and he was packing a couple copies of Secure the Wastes. It is now a $7 card. Just two weeks ago you could get four for what now buys you one.

I dusted so much stuff recently, I ended up using it on dumb shit like the new corrupted Hogger. Dusted a bunch of shit tier GvG legendaries, too.

No sense in holding onto shit like Gahzrilla or Neptulon. Obviously I kept the good ones like Dr. Boom for when I get an urge to play Wild, but Standard is truly a godsend.

Dust your golden cards, dust legendaries you won't use. I literally dusted four (4) Anubaraks because I just kept pulling those fuckers from boosters.

>Normally that's an argument of people who just aren't good at card games
Nice assumption, shithead. I've been playing competitive card cards for twelve years. But that's a great attempt to dismiss my statement.

>HS is babby mode
This is the exact reason why it sucks shit. Can't interact with your opponent, can't do anything when it's not your turn, 50-60% of cards are the equivalent of "colorless" in MTG terms, tons of effects are random so you can't plan around them, etc. The excuses and apologies that I'm sure you're already typing aren't going to matter, these facts about the game made me hate it.

Invest in the current adventures, dust the garbage, build zoo. Can't even build a land base in standard for $50.

Tournament results don't cause dust values for Hearthstone cards to go up. The influx of YUGIOH niggers also increased theft and counterfeit cards. MTG is kill.

You're someone who's been playing for a long time, and have a different perspective. If you're brand new to Hearthstone right now, you have a steep fucking hill to climb if you don't want to pay money, and it's just not worth it. I think my numbers hold up, but since we don't know the open rates for legendaries/epics we can't say for sure. Last I heard it was 1/40 packs have a legendary on average, so 40 days before dust, we'll call it a month with dust to be generous. Per legendary.

Fuck you hitler. Also part of the skill involved in Hearthstone is planning turns ahead. I'm sorry your dumb ass needs instant speed removal and counterspells to compensate for your lack of skill. Go drop $400 on your Jaces.

You can build plenty of standard decks for $50, I did it every standard "season" for a while every time I got the urge to play magic. The best part was I wasn't always forced into mindless garbage like Zoo, which you pretty much are in hearthstone.

We could compare money made if you'd prefer?

>literally this mad

stay bad, kid

try not to get cheeto dust on your pretty pieces of cardstock

The game is F R E E

There's no barrier to entry, and Blizz literally invited over 1,000,000 to the closed beta in 2013. If you're just now jumping on the bandwagon, don't complain because you're starting from square one.

>face hunter and freeze mage can literally be played with basic cards


It's a combination of several things:

1. He doesn't understand tempo
2. He can't build a deck
3. No referees to bribe with cheetos/mt dew
4. He can't use his body odor to distract people over the internet

You can do 70 games a day whenever you are with your whole card collection transferring on whatever phone/tablet/pc you are using.

Yeah you ARE right, MtG can't even come close to compete.
By playing heartstone a year you probably have played more games than MtG fags those 10 last years.

it's 1/20, just use google bro,
You can go legendary with basic decks, and they roll out cards so everyone is on the same level every few months.

Good. Let it die, then maybe I can buy the cards I want to play with my friends and family on holidays.

how can you plan turns ahead when every other card just rolls a bunch of dice?

Yes, the game is "free"
But please continue to ignore the very real numbers I posted about actually getting into the game.
I can get into Magic for less, and it's objectively a better game. If you're trying to say "Oh well tough shit" to new players because they didn't join 3 years ago, let me know how well your game grows over time.

Blizzard exploited a very popular model right now and at the time of release. You don't release a game, you release a platform for free, then charge people to play on that platform. It generates a shitload more money and for longer, but the game is not really free if you want to enjoy it.

If you're the kind of person who enjoys grinding out card games heavily not in your favor because the other person has been playing for 3 years, hoping for your pittance every 3 wins, then by all means continue. I'll not be fooled by the "free" tag and just get more value out of the money.

And this (mostly) objective, don't get me started on how Hearthstone is a disgustingly simple card game where the primary strategy is "hope and pray" more than any other, specifically designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator and youtube videos.

Hearthstone would be better if it were simply a digital version of the WoW TCG. Maybe do some rebalancing, otherwise I agree with this user, Hearthstone a shit.

You know what's in your deck, you know your combos, you mulligan for a good opening hand.

>Magic is objectively better
>HS is lowest common denominator compared to magic
>not being able to buy victory by outright purchasing decks is a bad thing

o i am laffin

You know they regularly roll out entire expansion (and creating new) of the competitive modes every few months so that people start on the same level right ? you wouldn't shitpost without actually knowing that ?

When you say regularly, you do mean they only recently just did that, right? And that people aren't starting on the same level, since that new mode includes classic cards of which there are powerful epics and legendaries that people still use, right?

So I wonder, who is shitposting?

>Buying decks in magic is buying victory
I'm glad we're both laffin, everyone's having a good time

I've played HS since release and I can tell you this is absolutely wrong.

Blizzard is incompetent, and it's rather visible down to the card nerfs and the fact they felt a 4 mana 7/7 was a somehow-good idea (and don't even get me started on Reno Jackson). The game has no form of interaction. A lot of things that happen are rarely ever under your control, and if you just happen to lose to it then that's that. That, coupled with cards riddled with RNG make a lot of outcomes frustrating. If you've ever played pre-Standard, you'd probably know how it felt to pop a shredder and see a Doomsayer you can't deal with pop out. Or the well-calculated lethal where your opponent played Yahtzee with his Boombots and got the exact numbers needed to win. Or we could talk about HS today, where the Discover mechanic gives you more RNG but with a limited scope of what you can pick to give an illusory veil of controllable variance. Or we could discuss that was and still is hoping to god Ragnaros hits the right card when the turn ends. And it's all to appeal to the game's target audience - casual fuckboys who go on their designated app store, download free games, and have no fucking clue what the term "add x to your mana pool" means.

Even if MTG magically died, HS is going to be stuck in it's own bubble as Blizzard's premier eSports game, sitting amongst the ranks of League of Shitters and CS:NO. Some other game like FoW is going to take it's place.

Nah it's pretty regular.
They added Tavern Brawl, 3 Expansions, and 3 adventures all pretty evenly spaced out.

Don't be a salty mongoloid if you don't actually have any clue. I mean, real talk deluded mtg fags are probably on par with 40kuck shitposters and you should just be ignored.

I mean, the fact that you can literally get cards for free in HS makes in better than The Gathering Jews right off the bat. I don't have to "PAY" to do tavern brawls and I can "EARN" arena runs, again without paying a cent.
Meanwhile you pay to draft, pay for boosters, pay to get raped, pay to abort your goyf rapebaby, pay more. I mean seriously The Gathering Jews can go and stay gone.

>playing rag.
spotted the casual

Back in my days, Rag was pretty much the auto-include Lego. Sylvannas sat on the throne with him, but she was only ever good with control lists. And half of the time when you played Rag, you were trying to slide in a sneaky lethal.

You younglings have it a lot better these days.

I fail to see how any of those, except Tavern Brawl, is forcing everyone to start on the same level.

And Tavern Brawl is the most cancerous thing I have ever seen come out of a card game. If you seriously think an RNG game mode where you play RNG cards and flip the coin to see if you won, but spend 15 minutes waiting for the coin to land is fun, then you are the exact target audience of Hearthstone anyway: A fucking mongo who couldn't comprehend M:TG despite years of dumbing down.

Then again, you'd have to be a fucking mongo to think that Hearthstone is a free game and that Blizzard is doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. Earn arena runs, what a laugh.

>4 mana 7/7 was a somehow-good idea
There are many ways to effectively deal with it.

The RNG in Hearthstone is nothing compared to the amount of games decided by mana flood or screw.

>The RNG in Hearthstone is nothing compared to the amount of games decided by mana flood or screw.

Yea I hear you, he's actually still decent but he's no Boom or god frobid Yogg which is the new hot shit and completely stupid.

Well I've played the game since Beta and haven't spent a penny on it. So it is what is it magic cuck.

And the point of TB is RNG heaven, which is the whole idea. So that dudes with no cards can play dudes with lots of cards since only one in every five brawls makes you actually build a deck.
Know what I'm saying?

And yea you can get arena runs for free. When was the last time you got to attend a magic event and take home cards without paying any money?

I mean, I like that you're upset but you're still a retarded cuck y'feeling me famalamana.

>mana flood or screw
two things that should never happen unless you're a fucking mongoloid and can't mana bases properly

>someone just lost to shaman

how you doing, shieldbearer? good thing you can't lose those stars

To be fair having mana at all is mongoloid tier game design.


Whats with all the nazis in this thread. Go mull to 4 so you can drop Eye of Ugin and win on turn 4. Sooooo deeeep annnnnnnnd skiiiiiiiiiillful.

>mtg players complain they can't act during the other dudes turn.
>upset they can't cancerspell every card for the entire game.
Get mad you shitters.

>Eye of Ugin

It's not that it's hard to deal with, but it's a pain to in a lot of cases, especially on turn 4. And if you just can't manage to deal with or stop it you just outright lose the game.

And Overload is not an issue considering there are currently two cheap methods of getting rid of it. Even then, Overload 2 is barely a cost.

But its more skillful if I can cast my sells whenever I want or flash my creatures in eot.

>Its another if I keep calling them a cuck they're obviously wrong episode

This is why these threads are a failure every time.

Hearthstone would be great if they took every single instance of the word "random" and removed that card.

I really do enjoy the concept of hero powers and removing mana screw, but then they had to go and add another way to RNG free wins for less skilled players

What changes to the pro club?

>Can't handle the bantz.
Why do you post on Veeky Forums.

Man some of the random effects are totally out of control too. Get a 1/1 Tinyfin or a Gorrash? Totally fine bruv!

First post best post.

Also, miniature and tabletop games did not die after videogames became a normie thing.

that's a very uncomfortable position there.
just because new medium comes along, doesn't mean old ones die.

Comp mtg doesn't matter. Wizards will keep printing money because 10 year olds fucking love kitchen table and play computer games as da separate thing

Market research says 95% of magic players never go to fnm. HS can't compete with selling starter decks and packs in Walmart the money is in people that don't know or care about the secondary market

I do like the Flash summons. What was that Flash legendary Teferi? He was neat.

I got u senpai

>Fact: By 2020, Hearthstone is going to kill the competitive scene for MTG.
Magic, yugioh, and Pokemon have been the top 3 best selling card games for the past 10+ years and yet we don't see a single one of them keeling over to die yet. You know why? Because multiple card games can exist without killing a long-standing competitor.

Dayum. I need this in my U/G hexproof, shroud, anti-control deck. Any counterspell deck instantly dies of you can get this card out.

Yea he's tight.

My man!

Well theres that 7/7 erryone gets from league.
Good for, for instance silencing or feeding to a demon...

>tfw people actually happily pick a side between two shit companies.
Stay terrible, Veeky Forums

Got a recommendation for a better gane then, sport?

>it's another Dwight overreacts over a conspiracy theory episode.

HS will be dead to all but the most brainwashed of blizzard fags by 2020 due to the incompetence of blizzard combined with activision's moneygrubbing

> or god frobid Yogg which is the new hot shit and completely stupid.
I don't believe anyone seriously plays Yogg outside of fucking around. The fact of the matter is he's only any good at end game, and if you play him when your deck is low he has a pretty high chance of dealing serious fatigue damage to whoever plays him.

I mean, yeah. There's a chance he just pyroblasts your opponent three times and you win. There's a much higher chance you draw twelve cards into fatigue and explode spectacularly.

Can you give me the experiments to how you reached that fact so I could peer review it?

Well, there is magic duels...

Not him, but i will try.
On PC there is Hex (not-magic that magic online should learn from)and pokemon tcgo, on android there is mabinogi duel

>Game of board control
>The strongest decks consistently don't give a shit about the board

It plays like battleship magic and you know it. I watched my friend play against a cthun deck and it was just babies first voltron. Hearthstone cannot beat magic simply because activision blizzard is about to take a few big hits in the comming year when all their games but overwatch dont sell well. That loss has to be recouperated out of somewhere and it will affect hearthstone and wow development.

>binary gender

>it's an episode episode
Episode my episode brother

HS is fun but RNG as fuck. Im still a scrub (been playing for like 2 weeks) but i had games when it went from 25 vs 5 hp to 0 vs 30 just because of a randome effect.

I've spent about $12 dollars total on Magic Cards and got a few Commander decks and a shitton of other miscellaneous cards. What's a good way to off load them and make my money back?

ebay Or your LGS

>Fact: By 2020,

It's already happening NOW, user.

He's probably going to be curve topping face aggro decks, who would basically see him as Sprint with added rng.

Not having to deal with smelly fatties throwing tantrums is a plus.

>By 2020, Hearthstone is going to kill the competitive scene for MTG.
Casual MTG is best MTG

Fact: My driver's license photo looks exactly like the guy in OP's pic, if not that exact pic.
Fact: A pretty girl in a deli said it looked just like him, and that he was cute.
Fact: I have no idea what to do with this.

Acquire poon.

Putting aside other factors, said poon regards that dude as attractive.
Not sure where she falls on the Don't Stick Your Dick in Crazy line.

Hearthstone will never kill magic simply due to the fact that Magic is as much a social game as it is a competitive card game.

People can't just get together to play hearthstone, yet once a week I meet up with friends and go play magic.

So it's 2 weeks after the latest expansion, meta was stale after day 5 and excitement died out with many players returning to slumber. Do you think it's right time to shill for Hearthstone when interest in it plummets? I have 5 friends who have been playing Hearthstone since its release. Only 2 of them logged in for Whispers release, none of them played Hearthstone in 4 days.

You don't seem to understand that one is digital, the other physical. Some people would never play a physical card game, other would never play a digital card games.

What's the value in a digital card game anyways? Is there a 1 in 200 chance your $4 booster pack contains a $200 land? Is there any chance to regain the money you spent into the hobby?

Some games allow this, yes. Usually Its much lower price tho

WoW Development has been dead in the water since at least Cataclysm, nothing is changing there.
D3 and SC2 communities are perpetually getting screwed and LotV was just a kick in the face on all fronts, not to mention the choked-off competetive scene.

Thing is WoW, D3 and SC2 are complete afterthoughts by now. Heroes of the Storm does decently enough. It's low effort game where it's easy to turn a profit. But even better than HotS at this is Hearthstone: The game has practically zero effort put into it. Balance is shit, bugs don't get fixed in forever, expansions are small and riddled with garbage that you can shit out in an afternoon. And holy shit does it make money.

Blizzard is pretty much the worst company out there. They have perfected the art of dazzling people, their games are completely hollow, but damn if they don't look good and feel polished.
That's why Overwatch is going to sell like crazy at launch, even though it's an incredibly shallow game and a complete fucking joke for value.

Duelyst is pretty cool.

I don't want to try it after seeing fetish guro bunnies

Me and everybody I know completely stopped playing hearthstone after a few months... Though we also stopped playing mtg after a few years

m8 I've played like half a month's worth of this game since I got it a year ago and even I have enough cards to make multiple decklists that have great winrates
and this is AFTER the standard change that nullified a good amount of the cards I got early on

It will keep new players froming coming in, but it won't kill the current game.

Wizards needs to reboot MTGO and try to appeal to new players again.